I've been watching some anime, because, you know, it's cool. So I found Tokyo Ghoul and watched it, and I enjoyed it. And I got an idea!
This is that idea.
I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Tokyo Ghoul. I'm curious why no one else has done this yet… :)
Ah well. Please enjoy.
Sora was taking Riku for a ride on the Gummi Ship. Why, you ask? Well…
Master Yen Sid had summoned the two, as he claimed he had incredibly important information to share with them. Something about Xehanort's whereabouts…
Donald and Goofy had already gotten there, as well as King Mickey. So, Sora was sent a Gummi Ship to drive himself and Riku. Kairi was also with them, as she could handle herself quite well against the darkness. She had a right to know as well.
As Sora whooped and spun the ship in a haphazard loop-de-loop, Riku looked out of the window. The sky was incredibly dark, but many bright stars illuminated it. They spun around the ship quickly, but there were always stars no matter where he looked. That gave him hope…
As long as there was darkness, there would be light as well, right? He was sure of it.
Once the ship settled down, Sora turned to his two best friends as he set the ship on autopilot. His sky-blue eyes sparkled brightly, the stars reflecting off his pupils as if his eyes were the sky itself.
"So? Where do you think Xehanort is?" His face had taken more of a serious look, and his tone was cautious. After that last experience with the dark master, he wanted to make sure it never happened again. He know knew that the power Xehanort held was dangerous…
Riku held his chin in his hand, thinking about it. Kairi looked at him with concern. She seemed to know at least a little of the pain Riku had gone through, and Sora knew too.
Riku looked out across the millions of stars. He knew that Xehanort could be on any of those, if not on one not in their view. He voiced his thoughts aloud. "He could be literally anywhere. Hiding in plain sight, or possibly some isolated world. Maybe a world similar to The World That Never Was, one that doesn't have much life to witness their acts. But who knows. Hopefully, this meeting with Yen Sid will help shine some more light on the situation."
Sora smiled softly. "Yeah...hopefully…" He turned back around and looked off into the dark sky, seeming deep in thought.
Kairi offered her opinion on the matter. "Well, I think that maybe he's found a place where they could blend in, where maybe the people there are as dark as them. It would be hard to find him in a place like that, I think…."
Riku turned to her. "Hm, that's true. Good people like us might have a hard time fitting into a place like that, and if the people there started to support him, we'd be doomed without some extra help."
They sat in silence as the ship flew smoothly across space. Sora had his head bent down, only a single eye visible beneath his spiky brown bangs. It flashed darkly for a split second before his eyelid closed over it….
Suddenly, an alarm started to echo loudly inside the ship. The flyer looked up, and a red alarm light shone in his eyes as they narrowed. "What is that?!"
Riku turned to the front of the ship, looking out of the window. "Sora...you might want to take a look at this…"
Sora spun around in his seat and saw what was causing the disturbance. Somehow, on the way to the tower, they had neared a large world, and the gravity was starting to pull them in. He grabbed the controls and tried to pull the ship up, and it was actually started to succeed. Riku and Kairi's eyes lit up in hope.
That is, until another flying object caught their eyes. One in the shape of a huge, flying rock. That was racing in their direction.
Their eyes widened as it grew closer, and they both closed their eyes as they embraced for impact. Sora saw this and gritted his teeth in determination. He pulled the controls in the opposite direction he was before.
Down towards the world.
He drove the ship as fast as he could towards a body of water, but as he aimed, the meteor grazed the back of the ship. Their ignition was gone.
They were now headed for some kind of an abandoned site near a calm section. Sora looked around the ship hastily, trying to find anything that could help them.
His eyes caught a button with a large red face and a thin, black trim. Under it was the word, "cloak." Curious, he pressed it, and the ship was covered in a light. As it died down, he opened his eyes and saw...the land hurtling towards them.
He didn't notice a change. Maybe he should check...his eyes widened.
He couldn't see the front of the ship. He was sure it was there though, or how else could they fly?
As sky rose ever above them, the rocket shot downwards.
And then, they crashed. A single red word lit up on a pitch black board, saying the word, "Tokyo" before all went quiet…
A young man named Ken Kaneki was in his apartment, after the incident with Hide. He just...couldn't believe it. Half Ghoul, half human...and all of because of the organ transplant with her. He sighed as he looked out of the window. After he almost ate his best friend, he knew he couldn't stay near him much longer. As much as he didn't want to, he didn't want to hurt those he cared about the most….
He gathered the rest of his things and left the building. A job offer to work at Anteiku...it seemed like it was the only thing he could do. How else would he receive the...he choked….nourishment, and how else would he learn of himself? Otherwise, he'd risk hurting other innocent people along the way…
He started walking along the path, looking around with a single right eye, his left one covered with an eyepatch for obvious reasons. The sky was growing dark, and the stars blinked into existence, one by one. A full moon illuminated the shady path before him, as well as the street lights suspended above. A shooting star flew in the sky, looking strangely like a burst of fire…
From his readings, he knew that shooting stars usually only stayed for a few quick seconds, as they were only visible from that point. So what was intriguing was that the star was still there, even after dozens of seconds had passed by. Albeit it was still falling.
The shape of it was quite large, or at least larger than any other star he had personally seen. But as interesting as it was, he needed to get to the cafe, and it wasn't like there was anything he could do but watch. So he bent his head down and walked along the path again, and took a right.
If he would've looked for just a few seconds longer, he most likely would've seen it fall just ahead of where he was before, the light quickly dying as only a dent in the cement remained...
I've just been wondering what would happen here. If Sora, Riku, and Kairi went there. To the world where hungry Ghouls roamed the land…
Sorry for the abrupt ending. Lol. Next chap.
And my creative genius is returning! :P I can feel it. I guess I have an old friend to thank for that...
Please review, I want to know if you guys would want to see something like this. Please send any ideas through a PM or a review. I'm curious to see what you all would think! XD
I hope you enjoyed this little...sneak peek, I guess you can say.
Note: This will take a while to update, maybe even more so than my other stories. It is not my top priority, and it'll take me a while to think of the ideas anyways. As I have said time and time again, life is an absolute pain.
Good bye. :)
Gosh, the theme song is stuck in my head… :P
And I also take drawing requests. Just PM me, and it will appear on my Deviantart account. Drawing gives me inspiration so….it may help me update faster. Win-win. :)