Hi everyone! My last prologue did not have everything I wanted so was forced to delete and start again!

My name is Nikora and this is my first fanfiction! I'm planning on making this an Ichigo x ? story and I'll probably want ya'll's input on that. I also write requests just nothing... bad. If you have any comments or concerns just let me know in the chat. Also, NO FLAMES PLEASE! I understand if you don't like the story, but please try to keep any rude comments to yourself. So without further ado the disclaimer.

I do not own any of these characters except for maybe a few OCs to come at a later date and part of the plot that does not match up with either world. Thank you, and enjoy!


'Someone's watching me.'

"Good morning, ICHIGO!" That one sentence forced the Substitute Soul Reaper upright in a flash before flying through the air and landing gracefully on the floor beside his bed. The same could not be said for his father who ended up landing in the splits unconscious.

"You need to get a new wake up call." Ichigo muttered under his breath. Now wide awake, the boy grasped his father's shirt collar, dragging him to the door and throwing him into the hall before slamming the door in his face.

"You didn't have to do that, you know." The sound of Kon's voice was almost too much for him at the moment. Ichigo slowly turned to see the plushy mod soul lounging on his bed with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I don't have to let you live here. Would you rather I sent you in a box to Mayuri?" He growled. Kon's reaction was just what he thought it would be. Silence. "Thought so." The rest of the morning went smoothly. Kon didn't say another word as the threat of being sent to that mad scientist was very real, and with the door locked his father had very little opportunity to pull anything. He got ready for the day and made sure to secure his new and improved Soul Reaper Pass to his belt loop. It wasn't the same as the last one; a wooden slab with a hollow like skull in the middle, instead it was a small cellphone sized black metal slab with the same skull in white. Enhanced to hold extensive amounts of reiatsu and would immediately transfer a Gentei Reiin when he became a Soul Reaper. A reasonable precaution as of recent events. (AN 1)

It had been three months since Aizen made an attempt on Karakura town. However it hadn't resulted like they had planned. Long story short, Ichigo had not been forced to use his Mugetsu. Aizen and his remaining forces had fled before that point. That left Ichigo as the most dangerous threat within Soul Society transferring the target onto his back. Central 46 had attempted to justify sealing him away until his power was needed only to meet with… resistance. The captains of the Gotei 13 had stood against them threatening to rebel if any harm came to the Substitute. With that he had been forced into the Fifth captain position for "monitoring purposes".

Just thinking about those events made his head hurt. Ichigo shook his head to disperse the events from his memories, concentrating on getting to school on time for once.

"Ichi-nii! Good morning!" Yuzu cried flashing him a bright smile which he returned.

"Morning Yuzu, where're Karin and Dad?" He asked sitting to enjoy his breakfast.

"Karin left early. Apparently she has a test coming up and she needed help preparing. Dad got a call and said he wouldn't be back for a while." She explained placing a plate in front of him. She was about to turn her back to him when her brown eyes widened in realization. "Oh! I almost forgot. You got a letter!"

"A letter?" Ichigo thought aloud as his sister shoved an envelope into his grasp. The front bore a strange crest that he had never seen before.

'It's not Soul Society. What's going on?' Reaching his hand to the flap he grimaced. The seal was already broken and carefully replaced. With a swift movement he opened the letter. That was one of the only times in Ichigo Kurosaki's life that he was genuinely confused by a situation.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Ichigo Kurosaki,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

'What… the… heck?' He thought.

"That's strange. What's a Hogwarts?" Ichigo almost panicked when he heard Yuzu's voice right next to his ear. "It seems interesting. Why do they expect and owl by July 31?" She asked. After a moment he managed to calm himself down until he slipped the letter back into his pants pocket. "Karin and I both got letters too. Maybe its some exchange program."

"Don't know. I can ask around if people have heard of it. I'll see you later tonight." He didn't wait for a response. By the time he heard her hesitant goodbye he was already out of the house and the door was closing.

"Damn, this is getting weird." He groaned.

"ICHIGO!" The sudden noise caught his attention causing him to look up and search for the source of the familiar scream. Just outside his gate stood a panting Orihime and a bored Uryu.

"Uryu, Orihime? What are you doing here?" He asked. That is until both of them held up envelopes similar to his own.

"I'm assuming that this is what's making your reiatsu go nuts." Ishida stated/asked as he adjusted his glasses. It was at that moment that Ichigo realized he had released a decent amount of reiatsu, more than he normally did at least.

"Gah, was I always like this!" He growled, slowly pulling the extra energy back toward him.

"Pretty much." The Quincy sighed opening the gate for his friend. "Has the Soul Society mentioned anything about this?"

"Yeah, the Head Captain must know something right?" Orihime asked happily.

"Probably. We need answers." Ichigo reached for his pass and, tailed by the other two, strolled into an alley. He pulled his Soul Reaper Pass off its chain and pressed once on the skull. Static erupted from the pass until a click was heard from the other end.

"Hello, Captain Kurosaki. Can we be of assistance?"

"Yeah actually. Could you open up the Senkaimon with a converter. Also ask the Head Captain to call a meeting."

"B-But Captain! Even you don't have the authority to call a Captain's meeting. That is outside of my jurisdiction." The subordinate soul reaper stammered.

"Fine! Then just ask him to call a meeting. I'm pretty sure he'll want to hear what I have to say." Ichigo commanded. A reluctant affirmative could be heard before the static returned and Ichigo pressed again on the skull cutting the connection.

"You know, I'm never gonna get used to you being a captain, Kurosaki."

That was the last straw. With his father, Kon, the letter, and now his "jurisdiction" as a captain he was now neck deep in annoyance. Rage was bubbling to the surface as he whirled around to see a smirking Uryu and a confused Orihime giving the two of them a lost stare.

"And what does that mean, Ishida!" He shouted.

"Just that you don't seem like the kind of to take orders easily." Uryu clarified as he slid his bag to the wall and prepared his Quincy Cross. "Simple as that. You're too hard headed for the position."

"Shut up." A bright flash of light lit up the alley where they stood. As the Senkaimon formed Ichigo pressed his pass to his chest turning into a Soul Reaper. His uniform was different this time. The same as his Bankai as usual, but on top of his shihakusho was a sleeveless haori with the kanji for five on the back. He turned back to his female friend who stared at him nervously.

"I'll stay here today. I'll let Chad and the others know what's going on. You guys just go get some answers."

Ichigo gave her a curt nod and taking that as her cue she turned and sprinted down the road with a small smile. Ichigo turned back to Uryu who was already standing in the doorway of the Senkaimon. "Ready?"

"As I'll ever be." And with that the two of them began their b-line through the shining gateway.

Alright, so there goes the prologue. Will we find out more about our favorite Soul Reaper? Maybe but you'll have to wait to find out!

AN1: Gentei Reiin

So this might sound like I made it up. I didn't. If you want to double check go to the Bleach wikia and you'll see it under Shinigami Mission Aids. Basically it's the seal mark that every Captain and Lieutenant must have when they are going to the World of the Living. The call Gentei Kaijo is what releases the seal and allows them to use the full force of their powers.

That should be all I'll most likely have another chapter up by the weekend. So see ya!