Alfred Jones strolled through the laboratory, and watched as the security team analyzed the computers and questioned the employees still present. He couldn't believe his own sister would try to ruin their empire.

Jones Conglomerates Incorporated was started by their father as a research and development facility, and quickly gained plenty of success. When Andrew Jones had passed on, the shares of the family-owned corporation were evenly split between the two children. Alfred was the young face and leader of the empire, and his business acumen gave way to complete market domination, to the point where they were able to buy out all levels of the country's government. Mathilda, on the other hand, was hidden away from the world for her own protection, as everyone would want to be connected to the heiress. It wasn't until after their father passed away that Alfred allowed his sister to do anything for JCI, giving her managerial duties in the R&D department.

As Alfred stared at the locked door his head of security, Vash Zwingli, was trying to open with the help of his little sister, he realized what a mistake that had been.

With the help of her top researcher, Mathilda had built a supercomputer with the power to hack and corrupt the computer systems of JCI and the government, as well as being able to fire nuclear missiles at all JCI and government facilities. No matter how she may try to spin it, and no matter what her reasons could possibly be, her intention to destroy their business empire was far too obvious.

Almost as obvious as the security camera footage of her cheating on her husband with her partner-in-crime.

"It's no good, Alfred," Vash reported, "The security protocols the three of you put on this door cannot be overridden. The only way it will open is if you all have your eyes and fingerprints scanned simultaneously."

"In other words, we can't get in there," Alfred recapped, "See if you can get remote access, their programming needs to be wiped and destroyed."

Vash turned back to Lilli and the computer they were using to access security restraints. The doors at the front of the room crashed against the walls as they were swung open, and Alfred turned to see his brother-in-law storming in.

"That two-timing bitch got to a computer," Arthur roared, slamming papers on the desk beside Alfred, "50 million dollars of company funds were just spent to purchase untraceable bearer bonds, only for them to be immediately resold to the open market. The proceeds went to an encrypted account, we won't be able to find it."

"What the fuck?" Alfred exclaimed, "I thought she was quarantined!"

"I'll call my men right now," Vash said, pulling out his phone and dialling a number, "I told my guards to not let her do anything."

"Probably that bodyguard of hers, Vash," Arthur snarled, "I never trusted that Spaniard, and you know it."

"We should probably keep an eye on Antonio as well, then," Alfred suggested, "Considering how much time he's spent in here watching them work, Mattie and Ivan probably had him help."

"How did Braginski get out?" Arthur asked, "Didn't we keep him restrained in here?"

"We did, but he escaped his restraints while Vash was busy," Alfred disclosed, "It was Ivan who shut the doors to the supercomputer, before heading out the fire exit and fleeing into the night."

"Edelstein is on his way up," Arthur notified, "We'll let the police help us find that wife-stealing Russian."

"They're gone?" Vash bellowed into his phone, "What the fuck do you mean, they're gone?"

"What?" Alfred and Arthur shrieked at once, only to be ignored as Vash kept yelling into his phone.

"Get out there and hunt them down, do not stop until you find them," Vash ordered, before hanging up his phone and turning back to the men, "The team was compromised. Carriedo knocked them all out and helped Mathilda escape."

"So all three of them are on the run?" Arthur concluded, "Mathilda, Ivan and Antonio?"

"The supercomputer is fully self-defended from remote access," Lilli declared, "The only way to get into it is through this door."

"Please don't tell me that we need her here to be able to do that," Arthur groaned.

"I'm sorry, but the security protocols on this door cannot be altered from their high state," she advised, "If you want access, Mrs. Jones-Kirkland will need to return and allow her eyes and hand to be scanned at the same time as you both do."

"In other words, we're locked away from the most powerful weapon ever created," Arthur grumbled.

"Yes, but so is she," Alfred pointed out, "If she ever does want to use it again, she will need our eyes and hands scanned as well. Quite frankly, I think it better that we write this off as a loss for R&D, and let the police hunt her down for the multiple crimes against us."

"Would that be my queue, Mr. Jones?" a familiar voice asked behind him, "Are we branding the richest woman in the world as a wanted criminal?"

"We sure are, Roderich," Alfred replied, turning to the police commissioner, "We need your help hunting down Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, Ivan Braginski, and Mathilda Jones-Kirkland."