It was a beautiful day, snow was starting to slowly melt as winter was coming to an end in a few days and it was that time of year where many animals and ghosts became couples. Dani Phantom laughed as she ran through a small creek with a laughing Danny Phantom running behind her. It had been a year since Danny was permanently changed into a ghost by the Great Spirits and had officially became Dani's brother.
Waking up in the light
Of a shiny new day
Giving thanks to the moon
For guiding my way
Danny saw a fish and blasted it out of the water, Dani then jumped up and caught it right in her awaiting hands and then fell backwards in the creek. Danny looked back and laughed hysterically along with Dani as the fish kept flopping around frantically in her arms.
There is no greater gift to the soul So Great Spirit
Than each breath that my body can hold
Hear my voice today
Danny then helped her onto a log and she began walking across by herself and used her arms for balance, she then turned her head and waved back at him, he smiled warmly at her.
Welcome, magic
Welcome, sweet sun ray
Dani then accidently lost her balance and almost fell off the log, she held onto it but then Danny flew underneath her and tickled her under her arms. She laughed hard as she let go and then fell into his arms. He flew her back onto the other side of the hill and then laughed as he began to carry her on his back.
Love is no secret
Look all around you
Welcome to this day
They were about to head off again when they both heard the screaming of Demetri and Victor flying straight for them.
"Oh man! She's after us!" Victor shouted.
"Oh geeze! Here she comes!" Demetri said as they flew inside some bushes, they both then pulled Danny and Dani inside.
They all then remained quiet as a very angry female eagle landed and looked around for them, she then scoffed and flew off. They all then came out and Demetri and Victor sighed in relief.
"I told you that wasn't a girl vulture" Demetri scolded.
"Well she looked like one from behind!" Victor retorted.
"What's gotten into you two?" Danny asked.
They both smirked and Victor answered, "Well it's that time of year. Spring fever"
"Spring what?" He asked. Demetri then said, "Yeah you know like the birds and the bees and the female vultures?"
"And you know what we mean by female vultures? Victor added with a wink.
Danny chuckled lightly as he floated with Dani and said with a smirk, "Yeah well don't look now but your girlfriend's back"
They both saw what he was talking about and shouted as the eagle came charging back, "OH GEEZE!"
Victor and Demetri then flew off while Danny and Dani flew the other way.
Look all around you
Welcome, magic
Welcome, sweet sun ray
Danny landed, but accidently slipped on some snow and started sliding down the hill through the snow, Dani laughed as she held onto Danny's neck as he slid down. They were heading right towards where all the other ghosts were whenever the Salmon Run was on, the river was frozen over due to winter.
Love is no secret
Look all around you
Welcome to this day
Danny fell over the small ledge and landed on the ice, while Dani kept sliding. Kitty and Johnny saw her coming and quickly moved out of the way before Dani could collide with them and she hit a pile of snow instead.
Dani laughed as she came out of the snow and exclaimed, "Awesome! Let's do it again!"
Danny laughed and then Skulker came up to him and said, "Hey Danny"
"Hey Skulker" He said back.
"We're are you two off in such a hurry?" Skulker asked as Dani flew back over to them.
"Crowberry Ridge" Danny answered. Dani then said, "We're gonna get first dibs on the berries. You wanna come Skulker?"
They all then heard Ember call, "Woohoo! Skulker!"
"Well I'd love to Dani but can't keep the girl's waiting" Skulker said with a wink at Danny. "You ought to get yourself a girl too Danny"
Danny chuckled and said as he stood up, "That's okay. I don't think we need anyone else"
Skulker then put an arm over his shoulder and said, "Okay but you can't run from love. It has a way of tracking you down"
He then left and went over to Ember. Danny and Dani laughed as they flew off and began their journey. They flew for a few hours and Dani couldn't help stop laughing about Skulker.
"Did you see the look on Skulker's face? 'Can't keep the girls waiting'" Dani mocked and then made kissy noises which Danny laughed at.
He then stopped and made a tent out of his ecto energy and said, "Okay Dani that's enough for today. Let's get some rest"
"Oh come on! I can keep going. Who needs rest?" Dani asked wanting to continue.
"Who needs rest? A couple of ghosts who are gonna beat all the other ghosts to Crowberry Ridge" Danny smirked.
Dani then got excited, "And we're gonna get first dibs on the berries right?"
He ruffled her hair and said, "You bet kiddo. If you promise to go to sleep"
"Okay" She sighed and then they both went in.
They both made themselves a couple of sleeping mats out of their ecto energy and laid down to go to sleep.
"Good night Danny" Dani said.
"Good night Danielle" Danny said.