It took Butters nearly all evening to get the stain of blood out of the carpet. You could still see that it was there if you looked hard enough, but I guess he was just hoping for the best. After dinner, which was all healthy hippie food, which I had no choice but to choke down, Butters pulled out homework. Both mine and his.

" We will finish our homework, watch a little tv and then go to bed. You can sleep with me in my bed tonight." Butters said as he undid my right hand so that I could do my homework.

" Your bed?" I question, the memory of earlier events worming their way back into my mind. What if he tried to take it further? A blowjob is thing, but actually having sex is another.

" Yeah, I thought you'd like it better than sleeping down here." He says as he puts his share of homework away. He's already done? Fuck I'm slow. Oh, right, drugs.

" So you did leave me down here last night. Didn't you think I'd wake up and leave?" I ask because really, if that happened I would have taken off out of this place like a bat out of hell.

All Butters did was shake his head no. " No, you're sleeping medicine is too strong for you to wake up early. " He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Now finish up your homework, if you take too long we may have to go straight to bed." Butters is practically giving me bedroom eyes. In a way, I think he is hoping that I take too long.

Eventually I did get done, but I guess that I did take too long. He recuffed my hand and lead me up the stairs. This is where I saw my only chance at getting away. I shoved Butters away from me, sending him to the grownd. I ripped out my IV (again and I think the pain is worse a second time around). I ran as fast as I can up the stairs and close the bathroom door. I managed to get my hands infront of me and lock it. " Fuck you Butters! I'm out of here." I shout through the blue door. I make my way over to the windows and open them up as wide as I can.

Looking out, I see that it is a long way down. " Well shit." I mumble to myself. There is no ledge to climb on and make a somewhat safer escape. It's just straight down with maybe three or four bushes to break my fall.

Pounding on the bathroom door makes me tear my eyes from the potential fall. " Eric! When I get in there, you are going to be in so much trouble! " Butters vows through the door and the thought of him doing anything else to me, whether it sexually based or not makes me try to get up and out the window faster.

" Almost." I say as I'm halfway put the window, only to hear the bathroom door burst open. Shit. I struggle harder to get away but I feel hands on my ankles that yank my out of the window like it was nothing. I fall back on the lanolin tile hitting my head with a hard whack. My head is pounding, arm throbbing from pain, drugs in my system and slight blood lose making me dizzy.

When I open my eyes everything seems to be spinning, like that one time I got nearly blackout drunk and was sick for hours in Stans bathroom. Then something, no, someone comes into my line of vision and he isn't spinning. It's Butters with the deepest frown on his face, but he looks more worried than mad.

" You shouldn't have done that Eric. Now you're all hurt." He says in a way that's all comforting but makes me wince like I've let him down in some way. Like I actually care. " I need to fix you up again, but I can't have you taking off on me anymore." He looks really upset, like what he's about to do hurts him. " I'm sorry Eric."

Before I can voice what it is he's sorry for, pain shoots up from my foot to my leg. " AHHHHHHHH" I howl in pain.

" Now Eric, I hardly touched you. I only kicked you in the ankle."

" What the fuck for?! I thought you didn't want to hurt me?!" I scream, tears springing to my eyes.

" I don't, I'm real sorry. I don't like hurting you, in fact this will be the first and last time." He said as he helped me up, I just let him. The slight pain in my ankle makes it so I have to depend on him to help me walk. It's not broken or anything, he made it so I can't run.

And I thought that I had problems.

When we get to his room, he fixes me up, and cuffs me to the bed like we are in Geralds Game. He crawls up the bed a wipped my tears away. " Shh, I'm sorry. " He then places kisses all over my face and made his way to my lips.

Why fight him? He's clearly off his meds. I open my mouth for him to explore. He must seem pleased with this since he hums in happiness. His hands make their way under my shirt and lovingly message my chest and abdomen, causing me to moan into his mouth. He pulls away and smiles at me. " You see Eric, this is all I want. I want you to be happy with me." He then goes to kissing my neck, my air catching in my throat.

" How about I make it up to you for hurting your ankle?"

" How?" I ask breathlessly.

" Do you trust me to make you feel good?"

" I guess...?"

" Good."

He kissed and sucked on my neck until I was nearky a puddle underneath him. He only left me briefly to get something but was back soon enough. He was undressed and he hooked his fingers under my boxers. " Is this okay?" He asked and I had to bring myself to think about for a minute.

Do I want this? Yes. Do I want this with Butters? Hell yes.

So why am I hesitating?

A/N: Cliff hanger! Sorry I haven't even as much looked at this fic in a while I will try to be better with updates.