Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. Really wish I did though.
WARNING: This story contains YAOI (male/male relationships). If you don't like, then don't read. You have been warned.
Kitty-Yasha: Glad you like the story so much. This chapter has a lot more about Yami's past. I hope you enjoy it!
rox: Glad you liked the chapter. Hope you like this one too!
Sheyna: Well, your questions will be answered in this chapter. Yami's past is revealed. You didn't offend me. I realize this is moving kind-of slow. It's starting to pick-up though and the other will be the next chapter. Enjoy!
sammis: Glad you liked it. Here's another chapter for you!
Tjay Motou: I'm glad you liked that chapter. I hope you enjoy this one too!
agentpudge: Glad you like Yami's and Seto's relationship. There is a plot, it just hasn't surfaced yet; sorry. I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. And sorry I made you wait so long, I've been having trouble sitting down and writing. Well, here's another chapter!
Saturn: Well, you didn't have to wait too long. Here's another chapter for you! And lots more of Yami's past, too!
I'm really glad you guys still like this. As I promised a while ago, Yami's past is finally revealed. The story is starting to pick up now too! Well, enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 16: Announcement
It had been several months since Yami had confided some of his past to Yuugi. Yami had apologized to Honda, who had forgiven him. They had all managed to pass their year-end tests, although Honda and Jounouchi had come close to having to repeat a year. So, Yami and Yuugi were in their final year of study, and Jounouchi, Honda, and Ryou were in their fifth year. Yami and Yuugi had more free time as they had two fewer courses. They no longer had Meditation or Magickal Theory. However, they had more to work on in their other classes.
One day, as Yami and Yuugi were just sitting down to dinner with their friends the schoolmaster, Mr. Yurikson, entered the room. He got immediate attention since he was rarely seen by any of the students unless they were in trouble. The room got very quiet, and he smiled slightly.
"I have an announcement to make. In a few months time there will be a tournament held. We will be pitting our best students against another school in several types of magickal contests. There will be competitions at all levels of study, but the largest ones will be for those in their final year. Your teachers will be selecting their best students to participate. And I expect all participants to do their best." Mr. Yurikson's strong voice carried throughout the room.
"Which school are you competing against?" One student asked.
"Our opponent is Kami Academy." Mr. Yurikson replied, then turned and left the room.
Yuugi turned to glance at Yami, who seemed to be frozen in place. His eyes were wide and his face blank. The room around them burst into frantic conversation, but Yami still didn't move.
"Yami?" Yuugi asked softly, placing a hand on his arm.
"Hey, Yami. What's the matter? You look like someone hit in the back of the head with a board." Jounouchi commented, starting to fill his plate with food.
Yami just continued to stare into space, deep in thought. 'Why Kami? Why couldn't it have been any other school? I'll have to face Seto again. And Bakura and Marik might be there as well. Why now? Why couldn't they have held this next year when I'm already gone?'
His thoughts swirled round and round in his head until a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, startling him out of his thoughts. He looked down and saw Yuugi looking up at him with his arms still firmly around his waist. Yuugi's eyes were sympathetic and encouraging.
"Yuugi?" Yami asked, reaching out a hand and brushing the boys bangs back from his face.
"It'll be alright, Yami." Yuugi assured him with a smile.
Yami simply nodded, grateful that Yuugi was there for him. He smiled hesitantly back, then looked up at the others. Honda and Jounouchi had already started eating, but Ryou was watching Yami with concern. Yami sighed and looked away. Yuugi let him go and sat up, glancing over at Ryou and the others before looking back at Yami.
Yami stood. "I'm not hungry. I'm going back to our room." Then he turned and left.
Yuugi watched him leave, concern written on his face. 'Yami, I hope you'll be all right. I know you don't need this right now.' He thought.
"Yuugi?" Ryou asked, concerned for both of his friends.
"It's alright, Ryou. I think Yami's just tired from earlier. We were practicing summoning groups of elements and Yami decided to show off and summon two dozen of them." Yuugi replied, not wanting the others to worry about Yami. "I'm sure he'll be fine after a little rest."
"Alright." Ryou nodded his head, but didn't look too convinced.
"Come on, Yuug." Jounouchi spoke up. "Better grab something before we eat it all."
Yuugi looked at the food on the table, suddenly not hungry. He looked over to where Yami had exited, his eyes showing concern. Then he plastered a smile on his face and turned back to the others.
"I'm not that hungry either, guys. I'll just take some food for me and Yami to eat later and then go to bed."
He pulled a small leather bag from his belt and started to put some food in it. He wrapped a couple of meat pies in napkins and stuffed them in the bag, then added a few rolls and a couple apples. Then he sealed the bag, moved his hand in a circle around it, and it disappeared in a small flicker of flame.
"Hey, how'd you do that, Yuugi?" Honda asked, looking up curiously.
"Huh?" Yuugi asked, surprised, then laughed a little. "Oh, we learned how to create safety bubbles on the elemental plane so we can store things. It makes it easier to take lots of supplies with you on long trips. The bag I used was magickly protected against fire so it will stay safe, and the food will stay warm too."
"Cool!" Jounouchi said around a mouthful of pudding. "Can you teach me how to do that?"
"You'll learn it next year, Jou." Yuugi replied, looking toward the door again. "I don't think I could really teach you since you would be using a different plane anyway. I'll see you guys later."
He stood quickly and headed for the door. His friends watched him leave, concern on their faces.
"What was that about?" Honda asked.
"Isn't it obvious, Honda?" Jounouchi asked, then finished with amazing insight. "He's worried about Yami. His excuse of Yami just being tired was just so we wouldn't worry."
His two friends stared at him surprise.
"What!?" He asked defensively.
"Wow, Jou." Ryou finally spoke up. "I never knew you were that observant."
"Yeah, well it doesn't take a genius to . . . hey!" Jounouchi finally realized what Ryou had said.
"Sorry, Jou. But it's true." Ryou replied, smiling at his friend.
"He's right, Jou." Honda piped in.
Meanwhile, Yuugi was making his way up the stairs. 'I hope Yami did go to the room. Otherwise he could be anywhere.' He thought as he reached the top floor. He walked down the hall and quietly opened the door. He sighed in relief when he saw Yami lying face-down on his bed.
"Yami?" He asked softly, in case the other really was asleep.
Yami turned his head a little to look up at Yuugi. Yuugi almost gasped. Yami's eyes were red, and tears slipped down his cheeks. Yuugi had never seen Yami cry before. He quickly closed the door and sat down on the bed next to Yami, helping the other boy sit up and holding him tightly. Yami hugged him back and cried quietly on his shoulder for a few minutes.
"Yami?" Yuugi asked again when Yami loosened his hold and his crying lessened. "Are you alright?"
Yami didn't answer for a second, then he finally sighed and looked at Yuugi. "I don't know."
"What's wrong? I know you didn't like your old school, but what could possibly have been bad enough to make you break down at hearing that we'll be competing against some of their students?" Yuugi asked, hoping maybe this time Yami would open up to him.
Yami sighed again. "It's not so much the people I'm afraid to face. It's the memories that seeing them will bring back."
"Maybe if you tell me about it I can help."
Yami smiled slightly at Yuugi and nodded. "Alright. You know that my parents died when I was young. Well, the guardian they left me with didn't really care about me. He just wanted to use my power to increase his own. He was a fairly weak mage. He was a geomancer and couldn't do much more than create small shields and predict earthquakes. He sent me to Kami in the hopes that I would learn enough to be able to help him achieve more power. He wanted to rule the kingdom, and he thought that if I learned enough at Kami, that he could twist me to his will and I would help him become king."
Yami paused a moment to take a deep breath. Yuugi had moved closer and was resting his head on the older boys shoulder, his arm around his back, giving what comfort he could. 'Yami never told me any of this before. He never even hinted at it.' He thought, squeezing his boyfriend's shoulders lightly.
"Anyway, I knew about his plans for me. He wasn't exactly the smartest person and couldn't keep secrets well. He petty much told me his plans. Well, once I was at Kami I thought that I could learn enough to be able to overpower him when he came for me. I worked really hard to increase my power. I managed to ascend to the top of my class and stayed there the whole time I was at Kami. The other students didn't like me much. Most of them were from very wealthy families and the fact that I had no parents and was raised by a poor charlatan mage caused them to look down at me. I did make a few friends, but I think they were more interested in my power than in me."
Yami looked down at Yuugi, gaining strength from his lovers caring expression. He gazed into Yuugi's sympathetic eyes, and couldn't help but smile a little.
"I told you a while ago that I was in love with Seto. He was one of my friends and also my rival in power as I told you. I also befriended a boy named Bakura and a boy named Marik. Bakura and Marik weren't nearly as strong as Seto or I were, but Bakura was good at illusions and Marik could cast almost every spell ever created. Seto is an aquamancer, so he tended to think that if he could at least get as strong as me, he could beat me easily since fire is weak against water. Bakura is a shadowmancer and he has a special interest in the dark arts. He used to love reading about necromancy and I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't learned at least some of the craft, even if it is forbidden. He actually looks a lot like Ryou. The same silver hair and brown eyes, although his eyes have some red to them. Marik is an aeromancer and is very good at casting spells on objects to give them special properties."
Yami looked off into space, picturing his one-time friends, before shaking his head. "Anyway, those were my friends. We would hang-out together and practice on each other. All of them will probably be at the tournament."
"Were they in the same level as you?" Yuugi asked curiously.
"Yes. They were all sixth level."
"But wouldn't they have graduated by now then?"
"No. Kami has seven levels instead of six. So they would be in their final year, same as us."
"Oh." Yuugi replied. "But what made you leave the school? I know you said you wanted to learn more techniques, but there had to be something else."
"There was. Unlike here the students didn't encourage each other. The higher-level students terrorized the lower level students. They beat them and force them to do demeaning tasks. The teachers don't really care about the students either. They are almost as bad as the higher-level students. They beat their students if they don't get things right the first time as well as taunting them and talking down to them."
"That sounds awful." Yuugi replied, his eyes shinning as if he would start crying at any moment.
Yami squeezed his shoulders. "It was. I dealt with it for six years, but I finally had enough. I enrolled here in secret and then took off without telling anyone. I'm glad I decided to leave. I don't think I could have dealt with much more of that treatment. And I wouldn't have found you either."
Yami looked down at Yuugi fondly, smiling a true smile at him. "Thank you, Yuugi."
"For what?" Yuugi asked in confusion.
"For listening. You were right. I do feel better now that I've talked about it." Yami replied. 'Although I still couldn't tell you everything. You wouldn't understand.'
"Your welcome, Yami." Yuugi replied, smiling back at him.
Then Yuugi sat up. "I almost forgot. I took some food for us to eat."
Yami tilted his head to the side and asked. "Where did you hide it? I didn't see you bring anything in with you."
Yuugi simply smiled at him, then raised his hands and drew then in a circle. As his hands moved a trail of fire formed in the air. Yami smiled after a moment, realizing what Yuugi had done. Once the ring of fire was complete, Yuugi reached a hand through it. It seemed to disappear into thin air. When he pulled it back out he was holding a small leather bag. He set the bag on his lap, then gestured with a hand and collapsed the portal.
"Show off." Yami muttered. "So how did the others respond to that?"
"They were shocked, and Jou asked me to teach him once I explained what I did. I told him that he would have to wait since he would be using a different plane than we do." Yuugi replied opening the bag.
Yami watched as he pulled out two bundles wrapped in napkins and set them on the desk at the foot of the bed. Then he pulled out a few rolls and set them next to the bundles. Then he reached in again. Except this time he snatched his hand away with a small hiss of pain.
"What's wrong?" Yami asked, concerned, as Yuugi sucked on a finger.
Yuugi looked up at him, then blushed and smiled. "I guess apples don't do well in the fire plane."
It took Yami a moment to figure out what Yuugi meant, but when he did he laughed softly. "You put some apples in what was essentially a big oven and then tried to grab them immediately after taking them out? That really wasn't very smart."
Yuugi glared playfully at him, then smirked and turned the bag upside down, letting the hot apples fall in Yami's lap.
"Oww!" Yami cried, standing up quickly and letting the apples fall to the floor. "That wasn't very nice!"
"Neither was laughing after I was nice enough to bring you food and worried about you and listened to your problems." Yuugi replied, still smirking at him.
Yami frowned at him, then smiled and nodded his head. "Your right."
Yuugi pulled his sleeve down over his hand and retrieved the apples that had rolled under his bed when Yami stood up. Then he and Yami both split the food and ate their meal in silence.
Well, how was it? I finally told you what happened to Yami at Kami (hey that rhymes!). Anyway, hope you liked it. Please review?!