A/N - Here it is! The long awaited (Not really) crossover between Worgen Of The Ardent and Sekirei!

This story will essentially be an AU sequel, which take it's place few years after the events of WOTA. Although I'll keep all possible spoilers from original WOTA as minimum as possible, perhaps even censoring the bits that could be counted as one...

Although since the original WOTA is NOWHERE even nearly done (HECK I have so far only covered TWO episodes worth of canon!); consider this story as a type of a Alternate Universe, where the things mentioned about Halkeginia in this story may not even happen in the original.

Simply put; this story will be a Side-story in it's core, that may or may not have much of a relevant relation to the original Worgen Of The Ardent. You could say that it kinda has the similar case as with the "Civilian Shinobi" series By "NarutoNega".

So without further ado Enjoy the first "WOTA, Through The World Door" Alt-series...

The Worgen Ashikabi!

Disclaimer: I don't own Warcraft, Zero No Tsukaima nor Sekirei, they all belong to their respective owners.
If I did;
1) Dragonkin would be playable!
2) Saito would NOT be Louise's bitch!
3) Minato would have some spine!

I only own the OC Worgen Saito (to some degree).

Speech: "Hello"

Thoughts: 'Hello'

Worgen Speech and loooooud noices!: "Hello!"

Abilities/Norito: "Hello!"

Worgen Ashikabi

Prologue, Fated Shadows

Yahan Prelude

-Shinto Teito aka New Tokyo, Midnight-

-Somewhere in Shinjuku...-

"Oh my... I didn't think that snotty brat was this loaded..." I mumbled in wonder, as I scanned through the contents of the wallet I pickpocketed this evening from the aforementioned brat... I mean; I could tell the kid was rich by his expensive looking frilly attire. Thus he became my target...

However there's one thing that bugs me...

Who in their right minds carries over four hundred THOUSAND worth of yen(1) in their pockets!? Did no one teach him how the Credit Cards worked?


I shrugged.

Oh well, it's mine now. Don't look in the gift horse's mouth, as they say. So with that thought I pulled the nice stack of yen bills out from the wallet, then without sparing a glance; I carelessly threw the, now meaningless, piece of leather off the rooftop (at least 30 storeys up). My hindquarters were currently seated on the ledge, with my leg dangling over it while my right leg was crossed over the knee.

This night's loot may have just covered my money issues for about a month if I spend it wisely. Mostly on food, considering how much nutrition my kin requires to function properly

I grinned, humming a random tone, as I carefully wrapped the money in a roll, then put it inside the small pouch, attached to the belt over the backside of my right hip. With that done; I interlocked my fingers and performed overhead stretch with my arms (unintentionally pronouncing my chest) and let out a soft moan from the slight strain. After feeling the pop of my joints, I sighed in satisfaction and let my arms fall on my sides resting my palms on the concrete I sat on.

"Nothing personal kid, but this girl has far greater needs over your toys." I said, my signature lopsided grin never slipping, as I looked over the city and thought back on my latest pickpocket victim. "Although, Number Five's appearance was a unexpected surprise... I didn't expect him to swing towards the other team OR to be winged by someone like that..." I wondered out loud, before a more mischievous thought came to mind and a cheshire grin forming over my features.

"Hmm, which one is on the receiving side, I wonder... kuku~" I let out a low, perverted giggle that would make even the Number Two proud...(2)

Number Two...



Dem toilet puns!

-With Number Five & Two-

*Cue a heavy tick mark*

'Is someone mocking me!?'

Unknown to each individual; both Mutsu and Matsu were simultaneously having that same thought, along with a twitching eyebrows.

-Back with Yahan-

Amusing thoughts aside... I grimaced...

Honestly, that was waaayyy too close for comfort... If it wasn't for my powers, I would be now sitting here cripple and one limb lighter...

Note to self; No robbing the Ashikabis of Single Digit Sekireis... Too much of a pain to deal with...

I then heard some commotion down at the bottom, so I leaned forward to take a peek.

I raised an eyebrow, when I saw a bunch of MBI lackeys scurrying around like headless chickens, by the feet of the building.

"I wonder what got them so excit-... Shit..." I facepalmed.

The Wallet...

They must've gotten my residual energy signals and fingerprints from the wallet if it dropped right by their feet...

However, I only shrugged without care and sighed, as I rubbed the bridge of my nose in exasperation.

"They truly should've learned by now..." I commented with a small shake of my head.

"Although..." I removed the fingers from my face as I glanced back down. "For such a primitive and weak race, I got to admit; these humans are quite persistent..." I mused with a grin as I looked down at them.

Seriously, for the past month, these incompetent dimwits playing army men, has been trying to hunt me down whenever they get the change. I've already lost the count, but so far they had zero success and it was always amusing to see the reaction of their commanding officer pulling a rage-filled tantrum every time I juked them.

Their Commanding Officer; Captain Fuko, I think he was called.

I stifled a giggle, with a back of my knuckles. Even his family name meant misfortune!

Why is the MBI after me you ask?

Well... Simply put; I might've kinda left(escaped) from the MBI tower's provinces WAY ahead the schedule the Sekirei Plan was supposed to begin.

As for how I got away?

Easy, my Adjustor was an old, and a bit of a pervy, geezer with minor symptoms of going senile, but still supposedly proficient enough to be hired by MBI to watch over me.

Well their mistake and my gain!

Honestly, while the old man was nice and all, he was way too trusting towards someone, who's very specialization as Sekirei is assassination and trickery. All I had to do was to act a bit flirty and playful in his presence and the geezer was all putty in my hands. So I pretty much used that to my advantage and sucked him up for all inf-...

Very poor choice words to use in a sentence...

What I meant to say; was that I milked hi- Damn it!

All there is to know; is that I manipulated the geezer to spill me the details (by asking coyly) of my upcoming adjustments and even about the S-Plan in general. In which the old man didn't seem to feel any harm in telling me about, nor was he in any way suspicious of me. The old man mostly took me for a child, who was just curious of things. Which technically isn't wrong since I'm much younger than I actually look due to these aforementioned adjustments that hastily sped up my growth and maturation process.

Sorry not telling my exact age; girl's secret! If you want a hint; I am still considered a teenager.

Anyhow, when the opportunity arose... I simply left without a trace.

Rather easy task for someone who can literally teleport anywhere within half-a-mile radius, though I kept that information to myself.

And why did I leave?

Got bored... Simple as that; End of discussion.

And so here I am; still on the run and pickpocketing people left and right. I didn't exactly take money with me when I left, so I had to make do in criminal activity, since MBI would find me in a second if I try getting hired legally... Plus that would be boring... There is at least some excitement working my way as a master thief!

I may have also pissed off quite some people back at the Tower, both the MBI and Sekirei... Former for obvious reasons and the latter because my actions had likely triggered the MBI for further security and supervision over the Sekirei, to the point that it wouldn't really come as a surprise if a MBI guards were now tasked to follow them even inside the restrooms, when they'd like to do their 'business'...

So yeah... My sisters, back in the Tower, probably wants me hanged by my ovaries... Not counting what would happen if Sahashi of all people ever gets a hold of me...

I shivered at the mental image, while a human, that woman was Scary as hell when angered with a capital 'S'.

Though, while I may have managed to slip away before my adjustor even got the change to mess with my body any further and surgically implant that tracker chip into me, that would pinpoint my every location and action... While lucky that I avoided having that inside me, the MBI still got some really annoying tech against Sekirei, one of them being those pesky Sekirei scanners (Or S-Scanner) that can actually recognize the energy frequency of Sekirei cores, aka Tama and even identify the very Sekirei the device spots. If and when a Sekirei gets within a certain distance of the said scanner, they would immediately alarm the MBI Tower and the next thing you'd know; MBI's forces would be all rushing towards you like flies on shit...(3)

I chuckled a bit.

Okay, that was a rather unnecessary and crude metaphor... But none the less true!

Thinking back on my Adjustor; he must be feeling downcast with me crushing his trust like I did, however I just couldn't bring myself to care about it... Or any human in particular that isn't my Ashikabi...

Speaking of which...

As I observed the people below; I made a bittersweet smile. "To think that even my Ashikabi is going to be one of these... Weaklings..." I sighed at the last part...

True while my wish is pretty much the same as with any other Sekirei (or at least with the majority), namely finding our destined one, our Ashikabi. However, unlike with most Sekirei, I still got some standards! I would still wish for an Ashikabi who would at least be competent enough to pull his (or her, but preferably a He) own damn weight around, without having me worrying over his safety every second!

I want my Ashikabi to be someone I could at least consider as my equal instead of your typical Ashikabi, where you'd have to practically babysit him 24/7, who'd always need to hide in the shadows (Which sounds Quite ironic, coming from a Sekirei of my type!) and making me do all the fighting AND protect him at the same time to the point it's ridiculous!

Truly if you think on it hard enough, the Ashikabis, while fated mates of us Sekireis, are nothing more than walking Norito batteries in this game...

I scoffed. 'I swear, If it were up to me; I would sooner kill my Ashikabi than be winged by some spineless fool...'

-Somewhere in Japan-

"Ah-aaah- aaAHH-SCHOO-!" *Slam!* "Owowoww~~" The certain raven haired Sahashi boy sneezed rather harshly and somehow ended up slamming his forehead on the table he was sitting by, as he was preparing for the Tokyo U exams.

"D-dude, you okay man?" His brunette friend, Yasaka asked in concern... The guy basically almost rammed his head into the table...

"Y-yeah... 'mkay..." Minato groaned out in response, while tentatively touching his bruised forehead.

"Catched the cold?" Yasaka asked.

"I don't think so... Though I suddenly got these chills down my spine... As if someone was planning my murder or something..." The raven haired boy said, while glancing behind his shoulders nervously.

"... You sure it's not the brain damage talking?" Yasaka asked skeptically, with a tone of amusement.

"... It... could be..." Minato replied back in a defeated tone, which in turn Yasaka patted his shoulder in mock comfort.

"Don't sweat it pal, I'm sure you got nothing to loose if that were the case." He said in a playful manner.

"Yeah, thank-... Wait... What is that supposed to mean!?" Minato retorted with chagrin, ignoring his headache.

Yasaka just laughed his ass off.

-Back with Yahan-

I sighed as I gazed at the busy streets below, watching as the MBI troops were buzzing about, with multiple squads entering the building I sat on.

Back to track however...

From what I've heard back in the Tower; while the S-Plan supposedly has a very strict rule that prohibits the Sekirei from harming any humans or even the enemy Ashikabi, I still wouldn't put it past me that the 'competitors' would truly honor that rule. Not to mention there's a major loophole, that doesn't mention anything about Ashikabi hurting an another Ashikabi... So it's easy enough to say, that even those with a half-a-brain would abuse the heck out of this loophole to shorten the competition...

And by taking the Chairman's mentality into consideration... That nutcase would more than likely find the rule breakers entertaining and wouldn't lift a finger to protect these rules... As long as the S-Plan and the Sekirei remains a secret from any 3rd party and stays within the borders of Shinto Teito.

Which would probably explain why I haven't yet seen the Disciplinary Squad after my firm ass, now that I think about it... The Chairman knows that I'm still somewhere in the city. While the guy is a complete looney, he's most certainly NOT stupid and definitely not someone to be taken lightly...

So if my assumption is correct... These MBI soldiers, I'm now staring at, are more than likely working on Sahashi-Sensei's behalf, while the Chairman sits back and watches my next move with amusement, only to act if I try reach the borders of the city... Which is probably FILLED with S-scanners to prevent the potential Sekirei 'outbreak' so to speak.

And it wouldn't really come as any surprise to me, if Minaka had already put some kind of a kill-switch inside of my kin, while at the laboratory to ensure we wouldn't... No... Couldn't oppose him...

I grimaced as I thought about it and put a hand over the base of my neck, before rubbing the specific spot, where the Crest would appear after being winged. To be more specific; that part of my anatomy is where my spinal cord is more or less hot-wired to the Tama inside my chest. It was also very spot, my Adjustor had injected the nanomachines, which would act as the limiter for Sekirei's true power (With Norito being the key to unlock it temporarily) and even as the catalyst for the Sekirei to use, so they can 'deactivate' (aka terminate) each other in fight by channeling their Norito to the Crest...

I bit my lip, it was truly mortifying to think that the self-proclaimed 'Game Master', with a God complex, could easily just terminate ANY Sekirei with a mere press of a button (Which is also the reason I haven't just simply teleported outside the city)... It's also unknown, what kind of fail-safes Minaka had put in place in case he happened to kick the bucket...

I sighed again and let my hand fall back from my neck to the side.

It's kind of ironic how my race is named after a bird, yet instead of flying free in the sky, we are imprisoned in this cage called New Tokyo...

I wonder... If we truly can ever be free in this world...


Suddenly I felt as if I my heart was going to burst!

*Gasp* "Wh-what the-!?"


"Gah!" My breathing started to get heavier as I gripped my chest in a mix of pain and... Excitement?

Am I... Reacting?

A reaction THIS powerful?

According to Sahashi-Sensei, the reaction usually varies with each Sekirei; ranging between mild blushes to nearly agonizing heats; Spiked with good deal of lust (At least in most cases). This however depends on the power (which increases with each Sekirei winged into Ashikabi's flock) and most of all the 'compatibility' between the Ashikabi and Sekirei. Also, while incredibly rare, there can be cases with Sekirei reacting towards more than one Ashikabi-potentials, however in such cases one is always superior to another.

Which means, whoever I'm reacting towards right now is extremely powerful by (hopefully) himself, since there shouldn't be any other Sekirei in the city, sans me and the first Six, which I doubt are winged at the moment (except Mutsu), to increase his initial power as Ashikabi...


A-although the question remains... Did my Ashikabi pop out of thin air or something, for me to start reacting in this manner completely without any warning? Shouldn't the reaction be more of a gradual process? Like, at first feeling a tiny pull once the Ashikabi is within the certain distance, then comes the heat; which only becomes stronger the closer you get. And the second the reacting Sekirei makes an eye contact with her/his Ashikabi the feeling would get nigh unbearable.

Now I'm really curious about this Ashi-


Gaaah! I can't take it anymore!

Enough with details, those are for the Nerd(aka Brain) Types!

I need to see him/her NOW!

I only hope my Ashikabi isn't a disappointment...

I stood up albeit with some (more than should be necessary) effort and closed my eyes in my attempt to focus into the already forming link towards my chosen mate and try to pinpoint his/her location...

"Hmm..." I frowned in concentration. It took me about a minute, but I think I found the source. "A couple miles towards South-East..." I opened my eyes and faced the direction I felt the link coming from ans raised an eyebrow. "Ginza?"

With that piece of information; I used my powers to submerge inside my own shadow, cast by the full-moon's light above.

Before I was fully submerged, I felt the presence of the MBI dogs' just about reach the door behind me.

I smirked in a smug manner.

Oh, I'd just love to stay and play with them, but I believe I have far more important matters to attend to...

"Better luck next time... Boys"

This girl got a date!


As if on cue, the door leading to the roof was slammed open, with soldiers wearing the MBI's military uniform pouring out from it, tranquilizer guns out and searching the area for any leads of their target...

"Where is she?" Their commanding Officer, Fuko, questioned.

"Uuh... Sir... " His lieutenant, the soldier holding the S-scanner, hesitantly spoke up. Oh Hell no... Fuko knew that tone all too well...

'No...' Captain's eyebrow started twitch frantically.

"We uhm..." The lieutenant continued.

'No no no...!' A large vein started to pulsate over Fuko's forehead.

"We've Lost the signal... Again..." He finished the report nervously, in a tone hinting that they've been playing this game of cat-and-mouse with the slippery shadow-type Sekirei for quite some time now...

His Commanding Officer... Was anything but amused...

"God fucking dammit!" The leader of the squad roared, loosing the last of his patience by taking off his helmet and slamming it down to the concrete floor, before kicking it off the roof's edge...

"Uhm... Sir? You do know that's a busy street down there right?" One of the Privates commented, while glancing between the Officer and the ledge.

"Like I give a fuck at this point! We've been after this bitch for God knows how long-"

"One month, two weeks and sixteen hours, Sir?" The Private 'helpfully' quipped.

"Thank you!" The Captain sarcastically spat, through gritted teeth. "Anyway! Every single time we get close to the black bitch-!"

"That's racist, Sir." Another one spoke up.

"Don't you get smart on me, Private! Or it's your ass thrown off the roof!" Fuko bellowed with spit flying at the Private's face.

"Sorry, Sir!" Said the now pale soldier.

"Good, Now shut up! Seriously, every time we manage to get a lead on her and reach at her last known location, she ALWAYS just vanishes without any fucking lead! I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting reaaaally God damn pissed here! We've been chasing her Hax using ass; over month and a half; nonstop; always failing and no reward!? All this; because one senile asshole of a doctor forgot to put the God fucking damn Tracking chip into that God fucking damn shadow-using alien wench!"

He inhaled deeply.

"And now!? Sahashi's breathing down my neck and busting my balls 24/7; Tired as Hell; MBI coffee sucks; I'm stressed as fuck; My life is shit; Wife left me; Took the kids; I Accidentally ran over cat; Didn't mean to; Didn't care; Karma played out; Tire got busted; Car crashed; The cat turned out to be my daughter's; Now she hates me; Pops died out of cancer last week; Got a huge heritage; Ran over another cat; THAT belonged to a motherfucking yakuza boss; Heritage lost; And ALL that in a single month!"

The moment he finished his rant, he was gasping for air, since he said all of that in a single breath.

And holy shit did that go from 0 to 100 so bloody fast...

His men were staring at him wide eyed and jaws agape.




"A-awkward..." Someone muttered.

"...L-lets... *sigh* Lets just go home... I really need a drink..." Fuko ordered/muttered to his men.

None of them said a word, but only nodded in return...

Despite his utterly horrible luck, it was must be by some sheer miracle, he's gotten AND upheld his rank as a Captain in MBI military...


Then the lieutenan's phone started ringing, he picked the phone and read the name of the caller. The lieutenant started to sweat a bit. "I-it's from the Boss Lady... I got to take this..." He answered the call.

"Hello, Boss? Yes, this is Lt. Yagami speaking..."

Fuko groaned and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Great... A call from Dr. Sahashi... Which means they have to report in, yet another failure to detain the Shadow Sekirei.

"Uhu, yeah... Uuhh, N-negative Ma'am... Eh? U-um *nods*, understood I relay it to him... Yagami out... *Click* Uuhh, Cap- Er.. Chief?" The lieutenant, Yagami, spoke up, looking at him with really awkward expression...

Fuko let out another groan, he was too tired for this shit. "What did she say this time..."

"Err, p-please don't throw me off the roof Sir..." Yagami pleaded.

Hearing that, Captain Fuko immediately stiffened his posture and narrowed his eyes at Yagami dangerously. "That depends..." He let the threat hang in the air.

"*Gulp* B-boss... Wanted me to relay a message. A-apparently you just got... Demoted..." The lieutenant finished, while scratching his head sheepishly.

There was a minute of silence.

Then the commanding officer exploded...


'Oh come the fuck on!? That's it! I'm so going to empty ALL of my liquor cabinets at home! This week can't possibly get any wor-'

"Aaaand Boss also said that your house got blown up due to a gas leak..."



Fuko then proceeded to pick up the poor Lt. Yagami, carrying the man above his head and slowly stomped towards the roof's edge... Or at least tried to, but was held back by the rest of his, now frantic, squad, which proved to be rather difficult, since Daichi Fuko is not the smallest individual around...


The man's full name was Daichi Fuko or last name first, Fuko Daichi... Which can literally be interpret as Fukō Dai-Ichi... Meaning "Misfortunate Number One"...

[For those who had a bad day, think of this guy and smile! ^^]

Down at the bottom however, some unfortunate green-hooded bum(4) had been in the receiving end of the discarded military helmet.. Considering the guy got hit by something, weighing almost 2 kilos, dropped from a building over 400 feet in height... With the Impact Force being around 20991 Newton (2140 kg/force)(5)...

Sooo the guy MUST be suffering from one heck of a headache, if not a concussion along with a cracked skull...

What no one knew that day... Was that he got infected and cursed by Daichi Fuko's bad luck. [Cue Author laughing madly]

Not that anyone would pity him, once they know the kind of person he truly turns out to be during the S-Plan...




A/N - There you go folks!

The first chapter of Worgen Ashikabi!

I don't really have other explanation for my absence other than work (For more detail; read the A/N in WOTA Ch.10), but I managed to get some time to write this during the mentioned "quiet days" at work. However don't expect chapters to pop out too frequently... But I will try my best to satisfy my fans!

Please Follow, Favourite and leave a Review or I'll sic a Worgen on yeh! ;)

(1) I realized the unintended pun the moment I wrote that...

(2) Roughly a bit over 3 500 Dollars

(3) Not my original quote, but still hilarious when I read it in a fanfic somewhere.

(4) Quess who! Let the bashing begin! *Cue evil laughter*

(5) This could be wrong since I used some random Impact Force calculator in the internet.