Chapter 1

Lucy's POV:




"Ugh stupid alarm" I immediately smacked the thing that was making noise countless of times till I was finally able to get it to stop ringing, I groaned as I covered myself with the blanket even more deciding if I should skip school today. When I was finally able to make up my mind I pulled myself to stand and walked over to my closet to get ready for a fun day in school, Lucy thought as she rolled her eyes. I put on the white dress shirt and the short red plaid skirt accompanied by black knee high socks and my red converse. We required to wear a red cardigan but I never once wore that mess, it wasn't my style. I did however wear the tie, it just hung around my neck since I felt suffocated with it on every time I tied it. While I was brushing my hair I glanced at the clock in my wall and realized I was going to be late for school once again. "Shit!" I yelled as I quickly threw my brush back on the counter and grabbed my bag as I made my way out the door. "If I get another tardy I'm going to get expelled" I said as I quickly sprinted to my school hopefully making it in time,

Normal POV:

Normally Lucy wouldn't give a damn of getting there on time, she was always skipping class after all, but the principal, Makarov, in Fairy Tail High has had enough of her tardies and warned her that if she gets another tardy she will be expelled. The blonde acted like it didn't faze her at all but in reality she was worried since Makarov never spoke to her in that manner.

Lucy Heartfilia:

Also known as Fairy Tail's delinquent, she never hung out with anyone, except for two people. Their name was Gajeel and Jellal. She started hanging out with Gajeel when he caught her trying to sneak in to vandalize the school, they've been friends ever since. Jellal was a different story, she knew Jellal at a young age and he was the only one there for her during her parent's death. Ever since then, they've been inseparable. You'll know about them soon though. No one knew anything about Lucy, with the exception of Jellal and Gajeel of course, All they knew was that she was trouble and must be avoided at all time.

Back to the story.

Lucy made it to the school but apparently luck wasn't at her side today since she didn't make it on time. She decided to try opening the doors but they wouldn't budge, "Crap!" she hissed kicking the door out of frustration. The girl started walking around looking for any way to get in, until she saw a window open as if begging for the girl to come in. Lucy smirked "Looks like I was wrong, must be my lucky day, but who the hell leaves a window open?" she questioned but decided to ignore it. She made her way towards the window and realized that it was slightly taller than her so she threw her bag over first and jumped right in landing perfectly. "And she stick the landing!" the girl joked as she grabbed her bag and started walking to class but stopped in her tracks when she heard someone call her name.

"Lucy Heartfilia" the stern voice called at her.

"Damn it" Lucy thought. She let out a breath and turned with a grin in her face, "Well hello there oh so great President Erza" Lucy said sarcastically

Erza Scarlet:

Erza was known as a demon for always catching the delinquents and giving them a beat down, but she never once beaten Lucy before, not because she couldn't, she just didn't want to ever hurt a girl, even if it was Lucy. She always came third place in exams and was the student body president. Very intelligent and had an obsession with anything involving strawberries. Other than that she was the second most feared girl in the school, Lucy being the first. Oh and she also had a crush on Lucy's best friend Jellal.

Erza stared at Lucy, not once looking away "You need to go to the office and get a pass for being late, I saw you come in through that window" Erza said.

Lucy smirked, "I don't know what you're talking about, I just came from the bathroom and was walking back to my class"

Erza let out a sigh and rubbed between her eyes "I'm going to let this one slide for now since I'm in a rush, but next time Heartfilia, I won't let you off the hook" she glared at her

"Whatever you say President" Lucy said, never letting her smile fade.

The red head rolled her eyes and turned around but said one last thing to the blonde before she left, "and fix your uniform"

Lucy frowned, "and fix your uniform, like hell I would!" the girl mimicked and turned to continue walking to her first period.


When she got there the blonde opened the door causing everyone to turn her way as she came in. Lucy noticed that everyone had a packet on their desk and mentally cussed herself when she realized that there was a test was today. Stupid Stupid Stupid How can I forget this? Great just great.

"What the hell are you all looking at?" Lucy glared at everyone in the class causing them to jump and put their head down continuing their test.

The girl smirked and closed the door making her way to her seat when the teacher, Mr. Capricorn, interrupted her. "Miss Heartfilia, late again I presume? I don't want to deal with your shenanigans so take a test and sit down"

"Aww but I always love our morning chats teach" Lucy smiled.

Mr. Capricorn didn't respond so Lucy grabbed a test and made her way to the far corner where she sits. When she took a seat she glanced at Gajeel who looked mentally constipated by the test and causing Lucy to snicker.

Gajeel Redfox:

Known as a trouble maker. Everyone feared him mostly because of the many piercings in his face and always intimidated look. Gajeel became friends with Lucy when she caught her trying to sneak in the school to vandalize and decided to vandalize with her. Although Gajeel was friends with Lucy, he was also close to Natsu Dragneel, The one person Lucy hates the most. You'll find out about him later though. Gajeel always got in fights, skipped class, and always copied off Lucy like how he currently is now.

Gajeel glared at Lucy and whispered "Where the hell were you? I thought I was screwed for sure"

"Chill out, I'm here aren't I? and here I thought you actually liked my company, looks like you were just using me for my brains, asshole" Lucy said.

"That and also because you sometimes pay for my lunch" Gajeel replied.

"fuck you" Lucy glared.

The blonde finished her test and moved it slightly over so that Gajeel can copy off her. Lucy may have been a delinquent but she was the smartest girl in the school. She was always first in her exams for the entire school and had straight A's. People always questioned how that was possible since she's never payed attention in class and was always skipping.

When Gajeel was done copying she made her way up to Mr. Capricorn and handed him her paper with a smirk saying, "Damn teach, and here I thought you would have at least up your game a bit. You gotta kick it up and notch"

Mr. Capricorn just ignored her and graded her paper placing a perfect score right on the front. Lucy smirked at her grade and retrieved her exam making her way back to her desk.

Capricorn stared at the back of the blondes head thinking, Such an intelligent mind, you can go a long way if you just change Lucy.

When class was finally over Lucy and Gajeel started walking to their second period but Lucy had other plans in mind. "Go on ahead, I think I'll skip this period"

Gajeel just responded with a nod and made his way to class.


The blonde decided to go to her favorite place from the entire school and that was the rooftop. As she was walking to her destination she heard footsteps from afar but decided to ignore them since they weren't as near to her as she thought. The blonde was close to the entrance of the roof when she heard a familiar voice calling to her from behind. "Well if it isn't my favorite person in the world" the stranger sarcastically said.

Lucy halt, she knew who this "stranger" was, only one person had a voice like his. The girl smirked and turned around glaring at the rosy head boy "Dragneel".