Australia hadn't been to a World Conference since the nations were revealed. He didn't want to get involved in all the drama. Who can blame him? Paparazzi were stalking all the known nations. Not to mention all the crazy fans. He did not want to deal with that. So, he didn't. He did like to keep up on all the Nationwatch news solely for the purpose of bullying his siblings.

"And here's a funny video from Comic Con last week where America is making a jab at England. What does this mean? Is this residue from the tension of the Revolutionary War?" Jane asked.

Bill waved it off. "I'm sure it's only a jest. And it's a good one. I know we can't wait to see England's response."

They showed a clip of America taking a sharpie to his forehead to demonstrate how big England's eyebrows actually are.

Australia smirked. Perfect ammunition. He rang up England.

"What do you want?" England asked.

"G'day dipstick! Been watching the telly?"

"Of course I have, I cannot believe America. He's making us all look bad."

"Yeah, yeah, I agree. I can't believe he forgot to mention your cooking!"

There was a long silence on the other end of the line.

"Iggy? You still there?"

"Yes I'm still here!" England snapped. "Don't forget, either you or New Zealand has to come to the World Conference next week."

Australia groaned and England hung up.

He dialed New Zealand. I ring once, twice, three times before he picked up.

"Hey, mate, how would you like to go to the World Conference next week?" Australia tried not to betray how much he didn't want to go in his voice.

"I don't think so," New Zealand said.

"Wha-what why not?" Australia sputtered.

"I'm busy next week. I'm going on a trek to find kiwis. They're going extinct, you know. Plus, you haven't been to work in a while, your going to make England worry." A sheep bleated in the background.

"Yeah, yeah," Australia cut in before New Zealand gave a lecture about endangered species or being more responsible. How come he had to go to a stupid World Conference meeting? Most of the stuff they talked about didn't even affect him. It's all Europe this and America that. He'd much rather be surfing.

Speaking of which. "Just remember to come over to catch a few waves before you go," Australia.

"Of course!"

It had been a long plane ride from Australia to Beijing, where the conference was going to be held, and Australia was tired. He was ready to fling himself into the bed of his hotel room. Unfortunately for him, life had other plans. You see, instead of getting to Beijing early, and having some time to recover and sight see, he waited till the last minute. Literally, his plane landed an hour before the World Conference started.


"Huh?" Australia spun around, clearly out of it.

"You're going to be late!" England grabbed him by his arm and started dragging him and his luggage to a waiting van. England was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat to cover his iconic eyebrows.

"Why are you here? I can get there myself," Australia pouted.

Still walking fast, England said, "Charlie called and said he was concerned since your flight left so late."

Australia cursed inwardly. That snitch New Zealand, he worries too much then calls in England to fix it.

They managed to reach the World Conference without much interference until the very end where reporters were waiting to ambush any country unfortunate enough to stumble upon them.

"England! Care to leave a comment about America's statement? How is your relationship with your past colony?" Reporters swarmed the two of them.

"No comment," England gritted out.

"Yeah, back off," Australia said.

This led to the reporters being aware of Australia's existence.

"Who are you? Are you another country? What is your relationship with England? Is this another past colony? What's with the band aid across your nose?"

Australia had never been more grateful for his brother. England had pulled him into the safety of the meeting room.

"Excuse you," Australia said under his breath. "I think the band aid makes me look cool."

"HEEEYYYY! Australia my dude!" America slapped Australia on the back. "How's it going?'

"Hey, bro!" They fist-bumped. "I couldn't sleep on the plane, and this guy,"

Australia gestured towards England. "Didn't let me go to my hotel room at all."

"That is not very cash money," Alfred said.

Australia tried very hard to contain his laughter. Spoiler: that didn't work.

They were several hours into the meeting. Australia had already been introduced, a scuffle between France and England had been stopped, and Bill and Jane had gotten enough footage of him to ruin his anonymity. He had been bored out of his mind since the fight had ended. It's not like he was doing anything useful, and England glared at him when he got out his Koala, Ozzie, so bringing out any of his other stuff was out of the picture. Of course he brought a didgeridoo. It was meant to be a surprise present for America, since he missed his birthday this year. America would love it, and England would hate it. Win win!

Australia leaned back in his chair. Who cares what they're talking about. He was hungry! He reached in his coat pocket for a granola bar New Zealand packed for him just in case. Australia pulled it out along with a flash drive. Thank god for New Zealand.

Australia fidgeted with the flash drive. He didn't remember having this. It has been a while since he had to wear a suit, so it's probably from a while ago.

"-tralia? Australia? Australia!"

Australia was shaken from his thoughts. "What?"

Germany cleared his throat. "Vee asked if you had anysing you vould like to add."


"Do you have a presentation to share?" Germany asked.

At the sight of England's blanched face, Australia figured to roll with it. Why not embarrass England. Pay back for not letting him take a nap before getting here.

Australia shrugged. "Yeah, of course. Why not?"

As he was setting up his surprise presentation, he could hear the whispering from reporters. Australia laughed in his head. Both of them were guessing about what they were going to do.

The title of the presentation loaded on his screen. Australia smirked. He could work with this.

England sank into his seat from embarrassment, a grin grew on Australia's face, and confusion grew on everyone else's.

The title page of the presentation was front and center. It was a picture of Australia and New Zealand doing the Titanic pose on a surfboard with "How to Safely Vacation in Australia and New Zealand" across the top in neon.

"Let's get started!" Australia rubbed his hands together. "First off, drop bears. They're dangerous and they will kill you."

And hour, thirty seven minutes, and twenty four seconds later, the presentation was finished. England was counting every second.

"And that finished the importance of sunscreen and other ways to protect yourself from UV light! Any questions?" Australia asked.

Bill raised his hand. "Yes, how were you able to hold the Inland Taipan snake without dying?"

"All wildlife naturally is friendly towards me. I'm also semi-immortal, so if it does bite me, no problem!" Australia thought for a moment. "I should probably put a note in there about not picking up the wildlife just because I can."

Bill nodded in agreement. "That would be beneficial."

Home at last, Australia sank into his bed. Pure comfort. Nothing can top the feeling of returning to your own bed. This is the truest form of relaxation. Absolutely wonderful, simply superb-

The phone began to ring violently.

"Come on!" Australia groaned. He reached for the phone, luckily he didn't have to move far.


"Australia! Do you have something you want to tell me?"

"Zea, what?"

"Oh, just turn on the news." New Zealand reminded Australia of an angry sheep right now.

The news came on. Nationwatch to be specific. Headline: Australia's first conference since the big reveal.

"Jane, this is a really good guide to visiting Australia," Bill said. "We've actually been trying to plan a trip to Australia for a while."

"Australia has revealed himself with a bang," Jane said. "It was a bold, calculated move from the southern nation."

"Hear that, Zea?" Australia asked. "I'm calculating!"

"Sure, you are." Australia could hear the eye roll through the phone. "You haven't calculated a single thing in your life." New Zealand teased.

"It is now expected that New Zealand shall reveal…" Jane trailed off, confused about New Zealand's gender. "Themself soon."

"You know, I got to meet Australia," Bill said. "We were at the World Conference. He was very nice."

"How am I going to reveal myself?" New Zealand whined. "I don't wanna!"

"It's fine. If you don't want to, you don't have to," Australia said. "But we could always do a party here, and that can be your big reveal."

"Sure, why not."

"Hey! Now that you're going to reveal yourself, you can use your fame to talk about protecting the environment!" Australia was really excited. "We can do that together! Australia and New Zealand's Wildlife Conservation!"

"Sounds like fun!"

Hey y'all! I wasn't quite sure how to characterize Australia and New Zealand, so I based it off of myself and my brother. We're best friends, but we mess with and complain about each other all the time. Anyways, New Zealand will probably be in the future, but I might want to do another character first. We'll see. I don't have anything written up for next week, so it'll probably be a short. Review! I love hearing from you!

Protesters: Best of luck! Remember, if you don't have money to donate, go to Zoe Amira's youtube account.