Author's Note- Howdy hey all! Welcome back to my newest long-term Fanfiction, Called Arc's Conundrum, I hope you enjoy this Fic that involves many characters, mainly Jaune, team RWBY and JNPR, and my OC Professor Aoi. He's an interesting fellow, I hope to keep this as a running story but only time will tell, I also wanted to point out real fast that I'll try my best to keep a schedule for this fic unlike Introverted which was all over the place hopefully once of twice a week a new chapter will come out on Thursday's since this will be released on a Thursday, But anywho I hope you all enjoy. I do not own anything RWBY all rights go to Roosterteeth and Monty Oum.

Jaune Arc has never been good with the ladies at Beacon, but today… today was a much different story for the blonde dunce of Beacon. Gunning it out of Professor Aoi's room and getting to the rooftops as fast as he could was just the start of his day. After feeling that he was in the clear, he gave out a sigh of relief being away from what had happened. But moments later, after taking a little rest, he heard a very flirtatious voice come from behind him. "Hello there, Jaune." Jaune tensed up as he turned to face Ruby, her hand on hip and Crescent Rose mounted on her shoulder, a very flirty grin on her face.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ruby spoke sexually, walking toward the tensed boy. (Keep in mind she's 15, he's 17)

"Oh ha-ha," Jaune rubbed the back of his head as he spoke. "Around."

(Even when you are in danger you still aren't good with the ladies? You need help.)

"Jaune? You're on the roof of the school." Ruby pulled in close, her beautiful silver eyes gazing into his own blues as she liked her lips. Moments later she came in for a kiss before a blockade of ice came between the two.

"Ruby, what in the world are you doing?" asked Weiss. "I've already told you he's mine! He's the one who actually liked me first." She firmly gripped Jaune's arm, squeezing it to the point of suffocation.

"Oh please, Ice Queen," Ruby rolling her eyes, "he was the first friend I ever made at Beacon, he obviously loves me more. And you turned him down all the time, so why do you think he loves you now?"

The heiress and the adorable red-hooded girl began to argue and began to wield their weapons. It had become increasingly assuring for Jaune to jump off the roof. (Because, you know, that's what I do when two girls are fighting over me.) Jaune couldn't figure out what in the world he did wrong. It had been a rough day for him so far, he hoped it wouldn't get worse, why is this happening to me? Jaune thought to himself.

Earlier that day, it seemed to be a normal one; Jaune had woke up earlier then his alarm. He thought that this was going to be a wonderful day, so he decided to head to the locker room to take a shower since no one usually used them that much and treated himself to a refreshing warm shower. Once he had gotten back to his room the rest of team JNPR were ready to start their day as well. Today was the day of their Semblance test for Aura training, it was a very important test for each student to see what they were capable of. The test is for the students to learn and master a new ability that they could use alongside their existing Semblance they already had. Of course, Ren, being very intellectual, had no trouble learning a new ability that was very beneficial. Basically, he had learned how to create a light shield that could protect him while in battle, however, he could only use it for a small portion of time until it needed to recharge. Nora learned the ability to further channel her existing ability to absorb electricity to channel it to make a shockwave blast that would both blind and momentarily paralyze the combatant. It was like a taser, but much cooler. Pyrrha learned how to essentially stop projectiles from hitting her. Even though it wasn't much of a new semblance ability, it was something that could save her life and that of others.

Jaune, on the other hand, wasn't the greatest student in the class but was doing the best he could because he truly enjoyed it. So being the bright person he was, he decided to learn the ability to heal. Jaune, knowing that he still isn't the greatest fighter, knew that he could be a decent healer, and he learned that focusing his Aura and 'releasing' it as white orbs flying out to seek his teammates to either heal them from their wounds or regenerate their Aura levels faster than having it happen naturally. He tested it with his team on many occasions during workouts since they worked fairly hard, and it worked beautifully. The only thing he hadn't done was use it on multiple people at the same time, but Jaune thought it would be alright.

Aura Training was one of the few classes both team JNPR and RWBY had together, so it was good to have friends around when demonstrating so that Jaune wouldn't be nervous. They took their seats and began to watch each student's ability in action. There had also been a few students from the other kingdoms there to observe, like Team SSSN.

As you may have guessed most students' abilities were quite the sight to see; Ruby's was supposed to be a stealth-esque ability allowing her to almost become invisible, but instead it created a huge rose petal cloud around the room. Once the cloud had cleared, Ruby's face was crimson red, practically making her invisible under her cloak, and she tapped her index fingers together. "S-sorry Professors."

"Ha-ha, no worries, Miss Rose… you did fine. We all make mistakes. You could say it was some sort of smoke screen to tactically retreat from your enemies?" Professor Aoi was always a very laid-back teacher and was loved by many of the students because of how caring and easy he was to talk to.

"Oh!" Ruby exclaimed, "It was a smoke screen yeah! It'll help us get out of a situation if we're surrounded."

"Thank you, Miss Rose," Professor Goodwitch intoned rather impatiently; she had come down to assist Professor Aoi in the grading of the students.

After a few more students presented their new found abilities, it was Jaune's turn; he strode to the table and smiled at Professor Aoi. "Ok, Mr. Arc," Aoi began, "show us what you got."

Jaune nodded and began clearing his throat. "Today I will be showing you that I have learned how to focus my Aura to release orbs that will heal any teammate around me." Jaune then began to focus his Aura, attempting to focus it enough to have it release it to everyone in the class.

But something was a bit off. When practicing the ability before, he hadn't had any difficulty in focusing his Aura. For some reason, it was taking much more effort. His eyes still closed, he lifted his eyebrow in confusion. He shrugged it off and continued to focus his Aura but failed to notice a white Aura ball growing in size by the second. Before Jaune could realize what was happening, he opened his eyes and the orb more or less released a magnificent amount of light in the room, blowing up in Jaune's face and launching the Knight across the room.

It took a bit for everyone to readjust to the light in the room, and both Professors raised a brow at the boy sitting against the wall. "Mr. Arc, was that supposed to happen?" Goodwitch asked.

"I-I uh, yes? I mean did you get healed a bit at least?" Jaune spoke grinning and rubbing the back of his neck, looking in front of himself, now he saw team RWBY all standing in front of him to see if he was ok.

Ruby giggled and placed a hand out for him to grab, "Nice job Jaune."

Jaune rolled his eyes and took the hooded girl's hand, "Oh ha-ha Ruby, at least I didn't make a gigantic rose screen." Jaune spoke jokingly. But something felt a bit… off, it felt like Ruby wasn't helping him up rather holding his hand. Jaune looked at the soft hand of girl for a minute then looked up slowly at her, who was still grinning but had this look of… Lust and…. Thirst on her face.

"Mmmmhmm…" Ruby grinned at the boy looking down at him, "You know Jaune your hand is REALLY soft, I like it. A lot." Moments later Ruby jumps onto Jaune's lap and looks at him, she leaned down licking her lips while they got closer and closer to Jaune's.

Jaune began to freeze his brain just switched off at what the younger girl was doing getting increasingly closer and closer to him. He didn't know what to do or think. "Oh, Jaune, do you have a mini sword in your pants?" Ruby asked giggling a bit. W-what is going on?! W-why is Ruby acting like this?! Why a-am I liking this a bit?! Wait! No damn she's 15! But maybe it isn't illegal? My sword isn't mini at all! Wait No! Bad Jaune! Bad Jaune! (Poor Jaune, me and every fan boy's reaction…)

Before Ruby was able to 'enlighten' him Yang grabbed her sister by the hood and lifted her up off of Jaune, "Whoa there sis calm down I don't think he's ready for that." Yang spoke as she placed Ruby back onto her feet, allowing Jaune to stand.

Jaune gave out a huge sigh of relief and his brain turned back on. "Thanks, Y..." before he was able to finish Yang grabbed him and placed him on his shoulder and placed her hand on his nice bum, firmly. What in WRITER'S NAME IS HAPPENING! Jaune thought. (Sorry, not sorry man.)

"How dare you! Put my man down this instant!" Weiss shouted pointing and glaring at her teammate. "I will not stand for this!"

"Psh why do you care Snow Angel?" Yang questioned with a mocking grin, "I thought you didn't like the dolt?"

Jaune was staring at the girls still on Yang's shoulder, he was very confused at what was happening, and couldn't tell what feelings he had. Shock was a big one, some horror, and well a more then a normal bit of arousal. But most importantly he was very very confused.

While he was in his own world Weiss and Yang were still arguing, "You're right, I don't like him." Weiss crossing her arms.

With hearing that Jaune gave out a sigh of relief that someone was acting normal in this situation. Oh, thank you, Writer… Jaune thought.

He spoke too soon, "I love him!" Weiss shouted, now grabbing him off of Yang's shoulder placing him on her own. "And of course I won't let any of you hussies have him." She had a firm grip on his bottom as well. Neptune who had been watching like many other students, and hearing what Weiss said made his Jaw drop onto the floor he then slammed his fist against the table and glared at Jaune with a burning hatred. (Oh please Neptune I'm glad Weiss doesn't like you.)

Jaune was hoping that this was somehow just a horrific dream he was having and that at any moment he would be knocked out of his trance and wake up in his bed. Or even if it hadn't been a dream it was just some sick prank the girls were pulling on him. Or he was died, either option was fine for the boy.

Blake had finally decided to step in and pried Jaune from Weiss's shoulder and placed him on his feet. Now raising an eyebrow and shaking her head at her teammates. "Girls, you're all talking nonsense Jaune isn't some sort of toy everyone wants to play with. He's a person, and we have to treat him like one."

Jaune's mind was cheering that the Faunus was putting her teammates in their places and helping him from having all his blood flow to his head, he was glad she was able to help him, he should really suppress these thoughts.

Without Jaune knowing Blake crept up behind and slowly wrapped her arms around Jaune's torso. Now placing her chin on the boy's shoulder and purring a bit, "Besides ladies, he's my play toy…. Meow."

Sun practically pasted out on the floor, but Neptune caught him to fan him off, "We're gonna kill him." Sun whispered to Neptune who nodded in agreement.

Jaune began to shiver now not from being cold but from the fact that all of team RWBY now wanted him for some reason and he couldn't make sense of anything anymore. In his mind Aura wasn't Aura anymore as far as he knew, he had become wide-eyed and practically frozen in time.

"Hey!" Nora shouted pulling out Magnhild glaring at the girls fighting over Jaune, "He's MY teammate so I have first dibs!"

Ren went wide eyed and turned to Nora with pure confusion and shock slapped on his face. Before giving the biggest death stare of all time. "Jaune?" (Woah Ren? Are you saying you like Nora?)

"I-I don't know what's going on!" Jaune mustered waving his hands violently.

"That's enough!" Pyrrha had come up behind where Weiss, Yang, and Ruby were standing and gave a dark stare at Blake with her glowing Vivid green eyes, which made the Faunus back off. "You're all making fools of yourselves."

Jaune gave himself a bit of hope that Pyrrha was normal and could somehow save him from what was going on… This is why he doesn't believe in hope anymore.

"I am Jaune's wife, his best friend, and his teammate!" She then turned to the boy and began to blush into crimson gold, and grinned at him.

"I um-wait w-what was that first thing you said…..?" Jaune looked at his teammate in horror. Wife… Writer why?! Jaune thought. (Open your eyes Jaune.)

"His what?!" The rest of the women in the class shouted making the school rumble.

Professor Aoi was still there with Professor Goodwitch, he was laughing a bit at the boy's struggle not because he was mean, it was just that he was a mentor to Jaune and he thought it was a bit amusing seeing the kid like this.

"I don't see a ring on his finger or yours Pyrrha?" Yang pointed at Jaune's hand.

"Yeah!" Ruby shouted crossing her arms adorably. Even when she has the lust for Jaune she just can't help being adorable. "Plus you didn't have a wedding so you two can't be married."

"And if you did why weren't we invited?" Nora added.

"We are married in our hearts, isn't that right Jaune?" Pyrrha spoke giving Jaune a heart melting smile placing her hand over his heart and kissing his neck lustfully.

"" Jaune began to look around to see if there was any hope of someone saving him from what was going to happen next, hoping that God Writer would pull out a camera and create this as a huge on-going prank. Now one plus one equaled thirty million. (I'm gonna let you have you "Fun" JauneJ)

Suddenly all of the girls were pushed back by a blast that could come from only one person. "Girls please, enough." Professor Goodwitch walked forward to stand in between Jaune and the other females wanting Jaune. "Your minds are obviously tapered and ill."

Jaune began to blink rapidly hoping that Goodwitch would continue to scowl at the girls to make them stop and fix what was happening.

"It seems pretty clear that Mr. Arc would enjoy a more….. Mature woman." She twirled around and sauntered over to where Jaune was with a hungry grin. "Isn't that right?" Raising a brow.

Jaune's mind just went blank, he opened his mouth to say something,

"I need an adult!" Jaune screeched.

"I am an adult," Goodwitch said softly.

"Meep," Jaune then decided to dash over to the stairs of the room. Sprinting towards the door to make his escape to the roof, or just get a head start to get out of Beacon to let everything settle a bit.

Now we are back to the present.

Jaune heard a number of explosions going off in the room he had gunned out of, assuming now that a fight had broken out. The voices of desiring women yelling the phrase 'he's mine' or 'you can't have him' were heard clearly as Jaune ran for his life.

"What is going on!" he shouted fluttering his arms as he ran like a madman.

Back in the room as all the women and the rest of the men ran out to fight each other and find Jaune, Professor Aoi was still in the room.

"Oh boy, Mr. Arc has no idea what he has gotten himself into." he spoke shaking his head a bit.

"Why does this happen every time we take these test? I should really talk to Oz about changing this test." speaking to no one.

"His day is going to get much worse I hope he knows that, oh well I didn't want to grade anyway."