Chapter One
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Yugioh
A young man around the age of fifteen was walking down the street, duel disk on his arm.
Stopping at a window to look at his appearance, blond hair with a little black spiked in every direction with two locks framing the side of his face, sharp features that any girl or woman would say was handsome but one of his main features besides his eyes were the six whisker marks, three on each cheek. Wearing a black singlet, black jeans and normal shoes but what really put his outfit together was the blue crystal like pyramid with a golden wadjet eye in the middle connected to a chan around his neck.
The teen continued on his way to get enrolled for Duel Academy or he have until a deep voice called out his name.
Turning around the now named Naruto turned to see a man with crazy hair then himself, with five huge spiked black locks with purple on the rim and sharp golden locks falling down his forehead, wearing a tight black shirt and leather pants but to top it all off was the golden Egyptian pyramid that also has the wadjet eye hanging upside down from a chain.
Naruto smiled at the familiar face in front of him "Hey pops" Naruto then gained a confused look "What are you doin' here?"
Yugi Moto smiled at his son "Well I wouldn't miss you going for your first day at duel academy would I?" Naruto scratched the back of his head with a small blush and a smile .
"Thanks dad" Yugi then gained a serious look.
"Naruto I don't want you to use those cards unless it is for a good reason and the same goes for you Malefic deck"
"I know dad, I won't" Yugi pulled Naruto into a hug surprising him.
"Good luck son" Yugi gave his son one last smile, then continued on to meet his rival.
"I'll do you proud dad"
"Watch out!" Naruto turned around with a hum to see a girl running into him a full speed.
Naruto grunted as he hit ground, getting our of his daze. Looking up Naruto saw probably one of the most beautiful girls he's ever seen laying on his chest, until she jumped up with a yell.
"Sorry about that, but I have to go" Naruto gave a raised brow as he got up. With a shrug he headed to off to take his test for Duel Academy.
Five minutes later
Naruto was able to get in, even though he was late. Having your uncle own the school probably helped.
Naruto skipped the test, finding it a waste of time.
Naruto walked over to railing on the top flour watching people battle.
"Will Jayden Yuki please come down to duelling field four"
Naruto was surprised to see the very same girl that knocked him down was about to battle.
For the past ten minutes Naruto stood there with a shocked look, seeing someone trust their cards as much as Naruto and his father.
When the battle was over Naruto walked over to her "Jayden Yuki, right?"
The girl nodded with a smile, Naruto saw how truly beautiful the girl was, with her brown shaggy hair, brown entrancing eyes, her creamy white skin and her beautiful figure. "That was one impressive duel, most people would freak seeing a strong monster like that but you kept your cool and trusted your deck."
"Hehe thanks...what's your name?"
"Naruto" Naruto shook hands with Jayden.
"Will Naruto Moto please make his way down to duelling flour nine"
"Guess I'm up" Naruto said with a laugh as he made his way down to his arena.
"Wait! Do you know Yugi Moto?" Jayden yelled out but Naruto didn't seem to hear her.
Once Naruto reached his duelling arena, he saw a woman who was beautiful enough with long following red hair that seemed to entrance Naruto, wearing a standard teacher clothed.
"Naruto...Moto?" She asked with a raised brow.
"Yep" Naruto said making a popping sound at the end.
"You wouldn't happen to be related to Yugi Moto would you?"
Naruto gained a proud smile "Yeah, he's my father"
"WHAT!" Practically everyone screamed that out.
"He's the son of the King of Games?"
"He must be a good duellist"
"He's pretty cute!"
Naruto ready his duel disk "You don't mind if I go first do you?"
"Not at all"
"Good now It's time to duel!"
Naruto-4000 LP
Naruto held five cards in his hand and a smirk graced his lips "First I summon Skilled White Magician in defense mode, I end my turn"
Skilled White Magician- ATK 1900/DEF 1700
Up in the stands
"What do you think he's planing Jay?" Jayden's new friend Syrus asked.
"I'm not sure but I know it's going to be something good!" Jayden had a huge grin wanting to see what the son of the King of Games was made of.
"What a weak move, right Chazz? Chazz?" The flunkies of the teen named Chazz Princeton was watching with interest.
"Do you think he is any good Zane?" Zane just shrugged hi shoulders.
"Only time will tell Alexis"
Back to the duel
"Is that all?"
Naruto just smiled "That's all"
"Well your going to regret it because I play Celtic Guardian, I also play Feral Imp but that's not all I play the spell card Black Luster Ritual and I sacrifice both of my monsters to summon Black Luster Soldier!"
A woman wearing black and green dragon like armor with a sword and a shield steeped appeared on the field, making everyone but Naruto gasp in shock.
"I place two face down and end my turn"
Black Luster Solider- ATK 3000/DEF 2500.
"Not bad, now, it's my turn to draw" Naruto smirked as he looked at his cards "Well, it was fun while it lasted and I hope the duel was as good for you as it was good for me because I play the spell card 'Dark Renewal.' With this, I can take any monster of my choosing from your side of the field and sacrifice a spell caster on my side of the field to summon any Dark spellcaster" Naruto smirks as her monster was sucked into a coffin along with his monster.
"Wait! That means your going to summon-"
"Yes! Come forth, master of magic! Come forth my Dark Magician!"
A man wearing purple robs and a staff appeared.
Dark Magician- ATK 2500/DEF 2100
"I'm not finished yet so I play the card 'Dedication through light and darkness'. With this, I sacrifice my Dark Magician to summon, The Magician born from chaos...the fusion of light and darkness! Controller of insanity! The master of all magicians! Dark Magician of Chaos!" The crowed was deadly silent as one of the worlds most deadliest duel monsters was summoned.
"T-That's not possible, h-how?"
"But I'm not done I play the card Black Illusion so my monster cannot be destroyed by battle and all spell cards have no effect. I also play 'Horn of the Unicorn' which gives any monster of my choosing 700 attacks and defense points and I chose my 'Dark Magician of Chaos'"
Dark Magician of Chaos- ATK 3500/DEF 3300.
'I'm in a bad spot' thought the duelist teacher but she glanced at her face downs 'But I may get threw this as long as I still have my face downs'
"Now, attack, Dark Magician of Chaos!""
"I play the spell card negate attack-"
Naruto cut her off by quickly playing a spell card "I play the spell 'Shattering Arrow', destroying any spell cards you use and it also take life points from all spells it destroyed"
Instructor 4000-500=3500LP
"Now I activate Dark Magician of Chaos special ability I can bring back any spell or trap card back to the grave and summon it back to my hand, I end my turn"
"Grr I draw" the red head gained a smirk "I play 'Mystical Elf' but, that's not all, I also play 'Swords of revealing light' so you can't attack for three turns" Naruto smiled as he was getting excited, enjoying the duel.
"I draw a card and end my turn" Naruto continued that for the next few turns
"Well, I send Mystical Elf to the graveyard but, that's not all, if I have one light monster and one dark monster, I can summon from my hand 'Black Luster Solider- Envoy of the Beginning' but I'm not finished. I play monster reborn to summon back my Black Luster solider"
B.L.S.E.B- ATK 3000/DEF 2500
Black Luster Solider ATK 300/DEF 2500
"I end my turn"
"I draw, I play monster reborn to bring back my Dark Magician, then I play the card 'Horn of a Unicorn' on my Dark Magician and I'm guessing you know what happens next"
Dark Magician ATK 3200/DEF 2800.
"Now attack Dark magician of Chaos" the instructor grunted as one of her monsters was destroyed "Now I'm going to end this, I play the card Lineage of Destruction and this card allows my Dark Magician to attack twice, destroy her black Luster solider, then attack her directly"
Instructor- 3000-3200=0 LP
Winner Naruto Moto.
Naruto deactivated his duel disk as he walked over to the instructor "That was a good duel, I feel if you had taken me seriously this duel good have Ended in multiple ways"
"Oh?" She asked with an amused smirk.
"I'm sure you had some cards that would of made this duel a lot harder"
"I'm glad you noticed"
"So what should I call you?"
"Well, I think Kushina-Sensei would suffice" the red head said with a smile.
Naruto walked back up the steps, only to come face to face with Jayden. "That was amazing!"
"Thank you" Jayden gave a nod of confirmation.
"So your father is actually, Yugi Moto?"
"Indeed he is" Jayden had stares in her eyes, as the thought of the possible epic duel between them but she snapped out of her thoughts to ask an important question "Who's your mother?"
"My mother is-" Naruto was interrupted as a man in a suit appeared, whispering in his ear. With a nod, Naruto gave apologetic smile "Sorry but I have to go, see ya Jayden" Naruto walked off with the man, getting raised eye brows from everyone.
Yugi watched the entire duel with a smile, full of pride as he watched his son duel. "He did well...didn't he Seko?" Yugi turned to look at his wife and all time rival Seko Kiba Moto.
"Of course he is our son after all" Seko was a fairly tall woman but still shorter then Yugi, was very beautiful.
"Your upset because he didn't summon your Blue eye's aren't you?" Seko growled, knowing he was right.
"Shut up Yugi!" Yugi smiled at his wife, standing up to hold her in his arms. She rubbed his arms with a sigh "I don't know why he won't let me just put him in Obelisk"
"He doesn't wan't it all to be handed to him, he want's to work for it"
"He get's that from you" Seko said with a hidden smile, wanting neither her husband or her son to change.
With Naruto
Naruto was staring at his Malefic cards with wonder, in Naruto's eye's these cards weren't evil but different, showing that even that light can have a dark side, even the darkest of things can have a brighter side to them. Unknown to Naruto his malefic monster where watching him.
"I don't know why you chose me...but I'm glad you did, because like the rest of my deck you are a part of me"