Hi, guys! Just wanted to let you know I'm REALLY new to this. Do not read on if you haven't seen all of season 4 (it's amazing). This is all just going to be Sherlolly fluff but I'm trying to keep to Sherlock's sociopathic character as much as possible. Hope you like it!

It had been three days since the … awkward encounter with Euros. It was in this time where she had killed four men, three of whom were innocent and then almost forced Sherlock to choose between killing his brother or his best friend. But, it had been exactly three days, 4 hours and 34 minutes since she had forced him to do the thing he was most afraid of: facing his emotions.

That bloody coffin had become the source of his nightmares and the idea of facing Molly after what he had said to her killed him inside slightly. It obviously wasn't true. But she had always been there for him. She was the one who looked past the dickhead side of him and instead chose to see him as more of an incredibly irritating genius.

He couldn't help but smile at that thought. She herself was the symbol of naivety, but on occasion, showed her true colours with rather biting insults that downsized Sherlock's oversized ego. It was in this moment when Sherlock quickly realised he was day-dreaming because his mind felt suspiciously still. "Erggg… emotions." he thought to himself. He couldn't help but wonder if there was a small part of him that meant what he had said.

He quickly raised himself from his lazy, horizontal manner on the sofa and started to address the situation of his new head. It was missing an eyeball and his (?) brains had been blown out, but other than that is was a perfectly sound head. As he began to extract some of the rotting tissue lying here and there he wondered whether it was a task best completed at the lab. Where he'd have to face Molly. She looked so upset when they spoke… said she'd… had a bad day. God knows he didn't help the situation. He raised his hand up to his face and rubbed his eyes as he groaned in hopeless despair. This was easier when he wasn't so 'in touch' with his 'emotions'. He wanted to whack himself for even thinking about how she felt. You're never going to get what you want if you're so busy thinking about what everyone else wanted.

That was it. He was going to the lab. It was Molly Hooper, not Irene Adler! She would understand...