Story prompted by: roganjalex: Rory starts a relationship with Christopher parents after the dinner at the Gilmore house

Disclaimer: No profits being made here, just flights of fancy, please don't sue.

Chapter 1 – I am a Hayden

Rory stood in front of the door, the door seemed ominous even though the home itself was no more daunting than that of her other grandparents. She took a calming breath and rang the bell, the maid answered and she informed her of her name and asked to see the Haydens.

"Lorelai Hayden, what a presumptuous girl you are and what makes you think you can claim the name or came to our home without invitation?" Francine asked after the maid had left the girl in the parlor.

"It is the name on my birth certificate, well one of them, I am formally named Lorelai Leigh Gilmore- Hayden, my father is your son after all. I thought it was time to meet you both and prove I am not a mistake. I use the Gilmore name because they are proud of me and my accomplishments. Is it wrong that I want you to be proud as well?" She handed them a portfolio of her awards, report cards, some pictures of her from birth to present and a certified copy of her birth certificate. She then went to the drink cart and poured herself a glass of water and sat across from the befuddled pair.

Straub and Francine perused the information and eyed the girl warily. She sat patiently and quietly observed the sitting room. There was a painting of her father and grandparents, much as at the one of her mother at the Gilmore's, some tasteful LaLique statues depicting a woman reading, a woman gathering flowers and a mother and child. A fresh vase of flowers some smaller nick knacks and a fire kit. The furniture was of good quality and had a hint of a texture rather than a pattern and the decorative pillows appeared to be replica of English tapestry. She sat upright, sipped her water and awaited the inquisition.

It was Straub who spoke first, "What do you seek to gain by coming here, showing us this information?"

"I wish to know you, you are my grandparents, I don't want to be hidden away as a shame or burden, I want you to be proud of me, get to know me and maybe in time I can call you grandma and grandpa." Rory tried to hide the nerves in her voice.

Francine looked at her, "You have your father's nose, did you know that and it appears you have the Hayden backbone as well."

"Thank you, I hope to have the best attributes of both my parents and grandparents." She smiled demurely.

Straub looked at her and snickered,"It's not money you are after? I know your father contributes little to none of that and the Gilmore's pay for that school."

"I am well cared for, true the Gilmore's pay for my school, but I work hard and get good grades and when we can my mother and I will repay them. I did not come for money, but if that is all you think of me, I guess I will take my leave. I had hoped to at least be friends." She stood trying to calm her breath and stood to leave. "I wish you all the best and I hope you have all you want in life."

Francine stood and hurried to her side,"Please don't go, I would like to get to know you, it's almost lunch time can I convince you to stay?"

"Yes, forgive my suspicion, stay, get to know us a little." Straub added.

Rory breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes, I will stay, and all I really want s to know you, I didn't plan my conception or birth and I really want to know more about you both, my family and maybe some stories from when my dad was a kid?"

"Of course dear, we would like that too. Now before we retire to lunch, do you have any allergies?" Francine inquired.

"No, I have no allergies that I know of." Rory replied returning to her previous perch on the settee.

"Good, I will let cook know you are joining us and have the table set for one more. If things go well would you be willing to visit with us more often?" Francine was hopeful.

"I would like that very much." She beamed at them and their hearts were warmed by her genuine cheer at their tentative acceptance of her.

They rose to enter the dining room when the maid informed them that lunch was served. She asked questions about the family and they filled her in on her history. This would be the beginning of more than she could have hoped, she enjoyed the simple meal of French onion soup and turkey sandwiches followed by an assortment of small cakes and coffee. When the meal was completed Rory gave them each a small hug setting an appointment for two weeks from this meeting to meet again.

Rory left the Hayden house happy and light and drove the 20 minutes to her home in Stars Hollow bubbling to tell her mom all about it.