(A/N Hello everyone! This story was inspired by the fanfic Paradise by Captain Riley. You should check it out if you have a chance it's really good! This is set in an AU although some events from the canon will be mentioned.

Disclaimer-I don't own any One Piece characters except for my OC and maybe some others later on. All original characters belong to Oda. )

A young girl walked balanced on the railing of a Donquixote Pirate ship. The breeze blew her brown curls towards the sea and her childish green eyes searched the deck for a playmate. She spun once on her toes, never losing her poise and tipping towards the crashing waves below. As she did her sundress flared out, the assortment of bright colors blending together with the motion. She flung her arms out, stopping her spin. Her emerald orbs moved to the side to see her chosen playmate slumped against the railing across the ship. Gently bending down, she then pushed off the railing with the tips of her toes, gliding over the crew below to land soundlessly beside the boy.

Upon her arrival the pale boy made no move to acknowledge her presence. She pursed her lips and said in a annoyed tone, "Law-kun, you said that you'd play with me."

Law tilted his head up, his hat shadowing his eyes. The girl was quite the annoyance. In a cold tone he said, "No, I didn't. Stop making up stuff you want to hear. And I've told you a thousand times, don't add the -kun to my name, it's just Law." Hearing this the girl sucked in her cheeks, after a moment's worth of glaring at the boy she stuck her nose in the sky tightly shutting her eyes.

"Fufufufu~Why do you always give him the attention little Kaline?…"

Kaline snapped her eyes open quickly finding her Captain. The said man was lounging on a chair on the Upper Deck, he was surrounded by at least three or four of his concubines. Kaline herself thought those women were disgusting things; but some of them didn't have a choice but to live their life that way. Ruling over the disgust she had, she felt pity. A whistle pierced the air and her eyes that'd been clouded with thoughts cleared as she saw Doflamingo's women quickly leaving the space on the Upper Deck. Her captain smiled like a mad man as he stood and made his way to the Upper Deck's railing, leaning against it and gazing down below. Even though his eyes were hidden from his glasses Kaline could still feel the pressure from his intent look boring into her.

Doflamingo slightly tilted his head to the side to see behind his little Kaline. There sat that odd one; Law. A frown grew upon his face as recalled some memories concerning that boy, he was snapped from his recollection as a certain voice called out, "Doffy-san!" Kaline stood on the Main Deck holding her hands behind her in a pout sort of way. A chuckle escaped his lips and he straightened to his full height.

"Fufu~Join me up here little Kaline," Doflamingo said in a soft voice. Now all of the Donquixote Pirates know of their Captain's temper, and they also know how it's calmed dramatically since the arrival of the girl known as Kaline. No one knows who she truly is; the girl arrived when she was five. Two years later Doflamingo gave her a Devil Fruit and she was promoted to an Elite member. This action made it clear that the girl has been fully accepted into the family, also since her being Doflamingo's favorite gave her protection. No one in their right mind wanted to mess with a member of the Seven Warlords.

Kaline looked up at him determination in her eyes. The girl crouched down before pushing off of the deck. Doflamingo's eyes lingered on the spot she'd once been before he opened his arms and looked up expectantly. It was clear for why he was doing that for seconds later Kaline appeared. The girl was caught underneath her arms, if you didn't have a keen eye you wouldn't have been able to see her figure shooting down from above. Kaline giggled her eyes seemingly full of laughter, mischief plagued her mind and she jumped down, escaping Doflamingo's grip. The girl raced around the man, she had hoped he'd attempt to grab her but Doflamingo merely sighed and decided to wait until she tired herself out.

Across the deck Law looked up to see the scene. A quiet scoff escaped his lips. Even if the girl was annoying he'd rather not have another person with a powerful Devil Fruit be wrapped around Doflamingo's finger so young. He'd be getting out of here soon. Maybe even start his own crew. Who knows...it couldn't hurt to take the brat along. He gritted his teeth. No. Sooner or later she'll become Doflamingo's pet. He wasn't a psychic or anything but he could tell that there were unseen plans in store for her.

(A/N A short first chapter, hoped you enjoyed it! So Kaline does have a Devil Fruit it's just yet to be introduced. Until next time!)