Chapter 1: Mutilation


"F-Foxy?" The frightened bunny croaked, "W-where are you?" He slowly walked through darkened hallway of a building, to the best of his ability; his hands out in front of him, and his feet sliding consistently across the creaking, wooden floorboards.

"...bonnieee..." The almost silent voice echoed in the halls, making it difficult to pinpoint its exact location

The blue bunny, wiping away the tears that welted in his eyes with the back of his paw, continued to push his way through the hall. He shortly came to curve that went to the left. "Foxy, h-hold on, I-I'll be right there!" His voice quivered in the silence, but he was confident nonetheless

With each step the bunny took, the splintering sound of the creaking floorboard gave Bonnie the sense that floor would collapse beneath him at any moment. But to the Bunny's luck, they seemed to have supported his weight well enough. As he made the turn, Bonnie saw a wooden door, just barely noticeable, with a faint glow of light shining beneath it. As he got closer, he could feel his heart almost shattering. His mind was racing at what he would find. And then he heard it; soft whimpering that made his heart staking a beat.

He paused, knowing deep within his gut that the whimpering was coming from Foxy, his Foxy. Without hesitation, he took hold of the door handle, turned it and pushed the door inward. He was soon entranced by the sudden change of light, and needed to wait a short moment until his eyes had adjusted. And when they had, his heart almost immediately sank at the sight before him, and the fear he once felt sprung back to life.

"...b-bonnie," whimpered the weak fox, lying in a pile of what Bonnie assumed to be the fox's own blood. Foxy's lips however, curled slightly at the sight of Bonnie. He coughed, causing blood to spurt out of his mouth. It drizzled down the right corner of his lips and began slowly falling down his cheek.

The bunny raise his paw over to cover his gasping mouth. His eyes stared widely, and were filling with tears. "F-Foxy," his body trembled as he grew closer towards the male, the metallic smell of the room growing stronger.

As he got closer, Bonnie could make out more details of the fox's injuries. His left leg had been twisted, by force as far as Bonnie could see, so that it was facing in the opposite direction that it would normally be. There were what looked to be incision wounds, penetrated in his lower abdomen, each leaking the Fox's thick, crimson essence.

Bonnie knelt by Foxy's side, he tears plummeting towards the ground beneath him. He looked at the fox's arms, noticing that his right arm was...missing! It wasn't there! Instead, the course, red paste encircled the messy cut wound. Bonnie then looked at the injured males face, and he squeaked in shock and worry. Foxy's left eyes was oozing out with blood, while his right seemed to see main intact.

"...c-can't...f-feel..." the fox whispered, alerting the bunny, who shook his head.

"Shh, d-don't speak," his voice quavered, as he hovered over the fox. The liquid crystals of water dripped down his nose and landed near Foxy. "I-I'm so sorry, F-Foxy," he stammered, his nose beginning to twitch, "I-I should have stayed with you, t-to protect you." He lowers his head so that his nose was lying gently on Foxy's, his ears dropped to floor, "But instead, yo got h-hurt, and it's all my fault." Closing his eyes, he planted a kiss on the Fox's lips. "I'm sorry Foxy," he said after parting, and wrapped his arms around the fox's neck.