Ch 1

Howdy! I'm mostly writing this for my entertainment and it probably won't be updated frequently. It will consist mainly of one-shots Okuda centered. (Because Okuda is so cute and I love her) IDK I think I'm doing this to create crack-ships and keep me occupied from updating any of my other works 'cause that's how I procrastinate. ANYWAY! Enjoy!

She couldn't believe it. She refused to believe it! Looking down at the piece of paper in her hands she could feel a drop of sweat roll down her face. Her hands began to tremble and her shoulders began to shake. Manami was having difficulty breathing; there was this knot in her throat that wouldn't go away. The paper…This paper that she was currently crushing in between her pale hands was her death sentence! I can't, I can't, I can't! I can't go to the E-Class! I can't!

The classroom roof began to expand to intimating heights as the lights dimmed only to have a harsh blinding spotlight shine overhead glaring down at the petite chemist. Inky black shapes arose from the ground, seeping through the tiles shifting and changing around to create a heavy black fog that tinted the once clean air… Shapes were beginning to form, human shapes, with red scornful eyes, filled with hate. They extended upwards looking down at her like judges about to sentence someone to death…

"No, No There must be some mistake!" Manami cried out desperately pleading for the judges to change their minds.

But all that came back were hurling insults that increased the gravity around her, crushing her, causing her knees to buckle. Her amethyst eyes were wide and frantic, wildly searching for some sign of hope, some sign that she was being spared! Her chest tightened as her heart thrummed its wings around like a wild bird in a cage hitting her rib cage.

"Worthless…" A small fracture formed at the bottom of the four walls.

"Scum…" It grew immensely cracking towards the middle.

"Useless idiot!" The glass windows fractured.

"You deserve it!" The ground was violently shaking…Or maybe it was just her trembling body. She pleaded out once more.


"Die, Die, Die, Die, die!" They chanted unanimously.

The fracture ripped through the wall with a horrifying crack and various pieces of debris began to fall. The glass shattered completely, millions of sharp shards flew out like daggers as the shadowy figures loomed overhead. The floor was breaking apart! Manami stepped back hesitantly only to nearly slip and fall. She was balancing on the knife's edge.

"P-Please I-I can…I-I can try! Please o-one more chance I-I ju-just need one more-!" She wasn't allowed to finish her sentence as the shadowy figures grew and fused together before ramming itself against Manami's trembling body, the pushing force forcibly driving her off the edge!

"NO! PLEASE!" She cried; her hand desperately reaching out to grab something as the wind below thrashing her braids around, the harsh breeze whipping through her like daggers.

"P-PLEASE!" She shouted as her eyes struggled to open, when they finally did the only thing that greeted her back to reality was the inky darkness of her room…

Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest as beads of sweat rolled down her pale face. She placed her hand on her bosom and tried to slow down her harsh breathing…

"I-It was just a nightmare…." She stated relived as she let out a sigh. "W-what t-time it it…?" She wondered out loud her small voice still trembling. She put on her glasses before looking at the digital clock. It was 6 o' clock.

"W-well I'm already up might as well get ready for school." Manami said out loud as she let out a sigh. She could have slept for at least another hour.

As she walked down the sidewalk of the road her twin braids swayed with her every step gracefully behind her. The sun reflecting off of her glasses, the light blinding her every so often. As she neared the entrance of the school more and more students began to appear. Keep walking…they don't see you… She thought hoping to calm her nerves. She felt their wolfish gaze upon her back, glaring. She tried studying the ground below her, hoping they would look away…They knew….They knew she was failing….

"Why is she still here?" Her shoulders tensed at the comment….Please ignore me…

A few more comments made their way into her ringing ears…She knew she was failing and she knew the consequences she would face if she got another failing grade….But what could she do!? English wasn't her strongest suite. English doesn't have exact answers or facts…It feels as though no matter what she says it always ends up wrong. That's why she loves science so much. It's predictable, it has a pattern, with solid facts, no room for error and if an error does occur you can simply trace it back and find the problem. Easy solutions for easy problems; there is always a simple right and wrong. She let out a sigh…If only English was like that…She may need to get a tutor…But who would be willing to tutor her?

She doesn't have friends or at least she has a very limited amount of friends and most students in the school don't want to associate themselves with failing students…She was so screwed….No I'm fine I-I just need to maintain a C average in English and I'll be fine. I'm good at math and science. And history is just memorization…I just need a C….I can do it! I will do it! Manami can do this! Manami is smart!

"Manami will prevail!" OH Shoot! I said that out loud!

She quickly slapped her hands over her mouth hopping no one had heard her little outburst. Her amethyst eyes attentively searched for any witnesses luckily there were none. She let out a sigh of relief. Okay just need to find a tutor…maybe I can do some extra credit! There's no way I'm going to E-class! She thought confidently as she turned the corner ready to face her classroom lessons.

I don't understand…..Manami looked at the blackboard intently but the written words seemed to jumble around…After her last class (which just so happened to be English) she let out a sigh…Who was she kidding? She couldn't do this. She was going to fail….Might as well start filing her paperwork to transfer over to E-class…She let out another sigh…

"Something must be wrong if it warranted two sighs in a row."

Manami jumped back instinctively, surprised by the sudden presence of another person…She was the last one out of class since she was tasked with cleaning up…(Along with another person but they just left without doing anything) She turned her head towards the voice and her eyes grew wide as she recognized who it was. Lovely strawberry locks neatly combed, handsome facial features, and two bright violet eyes that could pierce through the most impenetrable metal….It could only be Asano Gakushu! Immediately the large gap of popularity, intelligence, and overall status between them was noticeable. Manami had been graced by the appearance of Asano Gakushu, she was truly unworthy she must apologize!

"S-student Council President! I-I uhhh… I-I'm sorry for using up the abundant amount of carbon dioxide so ineffectively!" Manami stated her shoulders ridged as she bowed apologetically…What did I just say?! Manami thought in slight horror.

For the first time in his life Gakushu was left slightly thrown back by the girl's response. She seemed intimated by him, which was odd seeing as he devotes a good deal of his energy into crafting his benevolent persona to gain the school masses' loyalty, trust, and admiration. But his confusion soon gave way to slight amusement.

"Well that was quite an interesting response." He said with a fake cheerful smile. He briefly wondered if she could see through his façade...Hmm…Perhaps he should keep a close eye on her…

"W-well I uhh…It was! B-But only because that was the f-first thing to come out of my mouth…a-and I uhh.. I didn't mean to use too much oxygen after a-all can't be too greedy right! It's just y-you make me nervous…" She babbled…until she realized her mistake. "Oh! N-No Mr. President I-I didn't mean it like a bad nervous! I-I was just…! It's just…! You are….! And I'm just….! I'm sorry!"

Oh my goodness what did I just say?! Please kill me now! Manami thought embarrassed…She had never been good with her words. She was always stumbling over her sentences and this was why she was failing… To her horror and embarrassment he started chucking.

"Its fine…uhh.." Gakushu realized he didn't know the girl's name. "I'm sorry how rude of me, I didn't ask for your name."


"Yes. Don't you have one?" He joked…She just flinched. Curious. He thought.

"M-Manami…" Asano's eyes grew wide. That's when Manami realized her mistake. "Okuda!" She practically blurted out. "M-My name's Okuda Manami!" She corrected herself practically whispering now…She can't believe she used her first name first! Oh god she really was doomed to end up in E-class.

"Well Okuda-san might I ask why you're still here, most of the students have already left the campus grounds by now." He said politely….Okuda Manami…that name ringed a bell…

"W-well I was tasked with cleaning duty today along with another student…But he left…"

Gakushu frowned. How dare that other student avoid responsibilities like that? That kind of behavior will land him in the E-class!

"Ah! B-but I'm sure he had something important to do! I was going to stay a bit late a-anyway to ask my teacher for e-extra credit…" Manami continued when she saw his lovely eyes narrow in irritation.

"Extra credit?" Asano inquired. He didn't expect such a studious looking student to need extra credit.

Manami looked at the ground shamefully…She decided she could trust the Council president…perhaps he could help….

"W-well I'm failing…If I get any more bad grades I-I might…No I will get sent to the E-class…" She stated glumly as she shifted her weight around avoiding eye contact.

"I see." Gakushu bluntly stated as he withheld a sneer.

He didn't care that she was still in the main building the mere fact that's she's failing made her just as bad as the rest of the E-class scum. She was below him.

"L-Luckily my math and science grades have k-kept me afloat….I mostly have chemistry to thank." She said with a sheepish smile…She must have very high marks in those two subjects if it's what's keeping her from failing…that's when it clicked.

Large periwinkle eyes behind silver glasses, short, shy, twin braids, and good at Chemistry. Yes now he knew who she was. She was the chemistry freak who managed to get the highest score in the science department…higher than him…He remembered he was so furious that someone got a higher grade than him and now that someone was right in front of him, balancing on a tight rope about to fall and fail…This was too perfect. He could rid himself of the pest that bested him in chemistry.

"I see…Say if you're failing I could tutor you." He offered generously with a kind smile. Her eyes grew wide.

"N-No you don't have to trouble yourself…I-I can find another tutor." She insisted.

"I guess you could but who would be a better tutor than me. Don't worry it's my job as Student Council President to help my fellow students."

H-he's so kind and generous…He's willing to help me when no one else would! Manami could feel her heart resonate happily and she smiled.

"T-thank you so much!" She beamed out gratefully. Surely with Asano's help she could get through this!

It soon became a routine for them to meet up at the library to study. Asano would always be patience and that made Manami strive to become better! Slowly but surely she felt herself open up. She also noticed that whenever she saw Asano in a crowd her heart would beat just a bit faster.

The way his strawberry blond locks neatly framed his handsome face made him stand out against the crowd of ordinary students. Her eyes were naturally drawn to him…She remembered he caught her looking once…

"Do you see something you like, Okuda-San?" He asked with a playful smile. She blushed and tried to come up with a response.

"N-no I mean yes…but not really i-it's…t-the chemistry book!"


"C-could you get it for me…? I-I c-can't reach." He smiled…It was the kind of smile that made you feel important and cared for.

"Anything for you."

And whenever he leaned over her shoulder to explain something her face would flush…Manami wondered…if she was experiencing the symptoms of love…Whenever he's around she feels important…After all he didn't need to help her out, but he did because he was so kind, because he truly believed she could do it! So in order to show her gratitude Manami tried her hardest in class and soon her grades improved…if only a little.

She even got a B minus in English. A B MINUS! It was amazing! She quickly ran to find Asano and show him how much she progressed! He would be so proud! Her cheeks flushed at the thought of him smiling at her while he patted her head…

"Good work! I knew you could do it!" He would say as he patted her head affectionately. She felt her heart beating slightly faster at the thought.

Gakushu could hear Manami's hasty footsteps. He smiled. All was going according to plan. He had gained her trust rather quickly…She was too naïve for her own good…Too trusting…People like that deserve to be tricked. He reasoned trying to justify his actions.

"Asano-kun..!" He could hear her voice call him like a silver chiming bell. His smile morphed into a small smirk…The bunny was running right towards his cleverly placed trap. It was time to start phase two.

"Yes, Okuda-chan? What is it?" He asked feigning interest.

Manami couldn't trust herself to speak so she merely shoved the graded paper into his face.

"You're showing me a piece of paper?" He teased.

"No, what's on the paper?!"

"Questions and Answers."

"I got a B- in English!" Manami exclaimed happily her periwinkle eyes shining brightly with enthusiasm.

"That's good news, but remember Okuda-chan don't strive for second best. You could have done better."

"I-I know…I just thought you would like to see how much I progressed." Manami murmured as she drew the sheet of paper closer to her, slightly disappointment.

"Okuda-chan…You've progressed so much and I'm very proud of you…but…" Asano looked at the ground with a slightly pained expression his fist clenching. "But…I feel as though you don't need me anymore…"

"W-what…?! Asano-kun that's not true!" Manami exclaimed as she reached out to touch his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. "I-I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own…a-and I'm still struggling. I-I still need you…"

"Manami…" She felt shivers run down her back when he called her by her first name… "…I'm sorry…"

"Sorry for wh-Mmmh!" She didn't get to finish her sentence.

He had silenced her with a kiss. To say she was surprised was an understatement! T-This had to be a dream! It's could be real…! B-But the way Asano gently pressed his body against hers felt so vivid…Her wide surprised eyes slowly fluttered shut in acceptance. Asano watched her expression morph from complete shock to a slight daze to a content acceptance. He never once closed his eyes.

Manami felt warm and there was this tickling fuzzy feeling in her chest that she couldn't explain….Her eyes fluttered open when she felt him pull away from the kiss…W-what just happened? Her mind had gone completely blank.

"I-I y-you…! We…! But I…!" She didn't know what to say. What do you say in a situation like this?!

"I'm sorry. You must hate me now." Asano said with melodramatic eyes.

"N-NO!" She shouted…She flinched at how loud she was… "N-No I couldn't hate you…Not when you've done so much for me…especially when everyone thought I was just a lost cause…I-I'm sorry! I know your kindness isn't reserved for me! B-but even though I knew that I couldn't help but feel special and...I-I…" She couldn't say it…She was never good with words so instead she kissed him again hoping to convey her feelings.

She had caught him by surprise. He was unprepared for this he had not expected the reserved chemist to do something this bold. He could feel her embarrassment, her determination, her affection…He almost reconsidered his plan. Almost.

"Okuda…" He wrapped his arms around her petite waist possessively and gently titled her chin up to look at him. He smiled down at her. "I like you." That was the final nail in the coffin.

He had poisoned her… Love was her poison. She didn't understand complex feelings or underlying goals. It was too easy. A few complements and some general kindness and hospitably was enough to ensnare her. Soon the poison took its course. She began daydreaming, she couldn't concentrate, days passed by in a haze, the teacher's words were muffled, and her grades began to slip again. He made sure to keep her in this state by giving her smaller doses of love poison.

"S-so how would you wri-." He kissed her before she could finish asking her question taking a small pleasure in watching her cheeks glow pink. "I-I uhh what…?"

"Hehe Sorry you're just too cute. I couldn't resist." He said as he placed a kiss on her cheek. Her cheeks began to glow a bright red and she tried to hide herself behind the book she had in her hands, but even though she was embarrassed she felt happy.

He was explaining something…but his words fell on deaf ears….He was so close to her, his mouth hovering just above her ear.

"Manami…" She loved how he said her name…


"Do you understand?" Manami didn't want to make him angry and she didn't want him to think she was stupid.


A touch, a kiss, an empty promise that's all it took to unravel her. He made sure he was the only thing on her mind; when they studied he purposely let his touch linger to throw her off balance, now she could hardly focus on studying whenever he so much as leaned closer to her. Her grades had dropped so much and she wouldn't tell him they had dropped. She tried savaging her grades but in the end her death came…She tried standing still but her body wouldn't stop trembling…She was being sent to E-class


She ran to him for comfort. There must be a mistake she can't go to E-class! Gakushu! He could help her! He could convince them to give her one more chance! Her eyes soon spotted him walking down the hallway, a few fangirls trailing behind him. She smiled relived. He could help her like he always did because he believed in her! Because he loved her!

"Gaku-…" She tried calling towards him, but he didn't even stop to acknowledge her. Without missing a heartbeat he walked away a cold breeze following him.

"…g-gakushu.." She called quietly…He didn't turn back…

Silent tears fell freely from her eyes. She fell on her knees, weak and useless…She was an E-class student…and everyone hates E-class students…Even Gakushu…He hates me… She numbly walked towards the Library and curled herself up into a small ball hoping no one would find her. She skipped the rest of her classes…the only thought in her head was: he hates me, he hates me, he hates me…and one thought made her gasp out in gross sobbing Did he ever love me…?

She never thought that all his feelings all his gestures towards her were all just one massive lie.

Ahhh! Poor Okuda...I'm so sorry but this was how I imagine it would be considering Asano's manipulative personality and Okuda's naïve nature. Don't worry next one will be happier! Speaking of the next one if there's a particular pair you want to see don't hesitate to tell me or if you have a cute prompt idea please I'm all ears!