Disclaimer: The only thing I own is an army of bad puns, and they are always ready to deploy.

A/N 1: I realize that not everyone who's seen one of these universes has also seen the other, so I'll try to explain it in the story as I go along. But for now there's no time to explain, its Dragon Age and RWBY, what more do you need to know?

A/N 3: Also this is my firstish fanfic, so lemme know how I'm messing up.

A/N 2: I'm rating this T, but the video game this is based on is also rated M. Ehh, it's probably fine.


It's unfortunate you were promised a power that was never truly yours.


But take comfort in knowing that I will use it in ways you could never have imagined.

She heard voices…?

Do you believe in destiny?

Her voice?


She awoke with the worst headache she's ever had. She looked around and found she was in a simple room. The walls were bare, as was the floor. Light shone in from what she assumed was the window behind her.

"Am I inside the school?"

She heard a sound like glass cracking, and turned around to exactly that. She saw the most beautiful mirror she had ever seen shatter before her eyes. Confused, she reached out to a shard when she heard a scream.

"Someone! Help Me!"

Bursting through door after door searching for the source of the cry, she began to doubt that she was back inside the school. In fact, she was beginning to believe she was in some kind of… holy place? The girl opened a large set of double-doors into a sanctuary larger than she'd ever seen. She could have spent the next few minutes staring in wonder at it if not for the demon in the center of the room, an old woman dressed in ornate clothing being bound up by a strange green energy, and several other mean-looking people standing around them.

"What's going on in here?" She demanded

"Run while you can; WARN THEM!" The captive woman cried out.

The dark figure in the center of the room seemed to notice her then, and regarded her as one would a fly.

"We have an intruder." Its voice echoed with a menace that suggested great power. "Slay the human". It then returned to its chanting, assuming that the minor inconvenience would be dealt with.

She was up a creek without a paddle. The demon's order to slay her was an unpleasant reminder that she had no weapon, and the five henchmen were advancing on her. The first one charged and made a vicious swing towards her head with a club, but she was already gone. Leaping over him, she stole his helmet and bashed the second over the head with it. The soldier was dazed long enough for her to grab his weapon and stab the third. Dodging the second strike from the first club wielding brute was enough to see the second soldier taken down by the errant swing. The fourth and fifth had been hanging back to avoid making the same mistake, but were now closing in on her.

Hearing another scream and looking past them, she saw the woman in agony as the green tendrils binding her growing stronger. It was that distraction that allowed one of the soldiers to land a solid strike with his club. The blow was hard enough to send her careening through several pews. The impact might have shattered the bones on a normal person.

She didn't have time for this. Raising the sword she had taken, she charged at them, making as if to strike. Instead, she dove and slid past them, slashing at the back of their legs as she went. They no longer posed a threat, but the magical energy from whatever spell the demon was using noticeably heated the room. She had barely expended any effort but she was already sweating profusely. She needed to take the demon by surprise and separate him from the orb.

It almost worked.

The demon was focused on whatever magic it was weaving; he didn't see her until the last possible moment. Breaking the chant once more, it was forced to step back and dodge a strike aimed at its head. A strike never came. Instead, she feinted and brought the edge of her blade down on the hand that held the magic orb. It clattered as it hit the ground, rolling between them.

Strangely, the orb seemed to scream in agony as it hit the ground, as if calling out to her as the now unconscious old woman had.

"YOU INERNAL SWINE! You dare interfere in the crowning of a god? Your death will make the divine's look swift and merciful." Its voice boomed, as if the threat alone was enough to conjure up magical energy. "And impudence in your hear shall burn with you."

The non-severed hand extended, and black magic spewed out from it.

She lunged and reached out for the orb.

Her palm made contact.

She awoke face down on the ground for the second time in a row, wondering where the rest of the building went. Looking around, she saw what might have been ruins of the building she remembered being in. The only sound was that of a light scurrying, like a few mice pattering about in the walls. Looking up, she found that she was no longer inside at all. She saw darkness, and a sickly green mist that permeated the air.

Am I dead?

The sound was growing exponentially. She turned around, and found there was no time to ponder her existential state. A legion of spiderlike creatures was bearing down on her, and she decided to run on the off chance that these weren't her angelic ambassadors to heaven. Looking for anywhere to go in the opposite direction, she saw a giant staircase leading up to a woman bathed in light, along with what she hoped was a way out.

Ignoring the idea that walking into the light was the literal metaphor for death, and that she was running towards something that looked like an angel, she tried to pick up her pace. She couldn't however, and by the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, she could barely manage a crawl. It was as if the place –wherever it was- actively sapped her strength as she moved.

Her pursuers didn't seem to have this issue. They rapidly gained on her as she tried to climb the stairs. Nearing the top, and the end of her endurance, she reached out to the being. The being reached back. As they touched, her hand exploded in green light, giving her the worst pain she could imagine. She could feel herself moving, as if she was being pulled at her palm by a speeding train. The train stopped and then thankfully, her vision faded to black.

End Note: So if you can't tell, this story will be largely a retelling, with some quirks here and there. It's useful to me because I can use some dialogue from the games to explain things to both the main character and readers who haven't played the game at the same time, while also adding my own dialogue options.

On a more technical note, please read and review about anything. Feel free to flame, but I don't see how that would help me improve the qualities of the story or my skills as a writer, so you aren't really helping anyone.

Also, because I'm shuddering to think about how many times I probably switched tenses as I wrote this, please slide into my DMs if you're interested in being a beta reader. I'm often two tired (like a bicycle?) to check my stuff after I finish writing.

P.S. I'm adding this right before I upload. I'm already a thousand words into the next chapter, and I doubt that I'm even a quarter of the way done, so I hope you don't hate uneven chapters.