
Author's note:This story's actually quite a serious story, so it won't have fapping material in it, so all you Omegle fappers(guys) and all you I don't masturbate girls can fuck off. Anyway I'm here to explain the shit about the story, ages and what not, the story will have additional time and dates and place locations, because you are going to get to know a sweet little girl turned into a cold heartless...witch?...Elsa is born on 6 June 1996, Anna is a year younger so she's 6 July 1997, they have a younger sister named Gerda born in 12 Dec 1999, Older brother named Jack born in 13 Oct 1976, the rest of the cast ages will be explained during the story, don't expect any fluff...cause this here is a true story...that I just made up!

Year 1999,12:34pm, The winters' backyard.

Elsa and Anna were riding their toy bikes that's powered by using their legs to push. They were riding in a circle on the gravel section of their backyard, the rest of the area was covered in grass with flowers at the end near the wall, and they had a swing for two; during the summer a sprinkler system was used.

"Smile Elsa, smile!"Jack shouted playfully. He was holding out a camera filming the two girls riding in circles, and when Elsa heard her name she stuck her tongue out at her brother. Jack filmed that and chuckled, then he recorded Anna's face; she was trying her best to catch up to her sister, tongue sticking out in concentration. Jack looked down to see their dog marshmallow, a big fluffy dog staring at the two girls riding around in circles.

"Hey boy, you going to chase after the girls? C'mon, c'mon go get em, bite em!"Jack demanded, the fluffy dog just stared up at him and made his way back into the house, Jack just shook his head and went back to see Anna had stopped riding. This caused Elsa to stop as well, and Jack zoomed in on her face to see she was daydreaming, staring at the ground. She did this for a good 9 seconds and then she started riding her bike again, and Elsa did so too. Jack burst out laughing at his silly sister.

"What was on your mind Anna?" Jack muttered wiping a tear away.

Every day their father came home at 5 p.m, greeting his girls with a kiss on their head and hugging them. Sometimes he'd bring toys home; it didn't matter what it was, it was heavily valued by the girls.

25th Dec 2001.

As far as the years went Elsa and Anna always got a bunch of presents from their mother and father; good barbie dolls, superhero action figures, etc. Elsa loved her father and knew whenever she broke something he would always fix it. Then Elsa cut her finger trying to open the action figure packet.

"It's bleeding,"Anna said looking at Elsa's finger. Elsa's lip quivered and she ran to the one person who could cure her wounds.

"Mama! Mama! It's sore!" Elsa wept, tugging her mother's skirt. She was in the kitchen working on the food. She looked down and smiled warmly at her little girl, then picked her up and put her on the counter.

"Aw Elsie, did you hurt yourself?" Their mother cooed. Elsa nodded with a pout, pointing to her injured finger.

"It's bleeding," Elsa whimpered with a sniff. Their mother giggled and went to the cupboard to get a medkit. Then Anna ran to the kitchen and saw her sister on the counter, and Elsa stuck her tongue out. Anna did it back and ran away, and Elsa was examining her finger when she heard a loud bang against the counter. She looked down to see her sister climbing up her small chair onto the counter, trying her best not to fall, leg wiggling for leverage, and she sat up and hugged her sister. Elsa tried to shake her off, and when their mother arrived and exaggerated being shocked to see Anna on the counter, it caused both girls to giggle. She did it again, and they burst out laughing. Their mother fixed up Elsa's finger and gave it a kiss. Anna pouted until their mother gave her a kiss on her head, making her giggle. She took both girls off the counter and they ran back to the toys they had gotten, Jack was, of course, recording how they played. To Elsa, their mother was very kind and caring woman. She loved her parents and their sister Gerda; she was going to have another friend to play with as soon as she's 3.

They had the best of times playing outside, especially with Jack. He always introduced them to the best of ideas and he always played hide and seek with them. Sometimes he would take them to the Old Arendelle Park when everything was still working. They played there every weekend, as it was just a few blocks so Jack normally took them there by foot. Occasionally there were a few kids there but they didn't mind. Jack also loved doing Elsa and Anna's braids. He had done it since they were little, and they loved the way he did it .When the sisters got upset, he always knew how to make them laugh. Jack was a funny brother and fun at times.

Elsa didn't notice but she really liked Anna the most, aside from her always being by her side and always running up to her to show her something irrelevant, or pooping when they took a bath. She loved playing with her. Every time Elsa came up with an idea she always agreed and played with her; she never had ideas of her own. Sometimes she would ask Elsa if they could play the same game again. She would spend the rest of her life with her.

Anna looked up to her sister. She thought her sister was super smart and thought she would totally kick all the Power Rangers' butts. Anna loved showing Elsa new things because, it just felt nice, and she wanted to share every new thing with her sister. Sometimes she hugs her sister because she's so warm and cuddly. She hoped Gerda wouldn't steal Elsa away from her.

Elsa loved her family very much. They were the happiest family ever.