I have some sad news to announce ZombieTheSara is no longer going to be using her fanfic account or her ao3 account she has decided from her RL situation that it is to much on her metaphorical plate.
If anyone still wishes to do the prompt please PM me instead. She has given full consent, and I wish her the best of luck in life.
I am not putting reviews on the chapters anymore. I do appreciate everyone that leaves a review though.
Monster attacks
Chapter – 4
It has been years since the last child had fallen, and Harrison was starting to get restless.
He was 16 now, and for the past two years Toriel had allowed him to venture into the basement. He was made to promise not to open the door though.
But that didn't mean he couldn't interact with whomever had been knocking on the door.
*early flashback is early*
Toriel looked up from her book seeing the 14 year old playing with his necklace nervously.
"Can I… go down and explore the basement?"
She looked up at the teen.
The teen jumped with excitement.
"only if you promise me to never open the door though. You may only enter the underground once Death and I decide you are ready."
"Don't worry mom, I promise."
He made it down the stairs, following the path that he had taken many times before secretly.
Looking around at the aged stone and slightly cracked walls he smiled, it was truly different from the rest of the ruins.
The walk wasn't long as he reached the end chamber with the only door leading out.
*knock knock*
The knocking he had heard every time he entered the chamber echoed throughout the room.
Harry thought for a moment before answering
"Who's there?"
"Theodore who?"
"Theodore wasn't open so I knocked."
Harry couldn't stop himself from laughing at the joke.
"That was awful."
He continued to chuckle when he had an idea. He let himself sink to the ground his back to the door.
"knock knock."
It was silent for not even a minute before he got a response.
"Who… who's there?"
Harry had never heard a voice sound so lost before, almost as if there was no hope left in it.
"Etch who?"
"Bless you."
He heard a chuckle from the other side of the door.
"knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Ben who?"
"Ben knocking for 10 minutes."
"Is that the best you can do?"
"Think you can do better? Go for it."
"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Interrupting cow."
"Interrupting cow w…"
A hard thunk came from the door as laughter was heard.
"You got me kid, that was pretty good."
Harry smiled feeling the slight amount of hope now coming from the male on the other side of the door.
"Thanks. I'm Harrison by the way but you can call me Harry if you'd like."
"Nice to meet you Harry, I'm Sans. Sans the Skelton."
"Its nice to meet you oh great talking door."
He heard Sans chuckle.
"I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now. But… y'know… I don't really care about capturing anybody."
He could almost feel the laziness from the other seeping through the door.
"Well you found one I guess,"
He felt the hopelessness return to the other male.
"I'm not like the others though, I didn't fall into the ruins like they did. I was brought down here."
He felt the other male calming once again.
"I actually grew up learning everything there is to know about the underground, from both my brother Flowey and my mother Toriel."
"I see. Well I had better get back to my post, my brother can be quite hardheaded tibia honest."
Harry smacked his head against the door.
"Ya know Sans, that wasn't very… humerus."
The snort he received from the male made him smile.
"Heh. That really tickled my funny bone kid."
"It was fun Sans but I should probably get going as well, my mom is probably starting to get worried."
He was getting up to leave when he heard
"Will you return tomorrow?"
"Why? Do you have a bone to pick with me?"
He really had to stop the puns, they were terrible but it made the other male chuckle and the feelings of hope grew.
"I was hoping to hear more San-sational Harri-puns."
Harry snorted loudly though he would never admit it.
"Oh be gone you! Go do some work you lazybones."
*early flashback is done*
Harry had come back every day for the last two years and the two would go back and fourth with bad puns, knock knock jokes, or just talking about their lives.
*knock knock*
Harry grinned as he heard the sound.
"Who's there?"
"Iva who?"
"Iva sore hand from knocking."
Harry chuckled
"knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Justin who?"
"Justin the neighborhood, and thought I'd stop by."
He heard the chuckling and took his normal seat. They sat in silence, only breaking it with puns and knock knock jokes.
"Ya know kid, sitting here with this door cracking jokes everyday for the past two years has been the most pun I've had in a long time."
Harry smiled
"Yeah but the oaks on you, this door is e-motionless without me."
The wheezing laughter from the other side of the door had Harry laughing along with it.
"That was brilliant."
They laughed until a cold chill went down Harry's spine.
Harry jumped up ready to run back up to the main floor. He knew this feeling.
"Kid? What's going on?"
"I have to go, no time to explain."
He yelled already leaving the room. He made it to the main floor and seeing Flowey frowning confirmed his fears.
"Harrison I know you must have felt it but another child has fallen, and they chose to kill."
The flower stood next to the teen that had sunk to his knees on the floor. He gave as good a hug as a flower could, playing with loose stands of the boys shoulder length hair.
"I will protect you Harrison, it's what brothers are for right?"
Harry nodded, gently hugging the flower back.
"Flowey. If they… if that child kills mom... I'm going after them, and I will kill them."
The flower said nothing.
"I will follow you to the ends of the earth my Harrison."
It had happened quicker then they had expected it to, one moment they were practicing Harry's shadow walking around the ruins the next Harry was alone cleaning the sitting room.
"Breath Harry, you can do this."
He went to his room grabbed his bag and heading towards the basement. He had to make it there before his mother and that child.
He made it to the door chamber, and it was silent for the first time. No knocking, no puns, no jokes. Just silence.
"Sans… please stay safe."
Harry looked at the flower that just entered the room.
"Flowey go warn th…"
"No! I'm not leaving you this time! I'll stay by your side until the end."
Harry signed but smiled.
"Okay. Thank you."
"It's no problem Harrison, as your big brother it is my duty to protect you."
They heard them before they could see them.
"Do not try to stop me. This is your final warning."
Harry and Flowey watched from the shadows as first Toriel then the child entered the still silent room. The child was covered in dust, and Harry thought he was going to be sick.
"You want to leave so badly? Hmph. You are just like the others."
Toriel looked at the child with disappointment clearly showing on her face.
"There is only one solution to this. Prove yourself… Prove to me you are strong enough to survive!"
Harry was watching their interaction waiting to step in.
"… Wait… Why are you looking at me like that? Like you have seen a ghost. Do you know something that I do not?"
Just a little longer.
"No… That is impossible."
The fight started with the child's soul being pulled from their body, Toriel stood in the way but as the child went for the kill they were stopped.
"I won't let you hurt my mother."
They all shivered at the sound of his voice. The child struggled to break free but was unable to.
"You can choose to stop the genocide or fight me. Choose now."
When it was clear what their choice was Harry let them fall to the ground, if it was a fight they wanted he wasn't about to show any form of kindness.
Harry used his powers to create a small shield around them, to stop attacks from hitting the others.
The child holding a toy knife attacked first, causing a small amount of damage.
"You know, this is the first real fight I've been in."
He made the ground beneath them crumble, causing damage to the child.
"I didn't realize it involved taking turns to attack, the more you know right?"
He saw the attack before it happened but was unable to dodge it for some reason, it felt as though something was holding him in place.
The child seeing an opportunity stabbed him, the shield around them flickered before vanishing. The child went to run for the door but passed out before making it half way.
The two others in the room ran to the fallen teen, looking him over for the wound the child had inflicted but finding nothing.
"What's going on? We… We saw him being stabbed!"
Flowey was picnicking he couldn't help his precious Harrison with the fight, and now he was unconscious after being stabbed but with no wound to show from it.
"Calm down, there is nothing we can do for him if we are panicking."
"Ms. Dreemurr is as always correct."
The shadows shifted revealing death, his normally refined looks were ruffled and his hair a mess.
"You don't look so well my dear, let's get you, Harrison and that child upstairs."
"Unfortunately I am unable to do that. I am here because my master wishes me to be, he called to me before passing out."
Death walked over to Harry letting his power flow through him, waking the teen from their unconscious state.
"Master you won't be seeing me for awhile. Fate has found us, and that child is her doing. While I deal with her I'll leave the child in your hands."
Death once again disappeared.
Harry stood up brushing the dirt off his clothes, he looked to his mother and smiled.
"Let's get that child upstairs before they wake up."
The three started walking back down the path, and Harry with a wave of his hand had the child fully bound and floating behind them.
Toriel headed to the kitchen to make lunch while Harry, Flowey, and the unconscious child went to their bedroom.
He set them on the bed leaving the magic bindings, and sitting cross legged at the bottom of the bed. He let his powers roam over the unconscious child.
"What do we have here?"
His eyes were glowing an ominous dark green, and his magic was making the air around them dense. He used his power to tug at the presence he had found, feeling it start to slowly uncoil itself from the child's mind.
"Very clever, no one would notice this parasite leeching off the child until it was to late."
He gave a final tug pulling the parasite out of the child with his power, altering the memories of what the parasite caused the child to do along with it.
"Almost done, I just need to anchor it to an object."
He find a doll in the closet hoping it would do for now but as soon as the parasite was in the doll Harry felt himself being held in place once again and it fled.
The child woke not long after looking at their surroundings with confusion, they looked at the teen still seated on the bed and tilted their head at him.
"You can communicate with me through your mind if you'd like."
The child jumped looking around then back to the teen.
"What….. what's going on? I fell down into a giant opening in the ground. I remember waking up to a child's voice, then blacking out again."
"It's okay, that child was a parasite that took over your body. I was able to remove it but it escaped."
The child looked at the two others in the room realizing they didn't know either of their names.
"Frisk… my name, it's Frisk."
"Harrison but you can call me Harry if you'd like, and the guy over by the door is my bother Flowey."
Frisk nodded to both of them as a form of greeting before starting to fall asleep.
"Don't worry, for now just rest."
"But what about the parasite?"
"Hush, I said rest. We can take care of everything later."
Frisk was out by the time he finished speaking, and the two crept out of the room.
A few hours had passed when Frisk woke again. They got out of bed and left the room in search of the others, finding them in the sitting room.
Taking a seat they looked towards the others.
"So what's the plan?"
Harry looking up from his book voiced their question aloud.
"We need to go after it."
Toriel placed her hand on the child's head.
"No one is forcing you to go. If you would like to stay with me, you may."
The child shook their head.
"I want to help."
Harry once again spoke for them, this time Flowey responding.
"If you enter a battle with a monster, spare them or strike up a conversation with them. By no means are you to kill them."
The child nodded looking determined.
Harry smiled and stood up.
"I guess we'll be going now mom,"
He pulled her into a tight hug.
"please don't worry."
"I will protect him Toriel."
Flowey looked Toriel in the eyes.
"Nothing bad will ever happen to Harrison again."
Toriel looked over to the child who was nodding, she could feel the determination rolling off them in waves.
After making sure they had enough food and supply's to last them a few weeks, the three ventured down into the basement then out into the underground.
I'll stop here.
I really feel like I'm not getting enough across with how I write. I'm not a great writer I'm just trying extra hard for my friend that's having issues.