I am deeply sorry for taking so long to update. My computer had a major breakdown and it took me a while to get a new laptop. I have spelling and grammar checked the previous chapters and made a few small changes, please feel free to read them again to catch up. Enjoy!
Chapter 4: Preparing for Beaubatons.
After Ginny had taken her potion to be able to speak and understand French, they decided they would explore the area around their new home. Harry and Ginny, who had never really traveled anywhere found the countryside they now lived in to be fascinating.
After speaking with Bill and Charlie it was decided that Ginny would study the second-year curriculum and see if she would be able to test in to third year at Beaubatons Academy of Magic. Bill and Charlie signed a permission form for her to do so.
Ginny spent much of her time studying to be ready for tests. While Ginny was studying Harry decided he would review the curriculum of first and second year to ensure he would be prepared for classes in the fall.
Harry decided he would like to take Arithmancy, Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures as his electives. Having looked at the books he thought they were fascinating. If Ginny tested into third year with him, she would be taking the same classes.
To both of their surprises they were informed that there would be additional options for O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s that they were able to apply for when the time for testing arrived. Unlike at Hogwarts they would take O.W.L.s in their 6th year and the N.E.W.T.s in their 7th year. They could self-study for any O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s they wanted to take that they did not have as classes. They would have to get a list of offered O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s so they knew what they would want to take for additional tests if any.
Harry and Ginny spent everyday studying for the fall. Sirius would answer any questions they had about their studies. When Sirius was not helping them, he was keeping up with the goings on in Brittan as he was planning to take up his seats on the Wizengamot and would be voting Harry's by proxy as well. He would also be keeping busy working part time as a liaison to the French Ministry of Magic. Sirius did not wish to work full time as he felt he would be neglecting his god son and Ginny if he spent all his time working
The days flew by and while they saw little of Bill and Charlie, Ginny made sure she sent them a letter every week with he owl they had purchased her, she named the Ebony Black owl Nigra Tonitrus meaning Black Thunder in Latin. She would keep them informed of her progress with second year material, ask any questions he had that Sirius would be unable to answer and told them about the countryside around their home.
Several weeks later.
With only a few days before the start of the new term at Beaubatons and Hogwarts, Harry and Ginny were able to be found relaxing, Ginny having passed her tests to enter third year with Harry.
Since they had been working so hard Sirius decided to take them on vacation for the last few days before term would start.
Sirius decided to take them to Greece, they visited historical places, museums and even the magical shopping district while they were there. Sirius did not just allow them to have fun, he also made it a learning experience, and quizzed them on what they learned about the places they were visiting.
The day before term was to start Sirius, Harry and Ginny returned to France to prepare their trunks for returning to school the next day.
The first peaceful summer Harry could remember, and he was sad to see that it would soon come to an end. Sirius was sad to see his god son return to school but proud of the student he had been and would become, learning all that was offered.