A/N: This is our first story Tiva wise at least that we have written and we hope that you enjoy it! After having a few season 13 ones running around our heads we decided on doing this one! Even though it's based around the events of the season end we decided to set the events as though they'd discovered the connection to Ziva sooner and she was kept safe! After the events of the remainder of the season this story will be going AU. But of course before we get to there we'll be staying in Israel for Tony and Ziva's confrontation over Tali! D&M.

Second Time Love

Chapter 1.

As Leon Vance came out of his office to look over the railing it was to see an empty bullpen. That was except for one Tony DiNozzo. So he came down the stairs and stood in front of Tony's desk. It then took Tony a few minutes to realize that the director was there. As he finally saw him there he said "Oh, hi director."

To which Vance asked "What are you still doing here? I thought that Gibbs had sent you home?"

Tony answered "He did. But I just needed to check a couple of things out to make sure that we hadn't missed anything."

Taking his explanation of things as he went to walk away Vance replied "Ok. Just make sure that you're not going to be here all night."

"I won't be sir."

Just as Vance is about to say "Goodnight." He notices a look of concern and worry cross Tony's face. So he pauses for a moment and then says "What is it DiNozzo?"

To which Tony answers "I think that Ziva may be in danger. That Trent Kort could be behind all of this mess and that he's setting up Jacob Scott."


Tony answers "I did some digging with Jacob telling us about some files that would prove his innocence in all of this. As far as I can tell there's no copies left in our archives. And obviously I can't dig too much in the CIA files. But the other name that has come up over having copies is one Eli David. I know that we haven't got any proof yet about Kort's involvement. But if he is and he's got to know about Eli. What if... What if he thinks that Ziva has now inherited them or that she may have even seen them. He could now be targeting her."

As Vance then curses under his breath he heads to Gibbs desk to use the phone. Once he finishes with that call he then says to Tony "A team will be available within the hour along with a plane. Go and get her into protective custody. I'll get everyone else called in and will also let the director know." As Tony gets up and grabs both his kit and go bags. When he comes back up again Vance says "Look after yourself and keep everyone safe." After a pause he then adds "Look DiNozzo I know that we haven't exactly seen eye to eye over the years. And I also know that the last year or so hasn't been that great for you. Once all of this is all over if you want to transfer somewhere else or move up into a team lead role I do have a couple of openings available. All you need to do is just say the word."

As Tony goes over to him they shake hands as he says "Thank you sir." Tony then heads off, but not before stopping at his desk and opening the top drawer to get Ziva's necklace out of it.

During the journey to Israel Tony finds himself deep in thought wondering what had been happening in Ziva's life during the last couple of years since he had left her on the tarmac. In a way he was praying that she'd been happy in whatever she had done. Although he did also hope that she hadn't found someone new or hadn't got married. As he had a feeling that he wouldn't be able to cope or handle seeing her with someone else. Especially with the way the last year had been for him and he knew that if there was a chance for them. And with what Vance had said to him just before he left. He knew in his heart that he could either take a new job as an agent or could quite happily give up the badge for her now. As they started to get closer to their destination he also started to feel a bit nervous. Partly because of not knowing if the director had managed to get in touch with Orli yet. Because he knew that if Vance hadn't managed to then he would be walking into things blind. So it could come as quite a shock if Ziva saw him without any knowledge of him being there.

Upon their arrival as Tony checked in with Vance over their arrival. It was to the news that as yet he hadn't managed to get hold of Orli. But he had got confirmation that she and Ziva were supposed to be having coffee together. So because of that Vance would keep on trying to get hold of her.

In the end Tony decided that he would play a hunch. So he got Callum another member of the team to get them a car. Because of the place that he was going to check out was on a square if he remained parked on the road side. If they were there. Then if by any chance Ziva did get away from them. Then they still may get the chance to follow her. The hunch does end up paying off and he finds them. He then manages to get into a place where he's hidden but can still see them. He is also in for a surprise though. Because as he watches she and Orli talking he notices that there's also a little girl with them. Who he knows is unmistakably Ziva's daughter. As feelings of jealousy start to creep in for whoever Ziva had slept with. He all of a sudden manages to get a closer look at the little girl, when the person that was blocking his view moves out of the way. Plus the little girl manages to also look directly in his direction and he gets a shiver down his spine with the look he gets from her. After doing some quick calculations in his head. As the realization starts to hit him, his heart starts beating out of his chest. Because he realizes that the little girl could actually be his. The reason why the look haunted him so much. Was because the eyes reminded him so much of his mother. It's then that feelings of anger start to creep up on him. Because of Ziva not getting in touch with him to tell him that she was pregnant or anything about his daughter. For now he knows that he's just got to put it behind him as best as he can. Because now he has to protect both Ziva and their daughter. As there's no way that he's going to let Trent Kort lay a hand or anything else on either of them.

As he watches them all. All of a sudden Orli's phone goes and as she answers it saying "Hello director Vance." He sees the look that Ziva gives her as she then begins to pack everything up, as well as their little girl. When they make a move and say a quiet "Goodbye." To Orli. Tony makes a move to follow them. As Orli ends the call and sees him following. She gives him a nod along with a look that tells him to get them back to Mossad. Just as he gets so very nearly close to them Ziva gets into a cab. He's about to kick himself for not having been closer to them when Callum yells at him to get into the car. So he runs flat out and jumps into the car. He barely has the door closed, when Callum takes off after the cab.

When they end up back at the farmhouse where he had found Ziva a couple of years ago and of course the place where their daughter had been conceived. Just before getting out of the car he told Callum to remain where he was because he needed to do this alone. Once he'd got them out of there he would call to collect them.

As Tony then got out of the car, he took a deep breath and with some trepidation he started to approach the house. When he then heard some voices coming from the olive garden he diverted to go in that direction instead. He then made his way through the trees carefully trying not to get seen. In the end though as he got to a tree nearest to where Ziva was he heard her say "Come out whoever you are as I'm armed." Even though he'd guessed that she probably wasn't armed he still came out from behind the tree with his arms up in surrender. As he came out he also attempted to school his features so that he wouldn't give away what he was truly feeling. To say that Ziva was also looking very surprised at finding Tony standing in front of her was also an understatement! As she then said "What are you doing here Tony?"

He answered "There's no time to explain this properly and I will do later. You need to get packed up, get out of here and come with me."


He then answered with some urgency "You're in danger. Because Trent Kort has been murdering people that were involved in a case from years ago."

"But why does that effect me?"

He answers "As I was searching through the files and things that we got from the person he was setting up for doing the murders. Eli was involved in that case. Kort seems to think that you've inherited his files and things from then. Or that you might have just seen them and know what Kort's involvement was."

She then asks "So where are we going?"

He answers "I'm not sure yet. For now Vance has called Orli and we've got to head to Mossad headquarters to then decide on what the next move is going to be. But we need to move because Kort had disappeared and for all we know he could have got here already."

During the time that they'd been talking their little girl had been running around playing but hadn't come anywhere near them. As Ziva then yells "Tali come on we need to go!" She comes out from behind the trees and as soon as she sees Tony, she stops in her tracks, points at him and yells "Abba!"

Because of the look on Ziva's face. Tony takes a deep breath and says "I already guessed when I saw her. We'll talk later, let's just get out of here."

She then whispers to him "I'm sorry for not telling you." She then scoops Tali up in her arms and they all head inside.

While Ziva gets the packing up done Tony makes the call to Callum who then brings the car round closer to the house. Once the packing up is done the two men then get the bags taken down and put in the trunk. Ziva then carries Tali out to the car and they get in. Not long after they've driven away from the house and have got a little distance away. They hear an explosion and turn round to see that the house is in flames. Despite his anger over Tali still bubbling under the surface, Tony still reaches behind him as best he can, to take Ziva's hand and gives it a little squeeze.