Lance looked into the deep golden orbs of Keith's eyes. They gleamed with uncertainty and fear.

"I don't care what you are, Galra or human…" Lance said, his hand reaching up to brush the purple fur on Keith's ears, "Especially since you look soooo cute with these ears!" He grinned.

Keith knocked his hand aside, "Shut up!" His face flushed a deep purple.

"Dawh, the cute, little Galra is getting upset," Lance teased as he brought his hand up to scratch behind Keith's ear. For a couple of seconds, Keith relaxed, the scratching provoking a deep sense of satisfacti—

"Cut it out, you idiot!" Keith growled, slapping Lance's hand away again. Lance smiled.

"Alright, I'll stop," Lance plopped down on a nearby chair, raising his hands, "You're still adorable, though." His smug grin sent a ripple down Keith's spine.

"I am not," Keith muttered, sliding into another seat across from Lance. A silence stretched out between the two of them. Keith glanced up from the floor at Lance, their eyes meeting.

"I'm really glad you didn't leave, man," Lance said, "I don't know what I….we would have done without you. I mean, we couldn't form Voltron if you'd left!" He rubbed the back of his head, looking away.

"Yeah…" Keith smiled softly, "I'm glad I didn't leave either. I was afraid you guys would be scared of me after this," He raised his hands, looking at his deep purple skin.

Lance scoffed, "Be afraid of you? Please! You're as harmless as a kitten." He stood up walking over to Keith. He laid a hand on his shoulder, grinning, "Plus, we had a bonding moment, didn't we?"

Keith looked up at Lance, his fear from before that things would change between them washing away. He smiled, "Yeah, we did."

"Damn, you're even cuter when you smile," Lance laughed.

"Shut u—" Keith couldn't even finish his rebuttal as Lance leaned over and placed his lips on Keith's. His mind melted, his heart beating faster and faster. His eyes slid shut. After what seemed like ages and yet no time at all, Lance pulled away.

"Look, we even had another bonding moment." Lance's goofy smile beamed at him.