An Overwatch/Team Fortress 2 crossover
This story is an experiment in writing for both fandoms. I don't have much of a plan beyond the first few chapters or any particular upload schedule, but if people like what I've done then I'll be happy to keep going. Obviously, this story is going to involve a time-travel plotline, and I hope I can do enough to differentiate it from all the other great time-travel plots that apply to this crossover.
Enjoy! Any comments, critiques etc. are welcome, and don't worry Our Mutual Enemy fans – a new chapter for that will be coming later this week.
"Can you describe to me what happened, sir?"
"They had the ATM chained up to the back of their truck. Looked like they were going to pull it out of the wall. After that…well, I couldn't really say."
The grocery store owner scratched his head as he surveyed the scene outside his shop. A truck, partially wrapped around a lamppost. The shattered remains of an old-style ATM that had been wrenched from the pavement by the truck. Two men, dressed in motorcycle leathers and wearing ski-masks, tied to the post by their wrists with electrical cable. A handful of police were busy securing the scene.
The interviewing officer, a sleek silver and blue Omnic wearing a peaked cap, paused as it wrote notes on a small holographic pad. "You couldn't say, sir?"
"There was this guy – or girl, could have been anyone, I suppose – he jumped up into the truck. Don't know how. Anyway, at the last moment the thing sort of veered off to the right and hit the lamppost. After that…"
Damnit! I promised myself I'd stop interfering with things on my morning run.
The figure that had been observing the scene from behind a row of dumpsters crouched down as another police cruiser floated by. A quiet chuckle, a flash of blue light, and they were gone, only to reappear a heartbeat later on the opposite side of the street.
Adjusting her hooded sweatshirt, Lena Oxton checked over her shoulder to make sure no one had seen her, before resuming her jog. The former Overwatch agent was dressed in nondescript running gear, with only a faint blue glow under her sweatshirt to betray her true identity. Once, she would have spent hours on a purpose-built indoor track, with a team of scientists and technicians dedicated to keeping her and her equipment in peak condition. Nowadays, she took every chance she could get to jog, staying in shape and keeping in touch with her home city. Turning onto the home stretch, Lena increased her pace, enjoying the burning sensation in her calf muscles as she sprinted to the finish. On most winter mornings, it would be too risky to sprint on wet cobblestones, but the dry conditions overnight and the lack of traffic this early in the morning gave her an uninterrupted two-hundred metre stretch.
A minute later, Lena bounded into the lift on the ground floor of her apartment complex and started up to the seventh floor. After an hour of running, the former pilot felt pleasantly buzzed, albeit quite hungry. Time to start eating a proper breakfast before I head out in the morning, not just a cup of tea.
It was easy to find the door to her apartment, even when the lights were off. Unlike the rest of the doorways on the seventh floor, hers was fitted with a chunky retinal scanning system and fingerprint reader. She'd never heard of any apartments in her block being broken into, but her apartment was filled with objects that she simply couldn't afford to lose. Lena pressed her thumb to the door handle and lowered her head to the security unit, allowing it to scan her retinas and match it with one of only three authorised prints. The security system chirped. "Welcome home, Lena Oxton. Door unlocked."
Lena's apartment was spacious, complete with a kitchen, common living area, bedroom, study and bathroom. As the front door clicked shut behind her, the automatic blinds began to open, revealing a stunning view out over the misty London skyline. With a soft whirring sound, a robotic arm descended from the ceiling as Lena shrugged off her sweatshirt and began to undo the straps on her chronal accelerator. Most of the time, Lena would be left crippled without the device, but some modifications to the wiring system of the apartment boosted its effective range and allowed her to safely remove it. The arm accepted the accelerator and carried it across the apartment, suspended on a track in the ceiling, to deposit it on a special charging rack in the main living room.
"Emily, love? I'm back." There was no answer. Lena shrugged – Emily had never been a morning person. The bedroom was empty, the sheets on the double bed tossed back, but she could hear the shower running at full blast in the bathroom. Must be trying to wake herself up…bit of a late night last night.
A simple hand gesture activated the old-fashioned kettle in the kitchen. Despite Emily using the hot drink brewer built in to the stovetop, Lena always preferred the taste of tea she had made herself. The water boiled in seconds, and with her favourite mug – a metal one, stamped with an Overwatch logo – in hand, Lena opened the door to the apartment balcony and stepped out.
The sun had fully risen and the city of London was waking up. Lena leaned over the railing of her balcony, blew gently on her tea, and gazed out across the city skyline. The apartment was the nicest she'd had in a few years. In the early days, after Overwatch was disbanded, Lena had been forced into hiding, changing her name and moving oversees to avoid detection. There were plenty of people who wanted to shelter her, but there seemed to be even more who wanted her dead. Only now had it been safe enough to move back to her home city, and even now it was a risk being out and about during daylight hours. The glowing dial of Big Ben shone out through the low cloud. Lena looked away, trying to put it out of her mind, but memories of that night, three months ago, came flooding back unbidden.
Tekhartha Mondatta. Lena felt a familiar knot in her stomach. The leader of a global peace movement, assassinated at a public rally – and she had been powerless to prevent it. Not every Overwatch mission had been a success, of course. There had been good and bad days, but Lena had always known that there would be another chance to set things right. Overwatch had the resources and manpower to right wrongs almost anywhere in the world. Now, however, she was working virtually alone. No backup, no intel, and no legal immunity if things got damaged. The knowledge that she had been there, that she could have saved Mondatta, and that his killer had escaped, was a real blow to morale.
The muted thunder of water in the shower cubicle was still audible when Lena stepped back into the apartment. By her watch, Lena had been back from the gym for almost a quarter of an hour. Frowning, Lena knocked on the bathroom door.
"Emily? You alright in there? Mind if I come in?"
Lena pushed at the door, and found it unlocked. The lights in the room beyond were dimmed, and Lena brought them up with a hand gesture. As her eyes adjusted, saw something that made her heart skip a beat. There was someone in the shower. A body, partially dressed in a nightshirt, was lying on the floor of the cubicle, pale legs sticking out through the open door. Lena made a choking sound as the heat lamps chased away the shadows and revealed the full scene.
"Emily? Emily!" Lena dashed over to the shower cubicle and knelt down, ignoring the bathroom door as it slammed shut behind her. Turning off the shower, she seized the body by the shoulders and rolled it over, exposing a familiar shock of cherry red hair. Her eyes were closed, and her face unnaturally pale.
Out of the corner of her eye, Lena saw a flash of movement. Acting on instinct, she sprang to her feet, but something struck her in the small of her back, and she stumbled against the bathroom cupboards as she tried to maintain her balance. A figure, dressed in dark clothes, was standing behind the closed bathroom door, supressed pistol in hand. With adrenaline coursing through her system, it took a few seconds for Lena to realise she had been shot. She took a shaky step forward in an effort to shield Emily, but the figure raised the pistol and fired again. Lena tried to scream, but could only manage a hoarse gasp as her breath was driven from her lungs by the impact. As pain flared through her body, her fingers twitched instinctively, attempting to activate the rewind feature on her missing chronal accelerator. Sinking to her knees, Lena stared up as her assailant loomed over her.
"Why…why would-"
The gun coughed again, and Lena crumpled to the floor.
"Both targets down. Shall we proceed?"
"Confirmed. Begin phase two of the operation."