Farkle Meets the New Year

Here it is the last chapter and it's extra long. This story has been a labor of love and has given me a new found appreciation for the characters that I already loved. I see all the reviews and will reply, I promise. Special thanks to my support system, sand1128, zombeeegurl (tumblr), Carolyn, Courtney and Kayla.

Chapter 3

This idea came to me after a recent rewatch of Girl Meets the New Year. Thought it would be fun if Riley got to turn the tables on Farkle. In this story Farkle and Smackle have been broken up for nearly years. They haven't seen or spoken to one another at all. He broke up with her so she wouldn't be tied down. He wanted her to follow her dreams. Those dreams led her to Stanford, University in California. Farkle was in Princeton, New Jersey. Smackle has been given the opportunity to study in Australia. Will she take the position or will Farkle be able to make her change her mind? Will he be able to admit his feelings to her? Takes place from Thursday, December 29 to Saturday, December 31, 2022.

Note-the Clique Six is all 21 with Lucas being 22. Josh Matthews is 24. They are all Juniors in college and Josh followed in Cory's footsteps and is working as a middle school history teacher.

Saturday, December 31, 2022, The Matthew's apartment and roof of the building

Isadora Smackle was anxious. She was finally going to come face to face with Farkle Minkus after nearly three years. She wondered if he still cared for her, all their friends said that he did. She knew her own feelings had never changed. Did Farkle still love her and if he did would he confess his feelings? Did he see a future with her? The only thing she knew with certainty was that she would always love Farkle and that she would forgive him anything.

She had arrived back in the city with her parents earlier that morning. Her family had a wonderful time during Christmas and she really was glad to be back on the east coast again. Her family had been spending the holidays in California with her as she just never could bring herself to be back in the same city as Farkle. In her head, she accepted the reasons Farkle had set her free. Long distance relationships were hard. He wanted her to enjoy her college experience and not have to worry about a boyfriend that was 2,943 miles across the country. Her heart however, hadn't been as understanding. As a result, she had thrown herself into her work, especially the research she had been working on for the past year. Wallowing in her heartache had been wonderful for her academically. Getting the chance to study in Sydney was amazing. She was only hoping being in a totally different country would make her forget about him. Originally, she was going to skip out on the annual New Year's Eve celebration that Riley liked to host. She had missed the two years, but she really wanted to see her friends before she left the country. She thought she would swing by early enough and hopefully miss Farkle, but after the conversation she had with Riley the other night she had a feeling this night was going to be special. She wouldn't say anything unless he did. She was due at the Matthew's apartment early so that she could spend some time with Riley and Maya. She would miss the bubbly brunette and brooding blonde. Before she had met them, her only real girl friend had been her younger sister and that hardly counted. She loved their little circle of friends and would miss each one of them. She told her parents and sister good night and wished them a happy new year, telling them she didn't know what time she would return home.

As she made her way down the block to the subway station, she had forgotten how much she loved winter. The feel of the crisp air hitting her face made her feel alive. As she headed down the stairs to catch the train she got the odd feeling someone was watching her. She stopped and looked around and didn't see anyone she knew and no one seemed interested in her. She reached the subway platform and got caught up in the sights and sounds of the people around her. As the next train came to a stop she waited for the doors to open. She made her way through the people exiting and found a seat. She still had that odd feeling someone was watching her. When she looked up, she gasped, standing right in front of her was the last person she expected to see, "Zay! Is that really you?!"

"Yes, it is! You're sure a sight for sore eyes! Have you got one of those famous Smackle hugs for an old friend?" Zay asked with one of those signature smiles of his.

"Of course, I do! I always have one for you, silly!" She enveloped Zay in a hug, taking in his presence. Boy, had she missed her friend. "I can't believe that you're actually here in front of me, please sit. How are you, Zay?" She asked as they sat.

"Oh, you know, same old Zay. How about you? You doing all right? Glad to be back in the city?" Zay asked over the noise of the crowded subway car.

"Actually, I am very happy to be in the city. I'd forgotten how much I loved it," she replied.

"I hate to cut this short but the next stop is mine, you'll be at Riley's party tonight, right? We have a lot of catching up to do," Zay said

"Yes. I'm on my way there now for some girl time with Riley and Maya," she explained.

"Well good, I'll see you there tonight. I'm so glad you'll be there, I have a surprise for everyone." Just as he got the words out the subway stopped and he was gone.

As soon as Isadora exited the subway for her stop, she headed straight to the bakery. She just had to have a look at it before she headed to see Riley and Maya. The place never changed. She inhaled the smell of coffee and pastry. She loved that smell. She saw that the seats around the table were empty, so she sat. She was overwhelmed with memories. She could just see the six of them sitting there for a night of homework and studying like they always did. She brushed a tear from her eyes and got up to turn to leave. As she stood she lost her footing and started to fall. She was caught by strong arms and pulled to a solid chest. When she looked up to see who had saved the day, she let out a laugh and said, "Lucas Friar after all these years haven't you figured out that all your flirting is never going to work on me? Besides, I could never do that to Riley." He just looked at her and laughed. She moved her arms up around his neck to give him a hug.

"Smackle! It's so good to see you! I can't believe that you're here," he said as he returned her hug. "Aren't you supposed to be meeting Riley at her parent's place?" She nodded yes and he told her that if she could wait for him to pick up his order he'd walk with her. She waited and as they walked they made small talk. She asked about Farkle and all Lucas would saw was she'd have to see for herself at the party. As they entered the apartment building he left her with a good bye once they were outside his apartment. He told her he would see her in a few hours. She waited on the elevator and headed up to the second floor where Riley and Maya were waiting for her.

Lucas was glad that he had gotten Zay's text message about seeing Smackle on the subway as Farkle was supposed to be the one to go get the order from the bakery. He had been hanging out at Lucas and Josh's watching football. Lucas could never understand why Farkle came over to watch football with him. The guy hated sports. Maybe it was just for the company. They were all hanging out just waiting for the party to start and Lucas could tell Farkle was a mess. When he suddenly told Farkle that he would go get the bakery order, the genius never questioned it. As he neared the bakery he saw Smackle go down the stairs, so he followed her and watched her from outside for a few moments, glad he went in when he did or she would have hit the floor. He had to make sure he hurried into the apartment so Farkle or Josh wouldn't see her. He hated rushing away from her.

Since Lucas had let Smackle in the building she had the element of surprise on Riley and Maya. When she knocked on the door of the Matthew's apartment she was giggly with anticipation over seeing Riley and Maya. When Riley opened the door Smackle yelled surprise!

It took a moment for Riley to realize who was standing at the door. It was Maya who spoke up first, "Smackle," she yelled, "what a surprise!" She grabbed her hand and led her into the apartment. Riley had to shake her head to realize what was going on. While Maya was hugging Smackle, Riley walked over to them and just hugged the both them.

The girls stayed like that for several seconds. Once the hug was broke Riley said, "Smackle how did you get in the building?"

"I ran into Lucas in the bakery and he walked up with me, he went to his apartment. I can't believe the two of you are here in front of me, you can't even imagine how much I've missed you! Smackle told them.

"Then why do you want to go to Australia?" Riley whispered under her breath, low enough that no one could hear She just couldn't figure out how to talk Smackle into staying in New York. She hoped the plan with Farkle worked.

"Smackle you look absolutely wonderful," Riley commented. Looks like life in California agrees with you.

"Oh, Bubbles, I like it there, but it will never be home. New York City is home."

"Then come home Smackle, come home as soon as you can! Riley pleaded.

The girls fell into a long conversation about every topic under the sun. They were going to spend the afternoon catching up and getting ready for the party tonight.

While the girls were otherwise occupied, Lucas decided to have a chat with Farkle. He found his friend sitting alone watching a movie. Lucas sat next to Farkle trying to figure out the right words to say.

"Hey Farkle. Is it okay if I ask you a question?" Lucas asked.

"Sure thing." Farkle answered.

"What are you going to do about Smackle? Are you going to tell her how you feel and try to stop her from going to Australia?" Lucas asked, getting right to the point.

"Well I'm not sure, I don't want her to go and I do want her to know how I feel about her. But I don't want her to base her decision on that. I want her to stay because that's what she wants to do. But this is an amazing opportunity for her research and future. It's senior year of high school all over again. I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. I don't even know if she'll talk to me and hear me out. I just know that if I don't say anything, Riley is going to out me, just like I did her," Farkle explained, still confused.

"You know Riley has to fix everything. She just wants you and Smackle to have what she and I have, she wants that for all our friends," Lucas explained. You know, when you outed Riley all those years ago, it was the best possible thing you could have done for her, well, all of us really. It's at that point that I started realizing my true feelings for Riley and Maya. All the confusion before that point in time started to slowly fade away for me. It was always Riley for me. Thank you for that."

"You're welcome. If it comes to that for me and Smackle I hope it helps us, too. I just hope that if we can't be together, we can at least be friends and move on with our lives." Farkle said checking his watch for the time. I'm going to head to my parents and shower and get ready for the party. We have to be there in a couple hours. See you guys there." He said his goodbyes and left. Farkle wasn't sure what the evening would hold but thought if the New Year held the possibility of him and Smackle together it would be a great year.

7:45 p.m. New Year's Eve

Riley, Maya and Smackle were putting the finishing touches on the party decorations and waiting for the first guests to arrive. They had all kinds of snack foods and pizza and finger foods. The only rule Riley's parents had was for there to be no alcohol at the party. Riley and her friends weren't big drinkers so that wasn't a problem. They had sodas, ginger ale and even sparkling grape juice for drinks. There was a knock at the door and Riley went to answer it. She was greeted by the handsome faces of her uncle and boyfriend. She ushered them through the door. "Hi Josh, hey babe," she said as she walked over to Lucas. She gave him a hug and a kiss as Maya did the same with Josh. "You guys are the first ones to arrive. Get yourselves something to eat and drink. Uncle Josh you and Maya, will oversee the music." Riley said. "Just don't play it to loud." Just then Smackle came down the stairs and was bombarded by Lucas and Josh. Josh was the first to speak, "Isadora Smackle it's so good to see your smiling face, you have been missed around here."

"Well, thank you Josh, its pretty good to be here. I've really missed everyone and the city. If I understood correctly, Riley told me that you are officially Maya's Boing now. I'm very happy for you two." Smackle said obviously very happy for her friend.

More guests arrived, old classmates and friends, it was the beginning of a wonderful evening.

9:00 p.m.

The party had been in full swing for an hour now and Smackle was having a good time. She got to catch up with some of her old classmates and everyone seemed to be doing well in their lives. Smackle was starting to feel nervous because the one person she wanted to see hadn't arrived yet. She wanted to ask Riley or Maya if they knew where he was, but she didn't want them to see how anxious she had become so she just kept her eyes peeled on the front door. A few minutes after 9, there was a knock and since she was standing so close to the door, she said that she would answer it. She took a deep breath as she opened the door, hoping to see Farkle on the other side, but instead it was Zay and Sarah Carpenter, one of their former classmates. She smiled at Zay and greeted him with a hug, "Hey Zay, Hi Sarah. It's great to see you guys. Sarah it's been a while."

It sure has Isadora, you look wonderful!" Sarah said with a smile. "California sure seems to agree with you? How is your research going? As Smackle told Sarah a little about her research a few more of their old classmates come thru the door. Just as Smackle is finishing explaining her research to Sarah, she gets bombarded by Darby and Yindra. Glad for an escape Smackle walks toward the kitchen to get herself something to drink. She runs into Zay and they fall into a conversation that Zay really wanted to avoid

"So, Zay, you and Sarah seem pretty close. Care to share what that's all about?" Smackle asked.

Just as Zay was about to answer her question he and Smackle were suddenly surrounded by Riley, Lucas, Maya and Josh.

"Yea, Zay. What's going on with you and Sarah." This time it was Lucas who asked. Zay shot Lucas a dirty look and tried again to evade the question again. Just as he's about to answer, Sarah walks up and puts a hand on Zay's shoulder.

"Don't you think it's about time we told them? Sarah asked with a smile.

"No, it's none of their business and the less they know the better," Zay said with tight lips. He really wasn't really to tell the girls. Because they would make a big deal out of it and he really was just enjoying it being him and Sarah right now. The feelings he had for her were so new.

Riley chimed in with, "Zay, you don't have to be afraid to tell us anything. We're your friends and we love you. We just want you to be happy and if you have found the someone that makes you happy that's wonderful.

Maya added, "Yea what she said. But we really do want to know."

Zay looked at his friends all smiling at him and then he looked at Sarah who had a pleading smile on her face. Zay knew she was ready to go public with their relationship. Lucas just had a big goofy smile on his face as he already knew what was going on.

"Fine!" Zay said. Sarah and I have been seeing each other for a couple of months now. We ran into each other at the bakery, traded phone numbers and have been seeing each other for quite a while now. I even asked her to be my girlfriend a few days ago, and she said…"

"I said yes!" Sarah said for him. Zay and Sarah were enveloped in a huge group hug! The group was genuinely happy for them. Smackle backed away from the group a little as it was making her a bit uncomfortable all the sudden.

She was truly happy for Zay and Sarah. She just wished she had what all her friends had. The group toasted Zay and Sarah with some sparkling grape juice. Smackle went to sit in the bay window in the living room, hoping that Farkle would show up.

Josh joined the group and offered his own congratulations to Zay and Sarah. He noticed Smackle had gone to sit by herself. "Hey guys, has anybody heard from Farkle. It seems like Isadora is feeling a little down." Everyone checked their phones. Lucas said that he had a message from him.

"Farkle got caught up talking to his parents and said that he should be here soon, that was ten minutes ago." Lucas informed the group. "We need to tell her he's on his way. Riley, you want to do the honors?"

Riley left the group and headed over to sit by Smackle as the others broke off into couples and started dancing, Lucas asked Yindra for a dance.

"Hey, Smackle, are you having a good time?" Riley asked.

"Of course, I am, Bubbles, I only wish Farkle was here," she said.

"Then I have good news for you, he texted Lucas to say that he got caught up talking with his parents and that he will be here soon. That was about fifteen minutes ago, he should be here soon."

10:00 p.m.

Smackle was even more nervous than she was an hour ago. Her palms were sweaty and she was all jittery, every nerve she has in her body was reacting. Riley had gone to steal Lucas from Yindra for the rest of the dance. Another slow song started playing through the speakers when her old classmate Dave, walked over and asked if she wanted to dance. He offered her his hand but all she could do was stare at it. As she was about to decline his offer, she heard the only voice she had wanted to hear all evening. "No Dave, I'm sorry but if you don't mind Isadora is going to dance with me." Farkle told him. "I mean, if that's all right with her."

Smackle looked at him, completely speechless. She was overwhelmed with so many emotions, all she could do was shake her head yes. Farkle took her hand and led her to the spot reserved for dancing in front of the couch. Farkle kept hold of her hand and placed his other hand on her waist, she was wearing heels but she barely came to his chin. As they started swaying to the music, she looked up at him taking in his handsome face and beautiful eyes for the first time in nearly three years.

"Hello Isadora," his voice thick with emotion, "sorry I was late. I got caught up in a chat I was having with my parents. They send their regards."

She finally found her voice, "please tell them I said hello."

"I will," he said. "You look beautiful tonight, I noticed you've cut your hair, I really like it. It suits the scientist in you.

"Thank you, Farkle. You look just as handsome as I remember," she said. This was all they could manage after three years apart, small talk. "I've heard from Riley that you're doing well with your business classes, do you miss being a scientist at all?"

"I do, but I can worry about that after the business classes are out of the way. My father wants to get me on the fast track to the top of the company as soon as I graduate. Dad has big plans for me."

"I'm sure he does, Farkle. I'm happy for you." She said.

Farkle pulled her closer and put his other arm around her waist, as she moved her other hand to his neck. Talk could wait, he just wanted to enjoy holding her in his arms again.

He was going to have to figure out a way to broach the topic of feelings with her at some point in the evening. He had two hours to tell her what was in his heart. He wanted to do it he just didn't know if he could. Once the music ended they parted and joined their friends in the bay window. Farkle asked her if she wanted something to drink and she said no. He excused himself to get himself something to drink.

He was joined in the kitchen by Zay and Lucas. "So Farkle, how are you and Smackle doing this evening?" Zay asked.

"We're fine. I was just a little thirsty." Farkle was rather nervous and just wanted to get back to Smackle.

Lucas could tell Farkle was off a bit, "Would you excuse us for a moment, Zay. I need to speak to Farkle a moment." Farkle and Lucas went out into the hall. "Farkle are you ok?"

"Yea, sure. Why do you ask?" he answered. "I was having a nice conversation with Smackle, trying to get up my nerve, you know. Doesn't she look beautiful?"

"Yes, she does. But don't you think you should talk about something besides school and your father's plans for you. You need to talk about the two of you." Lucas said.

"I can't talk to her at all if I'm out here talking to you. Can I?" Farkle asked. "Shouldn't you be in there with Riley?"

"Well, yeah, but I was just worried about you. You seem awfully nervous." Lucas said.

"It's okay Lucas, I got this. I'm going inside now." Farkle opened the door and left Lucas standing in the hall.

10:30 p.m.

Farkle went back into the apartment to find Smackle. She was sitting on the chair in the far corner of the living room and she was alone, watching the other couples on the dance floor. The song that was playing was an old upbeat tune, not one that he would want to dance to. He saw this as his opportunity to say what he needed to say. He went over and asked her if it was okay it he sat there by her. She nodded her head yes and he took a seat next to her. He could smell the sweet scent of her perfume sitting this close to her. He was nervous but reached for her hand to hold it and she allowed him to lace his fingers through hers. He asked her if she wanted to go somewhere quieter so that they could talk. She said yes and headed to the hall that lead to the bedrooms.

"Farkle, where are we going?" Smackle asked.

"Up to Riley's room to the bay window, we can either sit there or go out onto the fire escape. Whichever you like," he told her.

"Bay window please," she responded.

Once they got to Riley's room they found it a bit crowded. Riley and Maya were sitting in the bay window laughing about something. "Sorry guys we didn't know anyone would be here. We came up here because it's quiet." Farkle told them.

"No reason to apologize, Farkle, you can join us. There's plenty of room. We'll scoot down here and you and Smackle can have that end." Maya informed them. "Riles and I were just discussing our New Year's resolutions. What about you guys? Got any you want to share?"

"I think we'll go out onto the fire escape to talk then, if that's okay with you Isadora? Farkle said, looking at Smackle.

Before she could answer Riley let them know that Zay and Sarah were out on the fire escape talking, using her fingers to make quotation marks as she said it. That caused Riley to snicker and nudge Maya as she did. Farkle and Smackle smiled as well. Genuinely happy that Zay had found Sarah. Farkle and Smackle went ahead and sat in the bay window, the four of them sitting in silence.

Riley could sense that Farkle wasn't happy. She nudged an oblivious Maya and said, "hey Maya, we better get back to the party. We are the hosts after all."

Maya looked at Riley like she was crazy and said, "no, we left Josh and Lucas in charge, everything is fine. Besides, you have to help me figure out my resolution. We do this together every year."

Riley looked at Maya and nodded her head towards Farkle and Smackle. Maya wasn't getting the hint. She just looked at Riley confused. So, Riley nodded her head a little harder in their direction. "Oh yeah!" Maya exclaimed, "we need to go do that one thing you were talking about." Maya grabbed Riley's hand and got up and left the room, leaving Farkle and Smackle alone.

Smackle was glad to finally be alone with Farkle. She wasn't sure what he was going to say, but she knew what she hoped he would say. She was so nervous.

Farkle was looking around the room trying to find the right words. He turned to face Smackle and looked into her beautiful eyes, "Isadora, there is something I want to say to you. I have been thinking about your trip to Australia and I…" just he was about to tell her he didn't want her to go, Lucas and Josh walked into the room.

"Riley, Maya we need you two back downstairs, something is going on between Yogi and Darby and they asked us to get everyone down there." Lucas yelled from the hall as he was walking into the room.

"Oh, sorry guys. We thought Riley and Maya were here." Josh told them.

Smackle clearly frustrated said, "they just went back to the party, you probably passed them in the hall!"

Just as Josh was about to respond, Zay stuck his head in the window. "Hey what's with all the yelling in here?" He came through the window with Sarah following, both with huge smiles on their faces.

Lucas looked at his friends not needing to ask what Zay and his girlfriend had been up to out on the fire escape. "We came to get Riley and Maya and anyone else we could find. Yogi says he wants all of us in the living room pronto. He has a surprise for Darby. "Come on, lets go."

Reluctantly, Farkle and Smackle followed the others out of the room and down the stairs to the living room.

11:00 p.m.

Once they got to the living room the party was still very much in progress. People were dancing to a rock song blasting from the speakers. Riley was waving her arms trying to get everyone's attention. She wasn't having any luck so she stood on the bench seat from the dining table and yelled, "Hey!" that got the attention of a few people. She looked at Lucas who was standing nearby and silently begged for his help. Lucas got her message and let out a loud whistle. Everyone was silent now and Josh went to turn down the volume on the music.

"I was asked by an old friend if he could have the floor for a few moments this evening," Riley was explaining to the crowd. "He told me he had something he needed to do this evening and since I'm a sucker for romance I agreed to let him,"

This was making Farkle very nervous. He knew he needed to talk to Smackle but not in front of a whole room full of people. Smackle saw the look of panic on Farkle's face and put her arm around his shoulders.

Riley also noticed the panicked look on Farkle's face. She tried to ease his mind with a smile she directed his way, "without further ado, I give you Yogi and Darby." Riley announced.

Yogi who was now much taller than Darby grabbed her hand and led her to the center of the living room where everyone had been dancing. Darby wasn't sure what to think. Yogi still had ahold of her hand and started to speak. Everyone in the room knew the couple's story. They listened as Yogi talked about how he had loved her since the 7th grade and that even though they have had their ups and downs over the years she was his best friend. Darby was crying at Yogi's words. He said that his life was better because she was by his side and that he would never love anyone like he loved her. It was at this point that he got down on one knee and pulled a ring box from his pocket and asked her to marry him. Darby was crying but managed to say yes. He placed the ring on his finger and everyone applauded for them. Riley and Lucas made their way to the happy couple offering their congratulations and Yogi thanked her for allowing them to have this moment. "You're welcome and I'm so happy for you guys. I always knew Yoby was forever," she told them. Someone had filled some glasses with sparkling grape juice and gave a toast.

11:30 p.m.

Farkle was sitting in the bay window in the living room of the Matthew's apartment. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. Try as he might nothing was going the way he wanted to. He wanted to talk to Smackle. He wanted to pour his heart out to her. He wanted her to stay in New York. He needed to tell her now. He had 30 minutes before Riley would tell her. Smackle had to hear it from him and no one else.

Every time he opened his mouth to tell her they got interrupted. The last interruption was his old friend Yogi proposing to his girlfriend. It was a sweet moment for them and he really was happy for his old friends. But why did Yogi have to choose tonight at this party to propose? Farkle was sure he would never get an answer. Riley, Maya and Smackle were still gushing over Darby's engagement ring. Lucas was asking Yogi how he worked up the nerve, he was certain that there was a marriage proposal in Riley's near future. Right now, Farkle just wanted to get the love of his life back.

Riley knew it was time to put her little plan in motion, she wanted Farkle and Smackle to start the new year off right. She needed to do this in the next few minutes. Farkle hadn't been able to get the words out, not for lack of trying. So, Riley wasn't going to wait until midnight. She made the announcement that it was time to move the party to the roof. She asked Zay, Lucas, Josh, Farkle, Maya and Smackle to stay back in the apartment with her to help her clean the apartment a bit. They could join the others on the roof in just a bit. Sarah stayed behind as well, she wanted to be by Zay's side at midnight. They girls were picking up trash and putting food away while the guys moved the furniture back in place. After about 10 minutes Riley called everyone to the center of the room. She told them it was time to go up to the roof with the others but before she did she needed to say something. "Thank you all for helping with the party tonight and I hope you all had a great time. Now let's get our coats and join the others." Farkle and Smackle were the last two in line to grab their coats. Just as they were about to head out the door Riley and Lucas stopped in the door way blocking the way.

11:45 p.m.

Farkle, who was a bit annoyed at the moment looked at Riley and Lucas asking, "guys why are you blocking the door?"

Lucas looked at Riley and gave her a small nod, "go ahead, babe do your thing."

Smackle, who was confused, asked, "what are talking about, Lucas?"

It was Riley who answered, "Izzy, Farkle has been trying to tell you something ever since he got here, but he keeps getting interrupted and the two of you haven't found a moment alone. It's time for me to blow the horn, Farkle still loves Smackle!" she told Smackle.

Farkle stood there with wide eyes, just looking at Smackle, who had tears in her eyes. She walked over to Riley and hugged her. "Thank you, Bubbles."

Lucas looked at Farkle and said, "Smackle still loves Farkle." Farkle just smiled at his friend and grabbed Isadora's hand.

Riley and Lucas stood there for a moment watching the pair stare at each other. "We'll see you guys up on the roof."

Now that his feelings were out there, Farkle didn't waste any time. "Riley's right, I've been wanting to tell you ever since I got here." He walked closer to her and grabbed her hand. "I love you, Isadora and I never stopped, the life I've been living is nothing without you in it. I'm so sorry for all the hurt I caused you. I only did it so you would live your life on your own terms, not feel like you had to make your decisions based on what I would want. Can you forgive me?"

Smackle grabbed Farkle's other hand so that they were facing each other. "Farkle, I know why you broke up with me. My heart was broken, but I know why you did it. It was the right decision, for both of us. There is nothing to forgive as far as I'm concerned. It's just been easier to stay away all this time. I couldn't be here and see you and not be with you. Lucas, was right I still love you, too Farkle. No amount of time apart or distance has changed that. I'm yours if you still want me."

Farkle smiled and with tears in his eyes he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close, "I'm yours to Isadora and yes, I've never stopped wanting you. I've been living half a life without you. Nothing in my life has been the same." He pulled away a bit. She was looking at him with tears in her eyes. Farkle reached up and placed his hand on her cheek. A tear had escaped her eye and he wiped it away with his thumb. He looked at her lips and back to her eyes. He leaned in and placed the gentlest kiss on her lips.

It was a simple, gentle kiss, but it held so much emotion. Smackle knew in that moment that even though they had lots of things to discuss, they were going to be ok. They would make whatever decisions they needed to make together.

"I now we still have to talk about Australia," Smackle said. "I really want to go, but now I'm not so sure."

"You will go, but only if I can come join you in June. That's why I was late. I told my parents I'm taking a semester off school and joining you in Australia for the last 6 months you're there. But only if you want me to." Farkle told her

She had no words, she was bubbling over with joy. She planted a kiss on his lips and threw her arms around his neck. "What time is it, Farkle?" she asked.

"It's about three minutes until midnight, we should get to the roof." Farkle told her. He took her hand and led her through the hall and up to the roof of the building where all their friends were paired off and standing in different spots. The walked close to the ledge of the roof and picked a spot close to Maya and Josh.

Maya looks at her friends and smiles. "Look Josh, Farkle and Smackle. They did it, they got back together," she told Josh. He smiled at her and said, "Yea, now everything is perfect." He put his arms around Maya and pulled her in for a hug.

Riley and Lucas were smiling from ear to ear at the sight of their friends so happy. "You did it, Riles," Lucas said.

She smiled at him and pulled him close and whispered in his ear, "No, we did it. Look at all our friends. I think this new year is going to be the best yet. I love you, Lucas"

"I love you too, Riley Matthews!" He was about to kiss her when the countdown to midnight started.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…Happy New Year!

Farkle kissed Smackle soundly on the lips. He pulled back and looked at her then bent his head down and kissed her again, lingering for just a bit longer. Everything was right in his world, he had the girl he loved back in his arms and he had the best friends anyone could ask for. Looks like the new year held great things for all of them.

1:30 a.m. January 1, 2023

All the mess from the party had been cleaned up and all the guests were gone. Riley had just closed the door and locked it after Farkle and Smackle had left. She went to her room and changed. She was waiting for Lucas to come through the bay window. She was already in bed when he got there. He came through the window and closed and locked it. He could see she was nearly asleep. He climbed in next to her. She must have felt the bed move as he got in because as soon as he got settled she snuggled up to him. He lay there holding her and drifted off to sleep himself.

Unknown to Lucas, Josh had heard him come into the apartment. Josh has wanted to talk to Lucas about something. He gave him a few minutes to go to the bathroom and change clothes. When he heard the bathroom door open, Josh left his room and headed down the hall to Lucas' door. He knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again. Funny, he couldn't have fallen asleep that fast. He checked the door knob and found the door unlocked. He opened the door and looked into the room. Lucas was nowhere to be found. He walked in to the room and felt a slight cold breeze come from the window. He decided to open the window, maybe Lucas was outside on the fire escape to get some fresh air. As he looked out the open window, he saw no sign of Lucas but he heard someone climbing up the fire escape. He looked up and saw Lucas and saw where he was headed. It was then that Josh realized that Lucas and Riley had pulled a good one on him.