Set in a similar timeframe to 'A Forensic Investigator Calls a Detective' i.e. super close to the start of Spirit of Justice. Ema is a forensic investigator here. It's a long one so buckle your seats kiddos.

Chapter 1 – The Fop dates the Forensic Investigator

When a person plans to make a crucial life choice that could be the best thing that happened to them, they need to consider every consequence – good and bad.

This is advice that Klavier Gavin followed to a T when he planned to make a very crucial decision, that would become the best decision of his life.

Dating Ema Skye.

Ever since their first meeting, he had been enamoured with everything about her. She was so… different. She didn't squeal, burst into tears or faint when they'd first met. The way she spoke so honestly and freely (sometimes too freely) to him. The way her teal eyes sparkled when she talked about forensics. Her (mostly) collected composure. Her quirky but charming outfit. Those pink glasses. Her attitude towards him was not so enthusiastic, but he would change that. And over time, he did. Almost two years of working in a strongly-like/hate relationship will do that.

He was positive he knew everything about Ema at the basic level. Favourite colour, food (apart from Snackoos), music (not his), season, her family, ideal holiday – the list goes on. She knew most of these things about him too, eventually. He knew, well he was told, that he'd learn much more about her if they became an item.

That simple statement got him thinking. Ema Skye was the kind of person that Klavier realised he could try to find out everything about and she'd still surprise him with something. It was exciting and intriguing, and he liked it.

He started asking all the men he knew who had partners – Phoenix, Apollo, Gumshoe, even Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth (he had a history, not a partner at the present). How do you ask a woman to date you when she's Ema Skye? Probably a more important question was, What should I expect?

Most of them said useful information, always finishing with 'Watch out for the Snackoos.'

Edgeworth had given him the crucial piece of advice that caused Klavier to deeply consider, and go through with, dating Ema. It was the best thing he ever did, outweighing his career choices in both music and law (which is saying something because he remembered saying the same thing for these choices too…).

Asking the question itself hadn't been that hard – it went much smoother than Klavier thought it would go. It had gone something like this:

'Uh… Ema?'

'Hmmm, yeah?' She was fingerprint analysing at the time and Klavier just needed to ask her right now or he felt like he was going to burst.

'Would…. Would you like to…' Ema was staring at him now, his usually cool composure gone, leaving a nervous blubbering prosecutor. Get yourself together, Gavin. Just. Ask. Her. He stopped, breathed, and started again, 'Fräulein, would you like to go out with me?' Part of him face palmed for such a cliché question and tried not to wince. The other part just hoped she would answer him already. She was taking her time and he expected the worst. He looked away from her, starting to turn away when he heard,

'Sure, fop.'

She said it quietly. Almost a whisper. Like she wasn't sure herself of what she'd said. But when his blue eyes met her teal ones, there was no doubt in them. They were sparkling brighter than when she talked about forensics.

He remembered it clearly. Since they both had worked together, present in each other's lives for most of everyday for the past nearly two years, Ema decided it was easy just to move in with him. They shared the news with almost everyone, amused at the different reactions of shock, laughter, nonchalance, and the multiple knowing, almost expectant, smiles.

The number one comment Klavier got from the various female friends apart from, 'You guys are so cute!' was, 'You're just what Ema needs. You balance each other out.' While he eye-rolled the first comment, he was glad that Ema's friends could see that he suited her. It gave him hope for their future.

The number one comment Klavier got from his best friends apart from, 'About bloody time!' was, 'Watch the emotions – you never know how she'll respond.' Klavier mostly laughed that comment off – he knew exactly how she thought. At this stage, there was very little in Ema's emotions that he called unexpected. He felt prepared for whatever came their way.

It was the piece of advice Lana Skye gave him on the side: 'Just wait until she gets her period. Live through that and then come and tell me you're still together.'

That worried him greatly. She just winked with a wry smile on her face, and walked away leaving him slightly stunned and speechless. He thought (and seriously hoped) Lana was exaggerating, maybe to try and weed out the pathetic boyfriends that her little sister occasionally picked up. How wrong he was.

Ema reassured him every time he brought it up (almost to the point where she was annoyed) that she wasn't that bad. Klavier had to believe her – he had no prior experience to go on.