Title: A Dragon's Match

Summary: Toothless and Stormfly think it's about time that Hiccup and Astrid share a kiss and make some confessions. Why does human love seem so complicated? XD

Requested by: brodmapa

AN/ Hello everybody! Special thanks to brodmapa for requesting this! I seem to have a hard time coming up with fresh ideas lately. XD. My latest story (Not a Dream) didn't get as much feedback on it as I would've liked… so I'm so happy you guys want these. My ideas are running dry! :D Thanks again and as usual… bananas! Haha got you. ;)

Enjoy! :D

Toothless yawned loudly, lifting his large head off the stone bed he slept on. He glanced over at Hiccup, who was still sleeping soundly. Toothless sighed, realizing that it was probably pretty early still… or at least in a human's eyes it was. To Toothless, it seemed like time to get up and start the day.

Toothless set his head back down, sighing as he watched Hiccup sleep. Hiccup's thick bangs were flopped over his eyes, making Toothless's nose twitch at the thought. How irritating hair must be for humans. Toothless felt especially sorry for Hiccup's father, Stoick. That poor guy not only had long hair on the top of his head, but a long beard to deal with as well. With the amount of fussing Stoick did braiding his hair and all… Toothless was definitely grateful he didn't have to deal with that.

Hiccup mumbled something in his sleep, flopping over on to his back, flinging his blanket off him in the process. Toothless's eyes followed the blanket as it fell to the ground. Then, Toothless's eyes returned to Hiccup, who was sprawled out on the bed.

Toothless quietly stood up, then edged closer and closer to the bed. He tried to keep himself from doing it, but he couldn't help himself.

Toothless jumped forward, landing on top of the bed excitedly. Hiccup let out a yelp of surprise before tumbling off the side of the bed, joining his blanket on the ground.

"Toothless!" Hiccup scolded, looking up at the dragon. Toothless cooed in dragon laughter, then leaned back to grin widely at the human.

Hiccup pushed himself to his feet, stumbling over to the chair where he'd set his armor the night before. Toothless watched curiously as Hiccup strapped it on. Hiccup had designed this armor (what he called "flight armor 1". Apparently, he planned on making more? Toothless wasn't sure.) only a few months ago. Toothless hadn't fully understood why… exactly. Well, Toothless knew Hiccup needed some sort of flight suit in order to fly Toothless, but he hadn't expected Hiccup to design an entire outfit for it. Not like Hiccup needed protective armor to protect him! It wasn't like Toothless was going to let anything happen to him… oh well. Whatever Hiccup thought he needed.

Hiccup strapped on the last shoulder guard. He then bent down to pick up his saddle bag. He tossed this over Toothless's saddle. Toothless moved closer, ready for the long process of having his saddle put on. As much as he liked sleeping without the saddle on, it was such a pain having to take it on and off. It took almost fifteen minutes just to get everything into place.

Toothless sighed impatiently as he waited for Hiccup to finish. This was taking far too long. FAR too long.

"There." Hiccup finally said, stepping back. Toothless gave three little jumps in anticipation, wanting so badly to go for a flight.

Hiccup laughed, then jumped on Toothless's back. Toothless smiled, then leaped towards the window. He jumped into the air, soaring through the crisp morning air.

Toothless flipped his tongue out of his mouth, smiling widely around at the world. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, as though trying to decide if it wanted to come out or not. The sky was colored in pinks and oranges, making a beautiful landscape.

Toothless glanced behind when he heard a familiar squawk. He grinned all the more when he saw that it was Astrid and Stormfly. Toothless slowed down a bit, knowing that Hiccup would want to talk to Astrid. And, honestly, Toothless wanted to have a little chat with Stormfly as well.

"Morning, Stormfly!" Toothless greeted cheerfully.

"Hi!" Stormfly replied- well, squawked more like. "Chilly morning, huh?"

"That it is! But it's kind of nice for a change."

The two dragon's quieted, instead listening to their riders chatter.

"You're up early!" Hiccup said to Astrid merrily.

"I wasn't." Astrid looked down to Stormfly pointedly.

Stormfly looked up at her rider. "You humans don't seem to get the saying; the early bird gets the worm. Only in our case… it's fish."

Toothless cooed in laughter.

Astrid shook her head, "Excuses, escuses." Although she couldn't understand what the dragon had said, she still knew Stormfly's personality. She knew when she was making an excuse.

"Same here." Hiccup rubbed Toothless's head. "He seems to think I can survive on five hours of sleep."

"Five hours? Hiccup, you've got to get to bed sooner…"

"I-I usually do. Only last night I was working on a new tail for Toothless. I just couldn't set it down."

"Ugh, Hiccup, you'll never learn…"

Toothless shook his head. "I'm with her, Hiccup. You're an idiot."

Stormfly squawked, "You don't actually think that… do you?"

"Sometimes I do." Toothless said with a sigh. "And if he's going to run himself to exhaustion… he's got to earn the consequences."

There was silence for a few moments, from both dragon's and Vikings. It was Astrid who broke the silence.

"Sorry. We interrupted your morning flight… we can go if-"

"No! It's fine. I-I… we enjoy your company." Hiccup hurried to say.

"We?" Toothless asked.

"Well, alright. If you're sure…" Astrid said hesitantly

Although Toothless couldn't see Hiccup, he was certain he was smiling. "Absolutely."

"Well, thanks… if you don't want us, we can always leave…"

Toothless sighed. He glanced over at Stormfly in exasperation. "Seriously… do they always have to go on like this? Why don't they just say it so much simplir?"

Stormfly nodded in understanding. "I know. It would be so much simpler to say "I love you. Would you be my mate for life?" then this going back and forth for… forever. Do humans ever just say it?"

Toothless paused, then a slow grin began to make an appearance over his face.

"Uh, oh. Hiccup, your dragon is scheming something." Astrid said with a laugh.

Toothless cooed in laughter. She didn't even know the half of it.

He turned to Stormfly. "Let's dump these two huh? Maybe we can shove them together to share a smooch or something?"

"Couldn't agree more!" Stormfly squawked, before taking a sharp dive towards a large sea stack below.

Toothless quickly began to follow, ignoring Hiccup's shouts to slow down. Astrid was shouting similar things to Stormfly- who was also ignoring her.

Stormfly, just before landing on the sea stack, quickly flipped over, dumping Astrid on the ground. Stormfly zipped past, landing a little ways away.

Toothless saw Astrid stand up, holding a hand out to Stormfly in a scolding manner. "Stormfly! Get back here or I'll- oof."

Toothless chortled in laughter as he dropped Hiccup right on top of Astrid, slamming her to the ground once more. Toothless landed beside Stormfly, and the two turned around to see what the two human's would do.

"Ugh! S-sorry Astrid. TOOTHLESS! YOU'RE IN FOR IT!" Hiccup shouted- not angrily, just more upset and embarrassed then anything- to the dragon. Hiccup finally got to his feet, then bent down to help Astrid stand. Astrid dusted her skirt off, before turning back to face the two dragons.

"Stormfly!" she shouted. "Toothless!" shouted Hiccup.

Toothless took a step backwards, smiling slightly. Stormfly shook her head, sitting down as though to say, "I'm staying right here."

Astrid sighed. "Well, she's not going to budge. I know that. She's probably going to sit there for the next few hours, leaving me stranded on here." She gestured to the sea stack around them.

"Toothless, come on bud." Hiccup said, walking towards the dragon. Toothless shook his head, then sat down on his rear, turning his head to look in the opposite direction.

"Toothless…" Hiccup said warningly. Toothless didn't flinch. Hiccup sighed, "Guess I'm stuck here too."

Toothless smiled to himself, glad that their plan was working. He scooted back around, ready to watch the show.

"Think they'll get the hint?" Stormfly asked.

Toothless gave a small shrug. "You never know with humans."

Hiccup sat down on the ledge, swinging his legs over the side. Astrid stood for a moment, then sat down beside him. The two weren't touching, but it was a start.

"It's sure a beautiful morning." Astrid said quietly. If dragons didn't have the excellent hearing that they had, Toothless and Stormfly wouldn't've been able to pick it up.

"Yeah." Hiccup agreed.

The two sat quietly for a few more minutes more, and Toothless was beginning to give up again. Humans. Sometimes they were so difficult…

"Listen, Astrid." Hiccup said suddenly. Toothless snapped to attention, straining his ears to pick up every single word.

"I-I've been wanting to ask… you know…"

Toothless waited impatiently. Waiting... waiting…

Waiting some more…

Why wouldn't Hiccup JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!?

"H-how… you know… you and me… us… well… what I mean to say…"

"Oh Hiccup." Toothless thought in despair. "Hiccup Hiccup Hiccup…"

"Y-You know the Harvest Fest that's coming up? The celebration at the Great Hall?"

Toothless quirked his head to the side. What was Hiccup doing? What was he saying?

Astrid nodded, also giving Hiccup an odd look. Toothless couldn't blame her. He was just as confused.

"What's he saying?" Stormfly asked quietly.

Toothless shook his head. "I don't know."

"Well… I-I was wondering… maybe you'd want to go with me? T-to the dance part and all? I mean… I'm not exactly good at dancing… especially with this…" Hiccup gestured to his metal leg, "but I'm not bad…"

Toothless laughed softly. "FINALLY! We did it, Stormfly!"

Stormfly stood up, squawking happily. "Yes! We did it!"

Toothless turned his attention back to the Vikings, waiting to hear Astrid's response.

"I'd love to go, Hiccup. It sounds… interesting. I've never danced before." Astrid responded happily. Toothless gave a chortle when he saw her lean over and give Hiccup a quick hug before jumping to her feet, helping Hiccup stand as well. She laughed lightly. "And I'm sure you're a great dancer."

Toothless leaned back and sighed. "Mission accomplished. Ready to go home?"

Stormfly stood up and spread her wings. "Yep! I have a feeling I'm in for an earful… I'll let you know what Astrid has to say about all this."

Toothless laughed again. "Can't wait to hear all about it!"

I had a lot of fun writing this… and I thought it turned out pretty cute too. Let me know if you liked it :D
