Author's Notes

Hey guys sorry it has taken me a while to update this story. I've just haven't had the the time to do much writing and when I have had the time I've been too tired to write. I am still looking for a beta reader to help me proofread my stories. So if you are interested or know someone who is please PM me.

Anyways last chapter we had Dan, Shun and Marucho discussing a mystery Mechtogan that had appeared and Dan and Runo getting ready so they can meet up for their "date" so they can hang out and discuss what they want for their relationship. This chapter they will have their "date" .


I sat on the bus the heading towards the Bakugan Statue while thinking about possible things Runo and I could do today while pondering the discussion we were going to have about our relationship and its direction. As I sat there thinking about it a single thought pierced my mind, what if is she didn't want to take our relationship in the same direction as me. As I had that thought my mind went into a spiral of wondering if she did or if she didn't but after a while I felt something hitting my shoulder so I looked down and saw Drago bouncing on my shoulder and I smiled and realised he was doing that to help break me out of my spiral. As the bus made its way to my stop I realised that even if she didn't want to our relation to go in the same direction we'd always remain friends. I got off and made my way over to the statue. As I got closer I could see Runo already waiting for me. The first thing I noticed was she had her hair down rather than wearing it in her usual twin ponytails. She was also wearing a pure white dress. She looked extremely beautiful I thought to myself as I called out to her.

Runo POV

I arrived at the Bakugan Statue a few minutes before the meeting time. As I stood there waiting for Dan I pondered what direction he wanted our relationship to go and if he wanted to get back together or did he just wanted to stay friends. I gave a mental shrug and shook my head as I realised that even if Dan didn't want to take our relationship in the same direction as me we would always be friends. I then thought about all we'd been through together. I then heard a voice calling out to me breaking out of my memories. I turned to the sound of the voice and saw that it was Dan who had called out to me. He looked rather handsome in his jeans, shirt and sleeveless hoodie I thought to myself as I called back to him.

Normal POV

"Have you been waiting long Runo?" Dan asked her as he gave her a hug in greeting. She hugged him back, kissed his cheek and answered "Not really, I just got here a few minutes ago". Runo then took a look at Dan's eye and noticed that it was still bruised and asked with concern "How's the eye doing?". Dan gently touched his eye then answered with a smile "It's doing well still a little bruised but not overly sore. As you can see the bruising is fading". Runo nodded then asked "Is there anything you wanted to do today?" Dan thought for a moment then glanced over at Bakugan Land and responded "How about we go into Bakugan Land, its been a while since I've been there and it looks like it has changed". Runo smiled and responded "Sure, I've been wanting to come here for a while myself and see the changes since I last went". The two of them then went to the park entrance and brought their tickets and went in. They went on various rides and playing the carnival games that were there. As they wandered away from the rollercoaster Runo saw the ferris wheel, turned to Dan and asked "Can we go ride the ferris wheel?" Dan let out a laugh and answered "Alright sure but after this can we go find somewhere to eat?" Runo nodded then responded "Alright sure and I have a place in mind we can go". Dan nodded and the two of them got onto the ferris wheel managing to get a ferris wheel carriage to themselves. As the ferris wheel went up Dan let out a laugh as an old memory popped into his head. Runo turned and to Dan and asked "What are ya laughing at Dan?" Dan looked at her and answered with a smile "Just thinking about the last time you and I went to an amusement park". Runo let out a laugh as well then responded with a smile "We did spend a lot of time arguing which rides to go on". Dan smiled and laughed in response and then the two spent the rest of the ride enjoying the view of the park. Once they got off the ride Dan turned to Runo and asked "So where was this place you were thinking of to eat?" Runo looked at Dan and answered "It's a little café on the boardwalk called The Aquos Diner. The food there is amazing and it has an amazing view of the ocean". Dan smiled and responded "Sure sounds good Runo". Runo smiled but didn't say anything and the two of them made their way to the boardwalk.

Once they arrived at the café they picked a free table outside that had a view of the ocean. They both looked over the menu deciding what they wanted to eat. Once they had decided what they wanted Dan went up and placed their order with Dan getting a grilled chicken burger with a side of chips and a caramel shake and Runo getting a grilled salmon with a side salad and a tropical iced tea. The two of them ate their meal in a comfortable silence not feeling the need to talk since they were happy to enjoy each other's company. Once they had finished eating Dan leaned back in his chair sipping his shake and asked "Once we leave here what do you want to do?". Runo slowly finished her iced tea as she thought about Dan's question before finally answering "We can just wander up and down the boardwalk and figure that out". Dan finished off his shake then answered with a smile "Sure that sounds like a plan". He then went up and paid for their food and the two of them then went and wandered up and down the boardwalk going in and out the various shops until the sun started to set at which point they decided to stop and watch the sun set over the ocean together. Once the sun had set Runo turned to Dan and said "So Dan about our conversation the other day,". Dan took a moment to register the question then turned to Runo and responded "Yeah, it's time to resume it isn't it?". Runo nodded then asked "So where do you want our relationship to go? Do you you want to get back together or do you just want us to remain as friends?" Dan took a moment to collect his thoughts before he answered and he was about to answer when the two of them heard the sound of an extremely loud explosion. They turned to where it had come from and Dan let out a curse as realised where that explosion was. "DAMMIT! That came from near our headquarters," Dan said angrily. "Then lets go," Runo told him. Dan nodded and threw out Drago who appeared in a flash of light. Drago then put Dan and Runo on his shoulders speed off to the source of the explosion.


So what direction do they want their relationship to go in and what caused that explosion? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter to find out. As always I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please review.