Jane was tired. Since the sailing trip Oliver had become the friend she told him she was looking for. There was no more guilt about not feeling romantic about him. He met her for lunch, went bowling and they tried the movies again, this time something a little less violent. He'd even confided about a woman he'd asked out. Last night, though, he'd had a pipe burst in his apartment and Jane had helped him move his stuff out of the wet zone until three in the morning. He had a lot of stuff.

Resting her head on her hand she looked at the computer screen in front of her without enthusiasm.

Kurt watched Jane from his office. She looked exhausted. She'd been going out with Oliver for weeks now. He wanted to hate him, but Jane seemed to have gotten past her worry that she was leading him on. Did that mean that she'd begun to feel something other than friendship for him?

Opening his door he headed over to Janes desk as if drawn by a magnet.

She looked up as he approached and smiled at him. It was the smile that made his heart catch. That hadn't changed. He smiled back in relief.

"You should try a night at home for once," He chided.

"You have no idea how tired I am," She warned him, "Or you would proceed with caution."

Just then the elevator doors opened and Oliver stepped out.

Jane smiled when she saw him. Kurt scowled.

He walked over to her desk carrying a bag. "Kurt," He acknowledged.

"Oliver," Kurt responded.

"I brought you food and the biggest coffee they sold." He told Jane placing them down in front of her.

"I might make it," She told him taking a big gulp of the coffee.

"I told you should have just stayed over," He chided.

Kurt immediately felt tension fill his entire body.

"If I never see you're place again," Jane denied, "It will be too soon."

Kurt looked over at Oliver with blatant hostility.

Holding up his hands he started backing away. "I assure you it's not what you're thinking. Jane will have to fill you in, I'm late."

Kurt watched him leave before turning to Jane with a scowl.

"Come with me," he told her before turning away.

"Kurt," She called after him, before picking up her coffee and reluctantly following him with a sigh.

She expected him to go to his office, but he didn't. Following him he led her instead to the evidence room.

"What happened? Did Oliver…" He couldn't even ask.

"No," She assured him, placing a hand on his arm in reassurance.

"Jane," He invaded her personal space. "Tell me."

"He just had a pipe burst at his place. I helped him move his stuff. We didn't finish until 3am. He offered for me to stay over, but I didn't want to give him the wrong idea, so I didn't get home until almost 4." She explained.

"So you're not…" Kurt looked down at her with relief.

"We're just friends," She reminded him.

"So then I could do this…" He asked her crowding close.

She looked up at him in surprise.

When their lips met this time, she wasn't kissing him and he wasn't kissing her. They were kissing each other. After all that they'd been through, all that they'd overcome, the moment was sweeter than ever before. When the kiss ended, their eyes met and typically no words were necessary.