Things Are Looking Up
Lissa had already healed me completely but that didn't stop the school from making me spend the night in the infirmary which was basically my own personal hell. The only redeeming quality was that Lissa had to stay the night too – in the bed right next to mine.
So far we'd only been here for a couple hours, but they were the best hours of my life. Lissa and I talked everything over, why I stopped talking to her, why she got back her popularity back, if we really had feelings for each other, we even talked a little bit about her brother. The best part of all was that we decided, in the end, that we did have feelings for each other and would give dating a try after we got out of here.
After talking, Lissa had said she was tired and I let her fall asleep, which left me awake to think and watch her – not in a creepy way, it was just reassuring to know she was uninjured and safe.
My mind is swirling with everything that had happened in the last 24 hours which meant sleep wouldn't be coming for me until I could make heads or tails of it. The main thought, the one most bewildering, was that I now had a girlfriend – something I'd never had before. It had never been a secret to me that I wanted Lissa, that I wanted her long term, what was surprising to me was that she possibly felt the same way about me. Vasilisa Dragomir, the sole princess of her family, beloved by everyone she knew, liked me despite my family background and it blew my mind.
My eyes finally start to close when I hear the door opening and frantic feet coming towards my bed. Normally I would pretend to be asleep to avoid having to interact with someone, but the voice calling my name makes my eyes open abruptly.
"Christian, are you alright? I got the first plane I could. I've been so worried, they told me you'd been attacked by psi-hounds and that you'd been healed, not that that made me worry any less. I was…"
I don't let my aunt finish her rant because I know how long they can go on.
"I'm completely fine, I don't even have any bruises, see," I hold out my arms for her to examine them.
"But they said psi-hounds, that's not something to lie about, why would they say it if you're okay?" Aunt Tasha sounds as confused as she should, I should be dead now, in all honestly, but Lissa had saved me and now I didn't even have a scar. I don't exactly know if I should tell Lissa's secret, but I know Aunt Tasha won't stop questioning me until she gets the truth.
I take a deep breath and tell her as much as I can, starting with being knocked out by guardians and ending with having to spend the night in the infirmary. She doesn't say anything at first, most likely processing the idea that there's a new element out in the world. Finally she says, "So Lissa, healed you, with magic?"
"Yes, that's what I said."
I look over at Lissa sleeping to my left and Aunt Tasha follows my gaze. She hadn't realized there was anyone else in the room with me, now she did.
"Is that her?" Her face shows more intrigue than I would have liked.
I'm suddenly really glad that Lissa is asleep, I'm not sure either of us is ready to 'meet the parents,' or in our case the only parental figure between the two of us. "Yes, that's Lissa. Don't wake her up, she used a lot of spirit tonight and it takes a lot out of her."
My aunt turned back toward me with a smile on her face – a smile that looks a little mischievous. "I didn't expect her to be so pretty, good job, Christian," she laughs as she says this, but I know there's also some truth in her words. Her next words, however, throw me completely off guard. "Are you two finally together?"
I stare at my aunt for a few seconds. I don't want to answer her, the truth has a lot of twists and turns that I don't want to explain and yet, I find myself answering before my brain has a coherent thought.
"We, ah, actually just discussed that about an hour ago. After that first kiss we didn't talk at all, but tonight kind of made us realize that we should give ourselves a chance. So, I guess we are together now, but it's been a very short romance. It's a little hard to woo a girl when we're both confined to hospital beds."
An actual squeal comes out of Aunt Tasha's mouth and my eyes widen in horror, "Don't wake her up! And it's not that big of a deal," I say quickly. I don't want her gushing about any of this, especially not with Lissa in the room.
"Christian, this is wonderful, and it is a big deal. This is your first girlfriend, I feel like we should celebrate or something!" The smile on her face is one of the biggest I've ever seen and it makes me smile just a little bit in response.
"Aunt Tasha, we don't need to celebrate, just know that I'm okay and that I'll be doing okay, that's enough for me." I actually am starting to get tired now and I know it shows on my face when Aunt Tasha's softens.
"Well, no matter what, I'll send you something you love when I get back home. I'll leave you to sleep now," she leans down to give a hug and kiss on the cheek. "I'm just so relieved that you're alright and I'll be having a very serious conversation with whoever called me, they made it sound like you were close to death." I almost feel bad for whoever made that call, but I am happy they did, if only to see my aunt for a little bit.
"Night, Aunt Tasha. Come see me in the morning?" I ask, but I know she'll show up.
She smiles, "I wouldn't miss that for the world, now get some sleep." I watch her walk out the door before my eyes close.
I almost fall asleep instantly but before I can I hear Lissa move and look over at her. Her eyes are open and she's looking directly at me with a small smile on her face.
"She seems really sweet," is all she says before closing her eyes again.
I want to respond but all I do is smile back at her. I like the fact that she was spying on us probably more than I should, it makes me think of all the other slightly wicked things could do and it makes my heart race.
I turn on my side to face her, even if she's fast asleep again, and close my eyes. "Goodnight, Lissa," is the last thing I say before succumbing to the darkness.