AN: This is a crossover I made mainly from levelling up Flora in my Fates game and I bet your all thinking 'That's it seriously' no that's not it the other reason will be revealed later on in the story. I don't own Fire Emblem or RWBY.

Flora's P.O.V

The only thing I could take note of is that my body hurt quite a bit. Which didn't make any sense whatsoever I thought I finally at peace after what happened back at my village.

I opened my eyes to see green trees surrounding me this place left me very confused where was my village did Felicia and Jakob manage to put out the fire a cast on myself. But how is that possible I made sure and enchant the fire and to make sure it couldn't be put out, where was I.

Normal P.O.V

Flora got up dusting herself off also noticing she still had her maid outfit on along with the headband "I suppose I'll need to find out where I am" the maid said to herself going into the forest.

As Flora was walking through the forest she made sure to check her boots to see if her daggers were still there and luckily they were just in case she needed some self defence, after all it was night. The maid was still walking and thinking to herself 'Hmm… Odd this doesn't look like the Woods of the Forlorn' Flora thought to herself looking around the forest but shook it off continuing on.

The retainer eventually made out of the forest without any trouble luckily. Flora was relieved to see a town. But it was unlike any town she had seen before "What in the world?" she said to herself going to it.

When Flora got into the town she saw many thing she had never seen before which struck her interest a lot. But she also took note that she never saw anything like this in Nohr 'Where exactly am I?' Flora thought to herself but shrugged it off and chose to continue to find out where she was.

After who knows how many minutes or maybe even an hour or so Flora could not find anyone out on the streets or any shops open at least not to her knowledge. The maid sighed to herself in hopelessness "What now?" Flora said to herself hoping to get and answer but then spotted something that got her hopes up. She saw two people, a boy who had blonde hair a white jacket with no shirt underneath who also where some kind of fingerless gloves with blue jeans, he was accompanied by a girl who had black hair and a black bow on her head she also wore some kind of clothing Flora had never she before.

Flora smiled to herself in happiness glad she found some people "Excuse me" Flora lightly shouted getting their attention. The maid ran up to them and then saw that she got weird looks from them "Uhh… what is it" Flora asked getting a bit uncomfortable "Why are you dressed like that?" the girl asked "Umm… I dress like this all the time" Flora informed hearing a suppressed laugh from the boy "D-Did you lose a bet or something" the boy said full on laughing "Cause if you did it's hilarious" the boy continued still trying not to laugh "Sun knock it off" the girl said lightly shoving the boy known as Sun "I'm trying but you gotta admit this is pretty funny" Sun said in defence.

The black haired girl just sighed and shook her head "Sorry about him. I'm Blake by the way" Blake said introducing herself "Nice to meet you Blake I'm Flora" Flora said with a bow then heard Sun snort "Seriously did you lose a bet" Sun asked again making Flora get a stern look on her face "No for you information I did not a bet this is how I've always dressed and it wasn't exactly my choice" the maid said with a angry look on her face "Alright, alright I'll stop" Sun said holding his hands up in defence.

Flora composed herself and cleared her "Thank you. Oh and do any of you know where I am?" Flora asked the both of them "Your in the Town of Vale" Blake answered leaving Flora confused "Where exactly in Nohr is that?" Flora continued on with her questions "Uhh… Nohr?" Sun said confused "It's the kingdom I hail from" Flora informed "I don't think I've ever heard of a kingdom called Nohr" Blake brought up with Flora getting a worried look on her face.

The maid took a deep breath "If it's not to much trouble could you maybe take me somewhere or to someone that can give me the answers I'm looking for?" she asked "Uhh… sure follow me" Blake said making a gesture with her hand with Sun following to.

When the trio was walking Flora noticed that Sun had a tail 'What in the world? Is he a wolfskin of some kind. I can't dwell on that I need answers to more bigger questions' she thought to herself. Flora hoped that she could find a way back to Nohr and take Corrin's offer of fighting against King Garon.

"Here we are" Blake said stopping at a docking station off some kind that had a ship of some sort "Where will this take me?" Flora asked "It'll take you to Beacon Academy. Once your there ask around for a man named Professor Ozpin and he will probably give all the answers your looking for" Blake informed her "Oh I see. Thank you for all your help Blake I appreciate it greatly" Flora said with a bow "And another thing" Sun started "You might wanna change out of that outfit people might get ideas" Sun said to her "Noted. Thank you Sun" Flora said walking to one of the ships.

Sun and Blake watched Flora get on one and it began to take off "You think she'll be okay?" Sun asked uncertain "I'm sure she'll be fine" Blake assured her friend.

'I've never seen anything like this it's truly astonishing' Flora thought looking out the window which had a view of water which sparked under the moons light 'I hope Blake and Sun are right about this Professor Ozpin person' the maid thought to herself again and sat back down waiting for the ship to land.

The rest of the ride to Beacon went by smoothly which Flora was thankful for as she got off the ship and surveyed the area. What immediately caught her eye was the building that resembled a castle "I wonder if that's where Professor Ozpin is. Well I suppose there's no time like the present to find out" Flora said to herself as she began walking. When Flora was walking to the castle she was amazed by the design of the courtyard "Most impressive" Flora said to herself amazed by the sights before her "Hold it right there!" Flora immediately drew out one of her silver daggers and turned to see a blonde haired woman with glasses she like Blake had clothing Flora had never seen before.

"Just why are you trespassing on school property?" the woman asked not to pleased at seeing Flora "T-Trespassing I didn't know honest I mean not harm" the maid said putting away her silver dagger back in her boot "See" she continued on but the woman still had a suspicious look "Why exactly are you her?" she asked "I'm here to see a man named Professor Ozpin. A girl named Blake said he could give me the answers I'm looking for" Flora informed hoping the woman would understand "I see. What exactly do you mean by answers?" the woman continued on with her questions "I-I'm trying to get back to my home kingdom of Nohr and Blake said he could help me" Flora explained.

The woman thought for a bit "Hmm… come along with me" she said walking "W-What?" Flora said confused. The woman turned back to her "I will take you to Professor Ozpin and we'll see if your claim is true" she said then continued walking "And also get you some proper clothing" she added still walking 'I wonder what wearing this means here?' Flora thought following the woman.

The walk to their destination was uneventful except for Flora taking in the sights at where they were which made her all the more curious about what kingdom she was in.

"Here we are" the woman said stopping in front of a large tower "Is this where Professor Ozpin is?" Flora asked "Yes follow me" the woman said going into the tower along with Flora. When they went into the tower 'Just what kind of a kingdom is this?' Flora mentally asked herself see the interior. The maid shook herself out of her thoughts all alone a bit lost in them and followed the woman to a door "Umm… where does this lead to?" Flora nervously asked but the woman did give her an answer.

Flora cleared her throat and was about to ask again when the doors opened up "Come along" the woman instructed but Flora was reluctant to enter "Umm… what does this do?" she asked cautiously looking over it "It's safe don't worry" the woman said getting a bit impatient. Flora sighed and got in knowing she didn't have much off a choice but what was in through the door really surprised Flora. On one of the walls of the room was a bunch off buttons, Flora saw the woman press one with the doors closing.

Flora immediately held on the to the wall when she felt the small room shake slightly "W-What's happening?!" Flora exclaimed "Haven't been in an elevator before?" the woman asked raising an eyebrow "An… elevator? Is that what this is?" Flora said looking around "Yes. It is" the woman said looking away from Flora.

The elevator ride was not much longer and Flora and the woman came across a small hallway that lead to a door. The maid felt at ease when she got off the elevator fearing that it'll plummet straight back down, the thought couldn't help but make her feel uneasy again but she took a few deep breaths to ease herself again "Nervous?" the woman asked "U-Umm… a little" Flora answered "Don't worry Professor Ozpin is just ahead" the woman said opening the door.

When the door opened Flora saw a man who had grey hair with round glasses and a black suit of some kind. The man looked up from his papers and noticed the two "Ah, Glynda what brings you here" he said then looked at Flora "I haven't seen you before" he continued on "U-Umm… no you haven't my name is Flora nice to meet you" she said with a bow "Are you Professor Ozpin?" the maid finished up hoping she wasn't tricked into some sort of trap.

The man on the other hand raised an eyebrow at Flora's odd introduction but shrugged it off "Yes Flora I am Professor Ozpin it's nice to meet you. Glynda may we have some privacy" Ozpin asked and Glynda was a bit confused but chose to walk out any way.

Ozpin turned to Flora and gestured to a seat that was I front of the desk "Please sit" he said politely and Flora sat down "Umm… Professor Ozpin do you by any chance know what the name of this kingdom is?" she asked "Yes I do" Ozpin started "But there's one thing I must get out of they way first" he finished "What's that?" Flora asked.

"Flora did you know you have silver eyes".

AN: There's the other reason why I wrote this. If it isn't obvious this takes place near the end of Volume One, so… what do you think any reviews are appreciated so until next chapter See ya.