I forgot to mention when this takes place, it's during Race To The Edge, thanks HiccupHaddockH for reminding me!



A/N: Sorry this took a while, my school life invaded T-T

Also, sorry if it's short, I just figured posting this is better than waiting for a longer chapter

Chapter 2

Hiccup lands in the water, the ocean making him shiver more violently. His prosthetic weighing him down. Hiccup struggles to stay afloat. "T-Toothless," he calls, worried about his dragon.

The Night Fury manages to paddle his way to Hiccup and uses his mouth to lift him by his shirt, helping his rider stay above the water.

"Thanks Bud," Hiccup says reaching for the saddle. The rider is able to mount and, with much effort, they take off out of the water.

"Y-you ok Toothless?" Hiccup asks, still shivering violently.

Toothless gives him a reassuring grunt, telling the rider that he's fine.

"Those Terrible Terrors really came out of no where."

The sun begins to set, just as the first islands come into Hiccup and Toothless' view.

Hiccup, though now dry, still shivers, this makes Toothless' worry for the boy grow.

"How 'bout we stop for the night Bud?" Hiccup suggests, his voice sounding tired to the Night Fury's ears.

Toothless gives a quick nod before diving towards the nearest island, something Hiccup wasn't expecting his dragon to do.

Hiccup keeps his head low, as to avoid any branches, Toothless' body heat is comforting to Hiccup, for he can't seem to get warm.

Suddenly, the two hear something tear, as Toothless' flying becomes unsteady. When they make their rough landing Hiccup sees the problem, a tear in the Toothless' Tail, stranded in a place where Hiccup might not be able to fix it.

"It's just not our day, right Toothless?" Hiccup asks, getting off his dragon.

Toothless growls in agreement.

"Hopefully I'll be able to fix this tail," Hiccups shivers before continuing, "or we might be in trouble."

Fixing his tail is the last thing on the dragon's mind, at the moment, Toothless is trying to figure out a way to keep Hiccup warm. When he does figure it out, the Night Fury walks towards a pile of sticks, picking them up in his mouth he brings them back over.

"Toothless, what are you-" Hiccup is cut off when his dragon lets out a Plasma Blast, setting the wood aflame. "Oh… good idea Bud," Hiccup shivers once more. Though the rider won't admit it, he feels terrible, he's cold, and aches all over.

It wasn't a mystery to Toothless, something is wrong with his rider, though unknown to the dragon, he is determined to help Hiccup in anyway he can.

The islands finally come into Stoick's view, by now, Hiccup and Toothless should be at Dragon's Edge… should be.

Hiccup and Toothless sit by the fire, the rider leans against his dragon, asleep, his dragon wrapping his tail protectively around his rider.

Toothless does his best to keep his rider warm but he still shivers, though not as bad as before. The dragon doesn't understand, Hiccup is extremely warm to the touch, how could he be cold?

Something that's also making the dragon worry is Hiccup's breathing. The young rider is taking quick breaths, as if he's having trouble breathing.

Toothless just wants to help Hiccup, but how can he if he doesn't know what's wrong? The dragon wishes they didn't stop, that they just continued to Dragon's Edge.

Toothless closes his eyes, and tries to get some sleep

It's morning, Stoick and Skullcrusher have finally reached their destination, Astrid spotting them.

"Stoick? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Berk with Hiccup? He's been meaning to talk to you about something."

Astrid's words strike his heart, if Hiccup wasn't here where was he? "Hiccup left before I did, I came cause he didn't give me a chance to talk with him about something… important."

"Well he's not here," Astrid says, worry growing in her voice. "Do you think he's ok!?"

The sun hits Hiccup's face but the young rider refuses to wake, shivering violently, his head damp with sweat.

Toothless wraps his tail slightly tighter around his rider protectively. Hiccup latches onto his tail, as an attempt to get warm.

Toothless couldn't understand why Hiccup was cold, he was damp with sweat and felt hotter than he did the night before.

Toothless knows that his rider needs help… but he doesn't know how to get it.

The riders of Dragon's Edge now search the skies for Hiccup, yelling his name as loud as they can as Skullcrusher tracks him.

The dragon takes them to a small island covered in trees.

They just hope they'll find Hiccup there.