Only five this time because I am a) working on multiple projects, including a revision of "Upstanding Yuck" and next) currently running on like 1 hour of sleep. These are (mostly) a bit longer than the others, though, so there's that.

Been rewatching the show and realizing how much Yang treats Roger Jr. like shit, but then again, when has that ever stopped me from shipping something?


51) Glorify

"Oh please, do not call me a superhero," Yang says, hands cutting through the air. "Been there, and done that. Spandex ain't all it's cracked up to be."

52) Cherish

"How post-modern do you want these vows to be?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, let me put it this way,"- oh no, there's that devilish grin again – "we know your family is already disappointed in you for being with me. How much do you want to secretly agree with them?"

53) Adoration

Yang gave him the thesaurus as a joke–pink, worn, so obviously stolen from his sister's bookshelves that Roger couldn't help but sheepishly return it the next day, much to his father's chagrin.

Yin pulled him into the foyer and helped him fill out a whole deck with over fifty adjectives for his love–esoteric, foreign, words as saccharine as they were pretentious.

Shame is one the best revenges, she said, and when Roger Jr. saw the look on Yang's face, he had to agree.

54) Stroke

"Has Roger even realized his son is gay?" Yin asks.

"Probably not," Yang replies with a crisp turn of a prismacolor page. "I don't think Roger Jr.'s even told him he's dating someone from the Army." Being in the Woo Foo Army is all fine and good when there's a greater threat looming overhead, but that's gone now, son, and we have a family business and reputation to consider. (Perhaps phrased as priming Roger Jr. to simply "not limit his options," if Yang is feeling generous that day.)

Suddenly his sister is upon him, her magazine masking his: 5 Ways to Meet His Parents When You're Already Sure They Hate You.

"And make sure you film his reaction, too. An epic stroke-out like the one he's gonna have deserves to be remembered."

Yang nods sagely as he hurriedly shoves her away. "It would be outright criminal not to."

55) Infatuation

Roger Jr. has never told anyone his actual favorite movies (or his favorite songs, or almost his favorite anything, come to think of it). For one thing, the intersection of his infancy with his mother's master's degree in film studies has rendered most of them either foreign, arthouse, or both, so no one is gonna know what they are anyway.

And he can't show them, because invariably anything in the upper echelons of his tastes makes him cry. Sob with full-on heaving and tears the size of grapes, if it's a real masterpiece. They say the more you love something, the more it hurts.

Whenever he thinks of this, he has to laugh. Sure explains a lot, does it not?