Luke ran until he lost his breath, stopping himself in a large open space in the forest. He set Clem down on her feet, before he slowly sat down on the dirt floor of the forest, holding his head as he took deep breaths. "Jesus Christ…" He exclaimed.

"C-Chrisda…" Clementine sniffled, rubbing her eyes, clearly trying her best to keep from bursting into tears. "L-L-uke…"

Luke got back on his feet, dropping the bag next to him as he began pacing back and forth, breathing erratically as he attempted to calm himself down from the situation that had just occurred.

"L-uke…" Clementine mumbled.

"What the hell just happened?" Luke thought to himself, putting his hands through his hair, as he carried on pacing.

"L-uke, please…" Clementine whined.

"Goddammit, just…shut up for two seconds!" Luke snapped, before looking off into the forest, taking a few deep breaths.

"I…" Clementine mumbled, as her lip began to shake, on the verge of tears.

"What the hell is wrong with you…? This ain't you, man, get a hold of yourself, that kid don't need your shit. You're not helpin' anyone acting like this, so pull yourself together and look after that girl. Like you did with Mary. You got this." Luke scolded himself in his mind, before taking another deep breath and turning back to the girl, gently slapping himself in the face a few times to pull himself back to reality, as he walked towards Clem, who was sitting on the floor, hugging her legs as she looked at the ground.

Luke knelt down on one knee and put his hand out to her. "I'm…I'm sorry, kiddo. And didn't mean to yell at ya'." He said, gesturing towards himself with his open hand.

Clementine looked up at Luke with teary eyes before reaching up for his hand, helping herself back up to her feet, approaching Luke before falling into him, with her arms stretched, as she buried her face in his shirt, beginning to cry. Luke sighed, before wrapping his arms around her, picking her up as she cuddled up to him closely.

"It's alright," Luke said, quietly, rubbing the small girl's back.

"B-but…what if she dieded?" Clementine sobbed, looking up at Luke.

"I…I don't know, kid. I can't lie to you, I don't know. But the important thing is to do what she said, we gotta find a safe place, alright?" Luke said, grabbing the travel bag as he walked past it.

"I…I wanna help, how do we do 'dat?" Clem asked, in between shaky, frightened breaths.

"Keep your eyes out for something with four walls," Luke said.

"O-okay…" Clem said.

Luke began to walk through the forest again, in the opposite direction of the other camp. "You're a brave little girl, y'know that?" Luke said.

"Huh?" Clem squeaked.

"You barely even cried, that's real good," Luke said.

"Chrisda says crying can make more monsters come…" Clem said, sticking her thumb in her mouth.

"She ain't wrong. Still, you…you can if you want, if you really need to. Like you did just then, with my shirt." Luke said.

"She showed me how to do 'dat too," Clementine said.

"Can't be easy, growing up like this," Luke said.

"Like what?" Clem asked.

"Don't have a house, don't have a crib..." Luke sighed.

"But, I have my..." Clementine said, before her eyes widened, becoming teary.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Luke asked.

"M-my…my hat…my hat, what…what if…wha…" Clementine said, her words becoming shorter as her voice became whiny and squeaky.

"Your hat…?" Luke questioned.

"M-my hat, I need it…" Clem said as tears began to roll down her face.

"Hey, c'mon, settle down," Luke said, gently putting Clementine on her own feet, as he dropped the bag next to her, unzipping it. Just as Christa said, the bag was completely full of different items. Luke began digging through baby toys, badly-folded clothes, and other things the two had found for themselves until he came across a blue and white ball cap with a 'D' on the front of it. It was set at the back to the smallest size. "This it?"

Clementine gasped and took the hat out of Luke's hands, and fastened it onto her head, whilst still a little too big, it managed to fit her, she let out a sigh of relief, before taking the hat off and cuddling it to her chest.

"I'll take that as a yes," Luke said, before zipping the bag back up. He put it around his shoulder, before picking Clementine back up. "You okay now?" Luke said, taking Clem's hat and putting it on her head.

Clementine smiled at him, and silently wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, hugging Luke tightly. "Fank you, L-uke…" Clem sniffled, as Luke continued to walk.

"It's alright." Luke said, unable to help himself as he hugged her back. "By the way, it's 'Luke'." He chuckled.

"L-uke?" Clem asked.

"No…not quite." He said.

"Lu-ke?" Clementine said, scrunching up her face slightly.

"Almost," Luke said.

"Luke?" Clementine said. "Luke!"

"Hey, there you go!" Luke said, holding his hand up in front of the girl.

Clementine stared at his hand with a blank expression, unsure what to do.

"You hit it. C'mon, hit it, hard as you can. It's called a high-five." Luke said.

Clementine took a deep breath before slapping Luke's hand with all her strength, which felt like hardly anything.

Luke played it up for her, shaking his hand in the air, in fake pain. "Ow! That hurt." Luke exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Clementine said, with a sincere and worried look plastered on her face. "I'm sorry…"

"Huh? No, kiddo, I'm jokin', it's fine." Luke laughed.

"Oh…" Clementine said, before giggling.

"Hello…look at this," Luke said, spotting a small stone path leading a trail on the forest floor. Luke stepped onto it, looking up and down the path, each way. The ending to both ways were blocked out by the thick forests.

Luke walked down the path, in one of the directions, uncaring of which way, just hoping to come across shelter so he could get out of the cold. The two carried on down the path until Clementine spotted something through the small gaps in the heavy greenery. "What's 'dat?" Clementine asked, pointing at something at the end of the pathway.

Luke gazed at where she was looking, squinting slightly before his eyes widened. "Oh, you little genius…good eye, kiddo!" He praised, beginning to pick up the pace.

It wasn't long before he arrived in front of the thing Clem had spotted. A large wooden cabin, with no lights on inside, it seemed to be almost untouched, unsurprising given its location. He set Clem down next to him as he approached the porch of the cabin.

Just as he was about to take his first step up the stairs which led into the porch, he felt a tiny hand wrap around his. He looked down to see Clem sticking close to him, holding his hand, as tight as she could. Luke took a deep breath before he approached the front door.

Ooookay, so just a little bonding chapter, not much happened. Sorry that this one was a little shorter than usual, I'm on vacation at the moment, and this is all I could get out. It'll be back to normal next week. Thanks for reading, you guys!