Chapter 1 – The Big Day
A/N: Quick disclaimer, I do not own Yuri! on Ice or any of its characters.
Deep breaths. Yuuri told himself as he inhaled. It's going to be fine.
Ever since he had fallen into bed alone last night there had been this feeling in the pit of his stomach. A confusing mix of nervousness and excitement, anxiety and joy, causing him to have barely slept last night.
It had been 6 months since Yuuri had proposed to Victor. Well, proposed to Victor again. It had been at the end of Yuuri's Gala performance at the Grand Prix Final after Yuuri had finally won gold, with Victor earning silver. As the music drew to a close, Yuri and Chris shoved a confused Victor out onto the ice before Yuuri elegantly skated over to him and knelt down to ask "Will you marry me Vitya?". It had been a heartfelt moment with Victor letting out happy tears as he cried "Of course." before Yuuri stood up to kiss him.
And now here he was, sat in a flashy rental car with his father, Phichit and Yuuko on the way to the wedding hall.
"Yuuri~ what's the matter?" Phichit, who was sat beside Yuuri, asked having noticed that his friend seemed worried.
"Ah, it's nothing, I'm fine." Yuuri quickly dismissed.
"If you've got some of the pre-wedding nerves, don't worry Yuuri, it's completely normal." Yuuko comforted with a soft smile from the other side of Phichit.
Whilst the idea that he wasn't the only person to feel a bit scared on their wedding day somewhat eased Yuuri's concerns, it didn't actually stop the anxiety bubbling up inside him.
Victor wasn't doing much better. He usually had a good grasp on his emotions but today his stomach was doing flips. He was so thrilled that today was the day. The day when he would finally marry Katsuki Yuuri and they could spend the rest of their lives together. But there were the nerves too. He'd been planning this day alongside Yuuri for months and so many things could go wrong. The caterers might mess up the food or not show up at all, what if Chris lost the rings before the ceremony? Victor found himself worrying over all the little things before he realised he had been avoiding the real cause of his concern: In all his years, the only thing Victor Nikiforov had related 'commitment' too was ice skating. For over 20 years he had devoted his life entirely to ice skating. Sure, he had friends but they were all work related, and his family? He'd barely spoken to them the past few years, they had not even bothered replying to his wedding invitations.
But now his life had been completely changed. Ever since he had flown over to Japan to coach Yuuri 2 years ago, it had become vastly different, filled with genuine love, and he had now even officially retired from skating, this time permanently. The worry of letting Yuuri down now, not knowing what to do with his life, was frightening. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved Katsuki Yuuri and that he always would. He could honestly say that he never wanted to part ways with the man or grow apart, but the fear of being inadequate or disappointing his partner built.
Victor was lost in his thoughts and emotions in the backroom when Chris came in to give him a five-minute warning.
"The ceremony is due to start in about five minutes, are you ready?"
Victor took a deep breath before straightening his tie and smoothing his suit and hair. "As I'll ever be."
"Hey, don't worry so much, it'll be fine. Not to mention you look amazing. Yuuri's a lucky man." Chris flirted, glancing over Victor once with his eyes before looking away. "Although I could say the same about you, Yuuri is damn beautiful too."
Victor smirked at the compliments from Chris before quipping "Don't stare too long Chris. Yuuri and I will both be married men by the end of the hour. Besides, you've already got somebody."
"Very true." Chris chuckled. "Well, besides the tragic loss of two hot bachelors, I really am glad that you found someone."
"Thanks Chris."
The two waited a bit, making small talk before it was time for Victor to go out and wait by the altar. "Good luck out there, and remember, everyone here wants to support the two of you, so don't worry too much."
"Thank you." Victor said, giving him a genuine smile before heading out of the room alongside the blond.
After twenty minutes of standing there and waiting in front of everybody, Victor was starting to get agitated. Where is he? Would he really run away? Does he not want to go through with it? Victor thought nervously before answering himself. No, he loves me. We've talked to each other enough for me to know that. Maybe he got anxious and needed some time to calm down? He reasoned internally. Oh god, but what if there was an accident? If there's been no news on where he is then maybe-
His train of thought came to a halt as he noticed Yuuri's mother, Hiroko, walking into the room and coming over to him.
"Victor dear, can we talk outside?" She whispered, a slight tremor to her voice.
Victor nodded uneasily before following her out of the room. He tried to ignore the people whispering as he left the room, reminding himself of Chris' words from earlier 'Everyone here wants to support the two of you.'
Hiroko stopped them just outside of the hall. "Vicchan…" She said, tears beginning to well in her eyes.
Oh no, what the hell has happened. Victor thought with fear.
"I just got a call from the hospital nearby. The car with Yuuri and the others…it was in an accident. They've all been taken to hospital."
Victor's eyes widened, panic being his immediate reaction. No. Please no, please, not today, not him.
Victor was freaking out inside right now, but he tried to keep up a fairly collected front as he took deep breaths. "Is…Are they okay? Is it bad?"
"They wouldn't say but it seemed pretty serious." Hiroko said, disheartened.
As Victor tried to process that information Yuri walked in.
"What the hell is going on Victor? Everyone's been waiting for like half an hour now, where is that Katsudon?" The younger Russian asked rudely.
Victor didn't even bother replying to Yuri, instead speaking to Hiroko. "We need to go see them. Now."
"Oi, Victor, are you deaf, what the fu-" Yuri tried pursuing his conversation.
"Yuri dear, not now. There was a car crash." Hiroko informed him, having noticed that Victor was clearly too occupied with worry to explain what was happening to the boy.
Yuri lost the angry crease between his eyebrows as his eyes widened and he realised the situation.
"Is he…are they okay? Is anyone hurt?"
"They're in the hospital, but we don't know how bad the situation is." Hiroko told him morbidly.
"I'm sorry, if I'd known…" Yuri trailed off, eyeing a distant looking Victor.
Takeshi Nishigori then came into the hallway, after having had a phone call from the hospital too. He looked at Hiroko "Did you get a call as well?" he questioned.
She nodded.
Takeshi gave her and Victor a sympathetic look before offering to drive the two of them and Yuuri's sister, Mari, to the hospital.
"Yuri, could you please tell Chris or Yakov what's going on? They can take care of informing everyone else, we need to get going." Takeshi asked with a serious look on his face.
Yuri gave a nod before Takeshi went to collect the triplets and the group left for the hospital.
"Vicchan, would you mind if Mari and I go check on Toshiya while you see Yuuri? Apparently, they're in different wards." Hiroko asked having arrived in the hospital with the others. Victor mumbled an agreement.
Upon their arrival, the Nishigoris went straight off to see Yuuko, so now Victor was left alone to find Yuuri's room.
The nurse who had told him that Katsuki Yuuri's room was number 206 had also told him that no visitors were currently allowed in to see that patient. But rules like that would hardly stop Victor seeing his fiancé on what was meant to be their wedding day.
He snuck into the room and fortunately found that no staff were inside to yell at him. From the doorway, he could see that both Yuuri's right arm and right leg were in casts but any other damage was hidden from him by the blankets and the machines next to the bed.
The silver-haired man shuffled over to sit in a chair by Yuuri's bedside and was pleasantly surprised to find him awake, though only barely. "Yuuri!" Victor called with a quiet shout, moving to lean over his partner. He stared into his lover's half lidded eyes, noticing the tired gaze and the bandages wrapped around his head.
"Victor?" Yuuri said weakly, tears started prickling in his eyes upon seeing his fiancé. "I'm sorry."
He's apologising? This stupid, beautiful idiot is apologising? Victor sighed. "Yuuri, you don't need to apologise."
"But we were supposed to get married today and I kept you waiting." Yuuri croaked.
Victor smiled warmly, eyes glistening. "Well then, just promise me that we can still get married and that we'll be together forever."
Feebly, Yuuri smiled up at him. "I promise." He mumbled.
Victor then leant down to place a soft, delicate kiss on his other-half's unbandaged cheek.
When he moved away, he saw that Yuuri's eyes were closed.
"Yuuri, are you okay? Yuuri?" Victor asked with a concerned frown.
There was no verbal response from the Japanese man and that's when the machine to Victor's right let out a screeching flatline beep.
"Yuuri?!" Victor shouts, standing up abruptly, his own heart pounding against his chest.
He doesn't even have time to properly react before a couple of nurses and a doctor run into the room, one of them promptly dragging him away and kicking him out of the room, slamming the door shut.
Stood there, staring at the closed door, Victor finally started crying. He backed up, leaning on the wall next to the door and slid down it until he was sat on the floor with tears pouring down his face.
Why? Why him? Please, don't leave me Yuuri.
A/N: Hello! This was my first time writing for YoI so let me know if you think anything was off about the characters. I hope you guys liked this, I think it works quite well as a short one-shot but I could write another 3 or 4 chapters for this so let me know if you would want more. Feel free to leave reviews and questions ^^
Also, this was somewhat inspired by a prompt from the 'otpprompt' tumblr, with the post /post/154327546068/imagine-that-after-many-happy-years-of-being