Chapter 27

Hey guys im sorry ive been gone Ive been rewritting my previous chapters and had some writers block anyway Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to what I missed anyway I cant wait for the Broly movie just a few more weeks I swear dodging spoliers for this movie is harder then No Nut November anyway lets get to this chapter

Sweat rolled off of Gine's face from the intense training she is putting herself through the rooms intense heat, thin air, and 15x Earth's gravity made up for her lack of training in the last four years.

Gine huffed and puffed heavily while doing lunges her face cringing in strain. "Grrraah" Gine jumps into the air and fires off a beam into the air (The room is similar in size to the hyberbolic time chamber but time moves similar to the Earth's).

Gine looks at herself noticing her power increasing slowly.

"Haaaa haaa," Gine huffs and puffs "I should train without using Ki for awhile training my physical body.

Gine then starts punching and kicking in the air training for the incoming conflict.

With Goku

The youngest of Bardock's children finally made it to King kai's planet managing ti train with the small blue kai by telling him a joke starting his training with chasing the monkey bubbles.

The 10x of earth's gravity was proving to be alittle diffcult for the saiyan but thanks to the training he had done with his family made him move with little strain coming as surprise to the Kai.

'Impressive he's almost as fast as me I think the only problem is him not being familar with the increased gravity in the six days he's been here he has gotten so close to catching bubbles,' King Kai says in his head.

Goku then stops and places his hands on his knees and starts panting.

"Well Goku how about we call it for now lets get you some food," King Kai says.

Goku sits down and starts taking off his shoes,wrists, and undershirt then stands up and starts jumping in the air with ease and lighter then before.

"Huh Goku what are yo-" Goku then runs at bubbles to the shock of the monkey at his increased speed.

Bubbles runs away from the sayian's surprising enhanced speed but Bardock's son easily runs behind Bubbles literally on his tail and picks up the monkey and holds him up in the air triumphantly.

"Haha I caught him King Kai," Goku says happily holding Bubbles up like a trophy as he jumps up in the air laughing.

"I caught the monkey," Goku laughs more.

'Thats insane he caught Bubbles in six days usually it would even take a prodiogy three weeks to get use to the gravity but just by removing that little weight he did it with ease,' King Kai smirks proudly.

'If he keeps improving like this he'll be able to learn the Kaioken in no time,' King Kai says to himself.

Deserted Wasteland With Gohan

The son of Goku bekng taken under Piccolo's wing was to spend six months surviving by himself and the young boy wasn't faring well as he was currently running away from a T-Rex.

"Aaaahaaaa," Gohan sobs while running "Daddy Uncle someone help me," Gohan cries more then trips over a rock he turns around seeing a happy dinosaur preparing to eat him.

Gohan cowers covering his eyes and turning away preparing to die as he then hears a heavy 'Thud' and not feeling eaten the son of Goku opens his eyes seeing the dinosaur after him dead on the ground and an angry Piccolo above him.

"You useless brat all you do is whine and whine and expect to be saved like some Damsel in Distress," Piccolo scolds.

"W-Well I'm sorry I don't think I can be a fighter I want to be an orthopedist when I grow up not a fighter," Gohan tells Piccolo.

"Well lets see how you can survive by yourself," Piccolo picks up Gohan and jumps onto a high moutain and drops off Gohan.

"I will not help you and you will get off of this moutain yourself or you'll either starve to death or die from dehydration," Piccolo then flies off hearing Gohan's sad tears.

'That boy will be the death of me,' Piccolo says in his head.

With the Z fighters

Krillin, Tien, Chiaotzu, Yamaha, Yajirobe , and RanFan spared ontop of Kami's tower to prepare for oncoming conflict.

Krillin leaped back to avoid a punch from Yamcha returning with a roundhouse to the scared bandits face knocking him back.

Tien and RanFan traded blows the triclops surprised that the purple haired female keep up with her training.

"RanFan so you were serious about learing and keeping up with the arts I see," Tien aims a backfist at RanFan's temple making the woman block the attack with both her arms struggling to push back Tien's arm.

"I-I told you I wanna be the god of martial arts," RanFan said signs of struggle in her face.

"JING" Everyone ontop of the lookout hears the yell and following that a giant beam barreled into the sky piercing the clouds leaving a giant hole in its wake and flying out of the plantes atmosphere.

Everyone shocked looks into the air at the power that was put on display before Yamcha finally spoke up.

"J-Jeez hes been doing that all day and hes still giving out that much power he could kill himself," Yamcha says.

"Well he's motivated by Goku's death like Gine and Bardock I won't be surprised if he keeps going like this," Krillin says.

"Whats scary is that the beams get bigger and stronger each time," Tien looks over to the right seeing a giant line of dirt replacing the trees and grass there even a moutain with a giant gaping hole in the middle.

Kami slams the butt of his staff into the ground getting everyone's attention.

"You all come with me I have a way to help you with the saiyan invasion," Kami says walking inside the Lookout everyone following.

With Raditz

"Again!" Korin tells him and Raditz fires another jing blast into the sky as it shakes the ground and tears through the clouds Raditz drops to the ground huffing and puffing sweat dripping from his face.

Raditz now wore his normal saiyan battle top without the shoulder pads and kept the gauntlets. The saiyan also wore his red muscle bands on his biceps and wore Goku's bottom orange pants with his tail wrapped under the blue sash and also wore Goku's same boots(The same clothing in Masakox's what if Raditz turned good).

"An extended time using ki causes it to get weaker just like how your body repairs or replaces damaged muscle fibers through a cellular process where it fuses muscle fibers together to form new muscle protein strands. Ki replaces itself with more energy then before similar to a workout," Korin tells him.

Raditz stands up again "I-I got it," Raditz staggers out.

"Good now I want you to charge the biggest Jing blast you can and let it loose," Korin tells him.

Raditz clenches his fists and raises both of his hands outwards as little white particles of ki flew around him before shifting into a violent white aura pushing the trees and rocks, blowing Korin back, and even shaking the lookout.

Raditz' arms start gathering large amounts of ki in them and start putting pressure on his bones putting a huge strain on him.

"JING!"Raditz lets off two large white beams that tore through multiple trees,burning grass, going through boulders, and blasting the top half of a mountain clean off.

The beam dissipates without continuing due to the lost in ki in Raditz as he slumps to the ground both of his arms completely broken.

'His arms must have broke to the maxing out of ki in one limb,' Korin says in his head.

"Come on let me go get you some senzu beans," Korin says before starting to climb the tower.

With Bardock

Bardock bit into the leg of an unknown giant animal with a leg the size of his body and started eating the limb, hundreds of dead PTO soldiers lay behind Bardock charred or eviscerated the smell of blood and smoke not bothering the saiyan.

'Hmm' Bardock bites into the animals leg again taking huge 'Turns out it was a good time to be on a Frieza planet with Frieza being off for some months dealing with some business with the Cold Family and for them not to notify Frieza,' Bardock says in his head.

He also really hit his luck with this planet as apparently its inhabitants destroyed the pods and communication outside of the planet.

Bardock made sure to keep his pod secure in one of the capsules Bulma gave him being considerate of the convenient equipment Bardock stood up and reached in his pocket to pull out a house capsule.

Bardock's senses snapped him into his surroundings as he leaned back and cuaght a spear in his hand. He inspected the spear and saw it had a black metal tip and he touched the tip drawing alittle blood.

'Hmmm its kinda sharp I see how the inhabitants of this planet are able to keep up with the PTO even with their advanced equipment,' Bardock says in his head.

Bardock then turned around sensing multiple hostile energies as he got in his fighting stance as a hailstorm of arrows flew at him from the forest,Bardock dancing through the arrows and he fired a ki blast in to the forest decimating the forest.

Bardock walks through the burnt down forest seeing no dead bodies shocked the saiyan.

"FIRE NOW," Hundreds of arrows flew down at Bardock as the saiyan covered his head as the arrows pierced through his skin shocking the saiyan.

'Just what the hell are these arrows made out of... thats it enough is enough,' Bardock clenched his fists and charged his ki destroying the arrows in his body and blasting the arrows flying at him apart.

Bardock leapt at the highest power and grabbed the person then lifted him into the air the blast from Bardock leaping at him creating smoke.

The smoke cleared revealing Bardock gripping the alien by the neck.

The alien had grey skin, multiple blood shot eyes in the form of slits. The alien had two eyes in the normal places two eyes on his forehead and two eyes on his left and right cheek and had two anteannae on his chin.

He wore a brown strap around his shoulder with dagger and many poisons and medicines on them and wearing black pants, yellow thigh,shin pads, and carrying a back sword. (Look up Mercanary OC in Google).

"Dammit... MEN FIRE," The alien yells as multiple arrows fly at Bardock.

Hey yall new year new chapter sorry this chapter is so short I literally couldn't think of anything else for filler anyway I'm seeing the Broly movie tomorrow can't wait