Pops lead Spencer to the security room where he quickly knocked out the guard and evaluated the cameras to find out where Sarah and Kyle were. He was surprised to see they were in the parking garage with John Connor.

"Oh no," Spencer said, her voice filled with worry, "They must have turned him when they got him. He is going to kill them. We have to move," she said, her tone rushed as she began racing out of the hospital, followed by Pops.

They walked out into the garage to see Sarah turn and look instantly revealed until Pops pulled his gun from his bear and shot John Connor multiple times, doing next to nothing.

"What's going on?" Sarah screamed as she took in the scene.

"He's a killer!" Kyle yelled turning his gun to point it at Pops which caused Spencer to jump in front of him, "He's not, Kyle. That isn't John," Spencer added.

"Spencer?" Kyle asked, as he realized who the woman was, "What are you doing here? How do I know you aren't 'not you'?"

"She is not a Terminator but John Connor has been changed," Pops replied, adding to the information Spencer presented.

"Who is she?" Sarah asked as John stood once again, his body unifying.

"That, Mom," John began, "Is Spencer. She was my right hand soldier after she sent her Guardian back," he said, gesturing toward Pops, "And once I had her trained, we found Kyle and he took her role at my side as my next apprentice."

"Why did you come back from the future?" Sarah asked, her face full of confusion as she took everything in.

Spencer gestured at John, "Skynet took him and i feared that the might have done something to him and as time passed and nothing improved, I knew the mission here hadn't been completed so I came back to help. By the way, thanks John," she said with a smirk, "If you hadn't jumped back, I never would have known where to go."

Before anyone else could reply, John lunged toward Pops and the two machines disappeared into the hospital in a battle.

"We have to go," Kyle shouted.

Sarah and Spencer shook their heads and at the same time said, "I can't leave him here."

Kyle sighed as the two women raced into the hospital behind the robots waging war in the hospital. Once the three caught up with them, they were in an MRI room and Sarah had an idea.

"Girl," she yelled, "Go in there and get Pops. I'll cover you. Kyle, once she has him almost to us, turn that thing on at full blast.!"

"My name is Spencer," she corrected Sarah as she raced forward and reached out a hand to Pops to grab a hold of. He grasped her hand ducked under the gunfire flying their way from Sarah before Kyle threw on the power and John Connor was thrown back into the machine, coming apart.

As they raced out of the hospital, Pops faltered, his knee giving out as he slowly crumbled toward the floor. "You two get a car," Spencer said to Kyle and Sarah, "I'll get him out there!"

Sarah looked doubtful but Kyle pulled her along as Spencer got down on the floor by Pops and reached out cradling his knee in her hand.

"Guardian, are you going to make it through this fight?" she asked, her eyes filled with sadness as she rubbed his joints back into place, "I can't lose you a second time in this life."

Pops couldn't answer her the way she wanted to be answered but he nodded simply and said, "I will not leave you again."

"Can you stand?" she asked as she released his knee. Pops nodded as he got up and they raced to the car together.

"What's our plan?" Kyle asked, as they drove out back onto the main roads.

"I know a place that only Pops knew about and he stocked up weapons there," Sarah began, "We can take a rest, gather supplies and then head to Cyberdyne."

Spencer shook her head, "No, we can't. Sarah, you told John about that place when he was a child and I know that because he told me the stories. He was my only link to Guardian after I let him go to protect you because John had the memories of the stories you told him about your time with Pops."

"We have to at least get some weapons to blow up Cyberdyne," Sarah protested.

"Based on John's rate of regrowth and your predictability," Spencer began giving Pops a quick glance, "we can stop for 10 minutes. Grab everything we can and then go straight to Cyberdyne."