Consider this chapter the end of season 1; I will get to chapter 1-3 eventually as I think the first impression for first-time readers is a bit misleading.
Special thanks to NemunasCH, I somehow found myself reading his/her fic: 'A Nosy Yukinoshita', which sparked an interest to write again. I recommend it to anyone who has free time.
Heads up, a bit of a filler chapter; might be a bit jarring-don't really have their characters down as much as I should.
Disclaimer: I do not own My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU
A few days had passed since the incident, I was finally being discharged from the Hospital. A few things had happened between that timeframe, namely mundane stuff, but I did receive a few unexpected visits from my classmates, I didn't really know them by name, but it surprised me nonetheless. From what I gathered, I guess I generated quite a buzz at school as most of the second years knew who I was, my popularity even at this school seemed to be the same as in Kaihin, except in a better light.
I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not, to be completely honest.
One notable visit was from Hiratsuka-sensei, she seemed to have been minding her own business this whole time, but she came and dropped a few notes from class as well as went out of her way to gather everything she could from my other classes, which was to my surprise. I remember when I first met her, I was under the impression she was a bit of an airhead and lived pretty carefree, only being stern in class as she was in charge of homeroom, one of the most important of classes due to attendance and keeping students focused in the morning.
She had seemed pretty awkward coming in, bringing all of the material I missed, almost as if she was embarrassed. I didn't really know why, but she was giving me a tsundere vibe from her visit which was unexpected. I was really thankful for what she did, even if it seemed a bit out-of-character for her, in which I was received with a pout, honestly it was kind of cute; almost like Yukinoshita. Regardless, even if she did come off as unprofessional, I knew she at least cared for her students; if her thanking me for 'taking care' of Yukinoshita-as she put it, was anything to go by. I didn't really understand what she meant by that, but she just waved me off.
I guess she and Yukinoshita had a bit of history together.
Another notable visit was from Miura herself, she was there when I awoke, or so I was told, but refused to come in. I didn't really know why that was, but I didn't really pursue it; I'm guessing she felt guilty about the whole thing for one reason or another. She came a day or two later, by herself to boot. At the time no one else was with me, as Aneki was busy with something or another, something about 'taking care of the house', whatever that meant. When Ms. Antisocial finally made it to my room, she opened with a seiza position, her head bowed almost touching the floor. It left me in a pretty uncomfortable spot as I was still laying on my bed, ways above her.
I told her to raise her head, as it was pretty embarrassing for both of us, and she continued with an apology of how everything was her fault. I practically refuted her statement, saying it was basically my own emotions overwhelming me, however she explained the fact of the matter being it was a digital camera sent me into a bit of disarray. I wasn't really aware of what a camera was made up of, or how it operated to be completely honest. True, the camera was destroyed-beyond repair. However, that didn't mean the pictures were gone, in fact, because it was a 'digital' camera meant that all the pictures were saved on a sort of hard drive. I could figure the rest out myself, and at that moment I felt like I wanted to kill myself.
Like seriously, could have I been anymore dumb? The pictures were fine, she even made her blog post, which generated a large buzz especially since there was a police report connected to the post, which I guess was a blessing in disguise for her. However it made her angry, sad even. She didn't want to become renowned from a topic that wasn't photography, it somehow 'cheapened' her post-she felt.
Regardless, the whole incident could've been avoided if I just had been more informed, more knowledgeable, but instead I let my emotions control my actions.
To be fair though, wasn't part of it her fault? If she had not made such a big scene about it, I wouldn't have reacted the way I would!
Now that I have the time to think about it, it is actually her fault! Did she trick me again?! Was this all a part of some elaborate scheme to generate more buzz?! I swear I'm going to-
"Little brother~," I hear Aneki call my name as she enters my room, "did you miss your big sister? I certainly missed you!" And with that, I was enveloped into a rough hug, Aneki basically squeezing me to death.
"C-can't, breathe… Haru-nee." I squeak out.
She lets me go, although reluctantly, and bonks her head with her tongue sticking out, "oopsie."
I just roll my eyes at her antics but just ruffle her hair, "so, am I finally able to leave this place? I'm starting to really hate these walls. Did you know there are 28 different brush strokes on the left wall?"
I see Aneki's sweat drop, I could practically hear her screaming 'weirdo' from her face, "yeah it seems like it, I just finished up all the paperwork. Ready to go back to school?" She finishes with an all-knowing grin.
I just sigh, I really wasn't looking forward to going to school.
"You just had to remind me, didn't you?"
I'm just met with her sticking her tongue out at me again.
As we sign out, I carefully make my way to the car, with the help of Aneki. It's not like I haven't used crutches before, it was just… well, it's not something you really get used to. My right shin had been fractured and was in the process of healing. From what I was told, it wasn't anything severe, nothing had broken or split; probably due to all the training I had to endure with Shiro-senpai. I could honestly probably walk without crutches or cast with an obvious limp, but I decided not to risk it.
As I sit in the passenger seat, I look out the window and my mind wanders a bit. It's true that a lot of people had visited me, whether it be alone, or in groups. The ones who were there when I had woken up were the ones there the most, excluding Aneki, who was there basically everyday. I would never admit it to her, but I began looking forward to her visits the most; there was one day that she had to stay late after school to help with the Student Council for one thing or another. I was left to my own devices for more than half the day, the day seemed to drag on endlessly, I had nothing better to do, nothing seemed to occupy my mind, whether it be my phone, the T.V, or books. I began to unconsciously check the time every few minutes, practically counting down the minutes until she usually arrived.
As the day went, I continued that cycle, it wasn't unusual for her to be late. She could've been picking up food, maybe changing at home, or even traffic-who knew? However the wait became one hour, two, then three. I had been checking my phone and the clock practically every minute for three hours straight. I thought about texting or calling her, but my pride wouldn't allow it. Even so, I began to panic a little, maybe something had happened to her? She usually would let me know if she was running late, but I had received nothing. I decided to send her a single text asking where she was, but I had received no response. I didn't really know what to think of it, but I remember having a strong sense of disappointment, no one else had visited me that day either. I don't know what came over me, but being stuck in that room-all day-I had begun to become dependent on Aneki, her visits had always set me at ease, it gave me a sense of norm, something to break the monotony. Honestly, if even by a margin, I kind of understood how Haruno felt when left alone at times.
It goes without saying that I was extremely happy to see her when she finally arrived, even if I gave up on the thought of her coming. She would always spend the night there, and wake up early to make it back home and on time for school, something that was nothing short of a feat for someone like her, it warmed my heart. I was grateful towards her, for once she actually seemed like the older sibling.
I feel our car start to decelerate and go to look at Aneki in questioning, "uh, sis'? Why're you slowing down? The speed limit is 45."
I see panic settle into my sister's eyes as she tries to laugh it off, but I could almost see her face turn blue as she sweats profusely, "haha, funny story…"
I feel my eyes narrow immediately, "what did you do?" I tone out dangerously.
She straightens her back out, giving me a bashful look, "looks like I forgot to pump gas these past few days, ahah…"
I just give her a fake smile, "well isn't that a shame?"
"L-Look, Hachiman, I'm-"
I instantly go for her cheeks and start stretching her face out, "you idiot! How do you expect us to get home huh?! You want me to walk all the way there?! Oh I know, I'll just get on your back!"
She immediately starts whining and trying to tear my hands away from her face, "wah~ I'm sorry! I'm sorry! There were so many things going on, Hachiman!"
I take it back, she's as useless as she's always been.
After sorting that mess out, I called in a favor from Yato and we were on our way home from one of his chauffeurs; just like Aneki and I, his family seemed well renown within Chiba; something I found out during my time in Kaihin. Our car was being towed and refueled, later to be delivered to our apartment complex shortly. Since school was still in session, I didn't want him to do it personally. The original plan was to get to our apartment, freshen up a bit and then head straight to school, however due to this little incident we'd be arriving a little past than half the school day-which at that point seemed like a waste of time.
As Aneki and I enter our apartment, without the electronic lock mind you, I was actually a bit surprised when I walked through the door.
As soon as I step through the door and head for the lights, I hear a confetti popper go off, which is a pain in the ass to clean up by the way, and I'm assaulted with a chorus of 'welcome home's with varying degrees of enthusiasm. I didn't really know what was going on, and I kind of stood there dumbfounded. Everyone present was just waiting for my reaction, and with all the attention put on me I just said the first thing that came to mind.
"Oi, Haru-nee, I think we're getting robbed. I told you we should've gotten that lock fixed." I comment nonchalantly.
I hear a sound akin to multiple bodies dropping to the floor, as if they heard they just had gotten a stroke from the sheer stupidity entering their ears.
I see Yato suddenly shoot up from the floor putting me into a headlock, "hey, you dumbass, how about you react to this situation more appropriately?!" He continues to tighten his hold around my head, "you know we all skipped school for your helpless self?"
With my last train of thought cut off from the sudden turn of events I go to latch onto the arms around my neck, "no one told your dumbass to skip school for me! Don't go trying to catch the moral high ground on me, you playboy!"
"Oh come now Hachiman, Haruno went through a lot of trouble setting this up; not saying that it's that big of a deal, but we all did skip for you." I hear Senpai's voice ring out a bit into the living area, "we we're all worried about you." She adds on as an afterthought.
I feel the annoyance fade slightly and I just sigh, patting the arms around my neck as a sort of 'tap out', and Yato lets go instantly bringing his arm around me into a rough side hug.
"I did the decorations, pretty neat huh?" He nudges me slightly.
With the lights finally turned on I get a good look around the apartment. Nothing was really different except for a few trays of food laid out on our small coffee table, a notable cake in the middle spelling 'hope you feel better' in very crude writing. I'm almost positive it was just a store bought cake with someone writing in icing with a very shaky hand. Like seriously did the person have Parkinson's or something?
I instantly deadpan as I look at the bare minimum 'decorations' of a few balloons and streamers, this couldn't have taken more than 10 minutes.
"Right… Uh, neat, I guess." I answer back.
"D-Do you not like it, Hikigaya-kun?" Another meek voice comes up from beside me. I look over to Yukinoshita who seemed completely embarrassed about something, her ears and tails standing on end with sudden spurs of movement, almost like a twitch. I could almost guess who had such a shaky hand.
However, with a face like that there was no way I could crush her high hopes, "it's the thought that matters right?" I answer her with a smile, before turning to the rest of the group, "thanks guys, you really didn't have to." I end on a bit of a forceful note. No seriously, this was just going a bit overboard, it's not like I was dying or something.
Suddenly I feel a weight on my back as a pair of arms wrap around my neck, her feet lifting off the ground as her bodyweight pulls my frame back a bit, "Onii-chan! I heard about all that's happened and Komachi is here to tend to your every need!" Komachi happily exclaims, much to the ire of all girls present, before I feel her bring her head towards my ear, whispering, "and I mean every need."
I feel my face flush instantly as she lets go of me, getting back onto her feet and skipping around me to get into my view. With a wink and a two fingered peace sign above her head, I feel my face get even more red. This girl was definitely a dangerous one! A vixen at the heart!
And super cute too.
Did…? Did you just compliment a girl, me?! So younger girls are you're kind of thing, huh?
And you call me the sick bastard.
I-it's not like that!
Uh huh.
O-oi! I'm being serious!
Again, I feel the heated gazes of all girls present.
"Hikigaya-kun, please wipe that perverted look off your face, that is my sister."
"Yeah, yeah! I never knew you were into younger girls, Hachiman! Gross!"
"'Onii-chan'? You must really be enjoying yourself, huh, Hachiman?"
I steal a glance towards the chibi Yukinoshita and she just sticks her tongue out at me with the eyes of a predator. I was seriously getting a dangerous vibe from her, was she always this… mischievous?!
"I swear to god you did some kind of witchcraft here, I just know it. There has to be something I'm missing here." I feel my sweatdrop as I see Yato off the side fuming in his own little corner, ranting to himself quietly.
Presently, there was me, Aneki, Yukinoshita, Yato, Shiro-senpai, and Komachi. I take this time to wipe my mind clean and focus on the topic at hand.
"So now what?" I ask no one in particular. I'm met with silence as everyone kind of just looks at each other.
Alright then, cool, cool. Guess we'll all just sit here in total silence and stare at each other for fun.
I sigh as I turn to Aneki, "wasn't this your idea, Haru-nee? So, what's next on the list."
She just laughs nervously as I turn to her, "I mean… I just thought it'd be nice if you didn't have to spend another day alone. So I kind of planned all of this last minute."
Okay, are you going to be a reliable older sibling or aren't you? Stop swaying my emotions and pick one, woman!
"Well since you're all here, we might as well do something." I finally add on, "sorry our apartment is a bit small, there isn't much to do here anyways, any ideas?"
Everyone gives me skeptical glances, "I'm guessing that's a 'no'?"
"Well, you are injured, it'd kind of defeat the purpose of this whole thing." Shiro-senpai reasons.
"Yes, I think any unnecessary movement would be unwise for you, Hikigaya-kun." Yukinoshita adds on.
I feel someone tug on my sleeve, "why don't we all just watch a movie or something?" I just nod towards Komachi's option, it wasn't a bad idea.
"We'll all be here together, plus you won't have to move much," she says aloud before continuing on with me privately, getting her predatory eyes again, "and we could be close to each other in the dark." In which she finishes with a wink.
"How does a movie sound?" I speak for her to the whole group, ignoring that last tidbit of info. Seriously, was she always this tempting?
I know right? How unexpected.
Again, your pedophilia is slipping, me.
She's literally two years younger than us, what are you going on about.
So you really are into younger girls.
Ah, shut the hell up. At least I'm not into my own sister.
First of all, we're the same person. Second of all, there are many things wrong with that statement. I'll have you know-
"What, that's totally lame," Yato whines out, "plus it'll be hard to pick a genre that everyone can agree upon."
Snapping back to reality, I roll my eyes, "I don't hear any ideas coming from you either, so how about you actually be useful for once?"
He just shrugs his shoulders, "why not a board game or a card game? Get everyone engaged and it'll pass the time; we could play some music while we're at it."
I actually nod at the idea, it didn't sound too bad, "so you guys want a game or a movie?"
In the end we decided on a card game. It was named 'That's me!', a rather confusing game at a glance but very simple once acquainted with it.
"So how do we exactly play this? I don't get it at all." Aneki laments as she snacks on a styrofoam plate filled with chips.
Currently we had moved the coffee table off towards the wall and used the flat open area of the living room as our play area. The six of us found ourselves in a disfigured circle around each other with an opening in the middle where the box of the game laid.
"So," I start off, "put simply, it's a game that tests our knowledge of each other and your ability to deceive others. There's one person who will draw a card, on that card is a question."
I pause to see if everyone followed suit. I was received with a unanimous nod.
"Once the card is drawn everyone writes down their answer on the small scrap paper that the game provides." I continue my explanation. The box itself came with a set of two card packs, a multitude of pencils without erasers about 4 inches each, and a ton of small paper pieces, something akin to a fortune in a fortune cookie.
I see Yukinoshita give me a pout, "yes, what're you confused about Yukinoshita?"
She jumps a bit in surprise, her face a bit red from the sudden attention put onto her, "well, I guess, I don't see how we determine a winner; what is the purpose of these answers and questions?"
I just sigh, "that's what I'm getting to," I explain, "so, as everyone answers, all the answers are put into the middle, folded, and scrambled up. Once that happens the one who drew the card, will read all the answers twice. The person left of the card holder is the first to go, the goal of the game is to match each answer to each person. If you get it right, you knock that player out of the round and gain a point. Once you guess wrong, it's the next person's turn and he/she is now the reader, guess right you keep knocking players until you're wrong. Last person standing also gets a point."
I stopped to check how everyone was understanding it so far. They seemed a bit lost.
"Oh, and to add on, once all answers are read aloud twice, you can not look at the answers anymore. You have to memorize them, or at least one word to distinguish between them.
"So in other words, someone can match all answers to their writer in one go?" Shiro-senpai pipes up.
"Yes, that's how it works." I answer.
"Wait, then wouldn't you know your own if you were to guess on your turn?" Komachi adds on.
"Well yes," I answer, "you'd already know one answer that belongs to you, so it takes one answer out of the equation. Guessing your own would just knock yourself out from the round, and you'd gain no point."
I hear Aneki speak next, "so if someone guesses an answer correctly, do we take that answer out?"
"Yes, the answer and the player will be removed."
"Wait, now I'm lost. How does that all work together?" Yato scratches his head.
I just sigh, "okay, I'll do an example, everyone watch closely. Haru-nee, pick up a card and read it."
"Hai, hai!"
Aneki goes to pick up a card from the deck and reads the question out loud, "so it says, 'what is one thing you'd change about yourself?', everyone got that?"
I just nod, "okay, for the sake of simplicity just me, Yato, and Komachi will answer this, we'll do an open hand. Yato, just answer it out loud; same with you."
He takes a moment to ponder, "hmm… I guess my hair color."
Everyone nods, not surprised, "then I'd change the shape of my eyes."
"What! That's your most iconic feature, Hachiman!"
"Yes, you really must embrace your lovely set of eyes, Hikigaya-kun."
I just hold up my hand, "not the point, alright? It's anonymous until someone figures it out. Your turn, Komachi." I get everyone back on track.
With the sudden question thrust upon her, I see the youngest answer unenthusiastically, "uhh… I guess maybe I'd like to be a little taller?"
"Right, so since everyone's answers are in, there'd be three pieces of paper in the middle with the answers, Komachi would have to guess which answer belongs to each person, right?"
Everyone nods, "let's say she thinks the hair one was my answer, I'd tell her no, and everyone present now knows that that specific answer isn't mine, and it'd go to the next person to her left."
"That'd be me." Yato answers, I just nod.
"Wait," Yukinoshita again speaks up, "if you're not paying attention, you wouldn't remember all of them. What if you can't remember any that are left?"
"You would have to pass your turn." I answer.
"I get it!" Aneki exclaims.
"So what happens when you get it correct?" Senpai asks aloud.
"Let's say Yato gets it correct since he knows his answer and one wrong answer, he could match the height one to Komachi." I see everyone nod, "so he'd knock Komachi out of the round. Knowing that there are only two answers left, he'd match my answer to me and knock me out of the round, leaving only him."
"Arlight, makes sense." Yato answers for the group, "then what about mine? It's the only one left."
"Since it's you're the last remaining player, you get a point and we move onto the next round."
"And that's why you need a lot of players, or else it'd be way too easy huh?" Yato begins to pick up.
"Exactly," I answered him, "so you guys ready for a real round?"
"Wait, wait, wait." Shiro-senpai speaks up, "can't we just put some stupid answer that wouldn't make it seem like ourselves at all? Wouldn't that work to our advantage?"
I just laugh, "yes, it would actually. Or even answer to make yourself sound like someone else who is playing, it's all a mind game."
"Or even making it sound like yourself while others think that it's someone pretending to be you, a reverse-reverse psychology!" Yukinoshita exclaims.
"Now you guys are getting it." I applaud.
"Alright let's get this party started!" Aneki exclaims.
We were a few rounds into the game, so far it was Aneki and I tied in the lead with four points each, Shiro-senpai following with three points, Yato with two, and the rest were at zero. It was my turn to pick up a card.
"'What would you like to find in your bed the next morning?', everyone got that?"
With practiced ease everyone begins writing down their answers as do I. I take a few moments to think something, something that isn't too obvious but not too outlandish either as I already made a few troll answers…
Oh, I got it! A cute cat-maid serving me breakfast in bed!
As everyone finishes up I read all the answers out loud, "Okay first answer: breakfast in bed, served by a cat-maid."
It seemed my answer was read first.
"Next: a super hot boyfriend lying naked." I answer in a deadpan voice. I could feel everyone steal glances towards Komachi.
"Moving on: My beloved brother."
Gee wonder who that could be.
I go to read the rest of the three cards, but they all write out the same response, "and finally: Hachiman."
With that last line coming out of my mouth I grip the small piece of paper in my hand and yell at all the girls present, "can't you idiots be more creative?!"
"What! I didn't even write down that answer, how dare you!"
"I will not give you an unfair advantage by answering to your obvious provocation, Hikigaya-kun."
"Wow, Hachiman, I know you're desperate to get in the lead, but that's low even for you."
I just sigh, "look, it doesn't change the fact that three of us wrote this down, how are we supposed to know whose is who? Are we just gonna knock out all three?"
"No, idiot, it just makes those three have a disadvantage," Aneki answers, "you have a 1 in 2 chance of guessing the answer correctly since three people share the same answer, watch and learn!"
Since Aneki was to my immediate left, it was her turn to guess the answers, "first up, the one who wrote the answer 'Hachiman' is obviously…" She pauses and gauges everyone's poker face, "Yato!"
I could practically feel the room go silent as Yato is the first one to burst out into laughter, followed by the rest of us, "bwahahaha! Why the hell would I write that one down?"
To be fair, Aneki was onto something here, the only answer not 'Hachiman' were mine, the boyfriend one, who's probably Komachi's, and then the brother one.
"Yeah Haruno, out of all of us that was a pretty bold guess, don't you think?" Shiro-senpai also laughs out, "this could've been a clean sweep!"
Aneki just grins and holds her ground, "well, Yato? Am I wrong or aren't I?"
I see the one in question instantly stop his laughter and start to scowl, "Oh, what the hell, Haruno! Come on! Really?" He whines, "out of all people you picked mine first?"
"Wait, really?!" Yukinoshita squeals out, "oh goodness, I didn't know you were into that Hayama-kun, I guess I have adversaries even in the opposite sex."
I see Yato just smash his face into the floor, "no you dummy! It was just a ruse to throw you guys off!"
Wait, wait, wait! Didn't she just say something extremely weird just then? What does she mean by 'adversaries'?!
"I knew you not having a girlfriend was weird." I comment off to the side, trying to hold in my laughter.
"Shut. Up. Hiki. Gaya." He seethes out, in which the whole group just laughs.
She just sticks her tongue out, "told you guys~"
I then start to see Shiro-senpai start to get nervous as well, "with that out of the way, the second answer of 'Hachiman' goes to Megurin!"
I see her just shrug her shoulders with a sigh, "yeah, yeah, told you it'd be a clean sweep."
Everyone else just nods their head, "and the final, 'Hachiman', belongs to… Komachi!"
"Wait really?" I tone out, she was honestly not who I'd of picked.
"Wow she really is good at this…" Komachi comments off to the side.
I just look to Yukinoshita, "then that means…"
"As for a cat-maid in bed, that'd be - may-he-rot-in-the-depths-of-hell-for-thinking-of-other-girls - my lovely brother: Hachiman!" Aneki enthusiastically yells out, but for some reason I got the feeling she said something really really sinister.
"Ya got me." I answer for her. "Wait, what did you just say?"
"And that only leaves the boyfriend one to: Yukino-chan!" My sister finishes triumphantly.
"Ehh… Wow Nee-san, I didn't think you'd have the guts to write something so vulgar, maybe we aren't so different after all!" Komachi goes to elbow her sister in the side, "thinking of someone in particular?"
And with that I see Yukinoshita's face go beet red.
"And you guys obviously know the brother one is mine." She bonks her head with her tongue sticking out as everyone's sweat drops.
"Alright," I interject before that train of thought goes any further, "since Haru-nee is so far in the lead, I think it's safe to assume she's the winner."
"Yeah, I agree, she's just too good at reading people, it's unfair." Yato laments.
"Oh, would you stop being a sore loser, Hayato." Shiro-senpai answers back smacking his shoulder.
"What? I'm just saying… you know it's true." He's just received with an eyeroll.
"Well since that's over with, what's next?" I ask aloud cleaning up the game from the center of the circle.
"Ah, Hikigaya-kun let me help you with those." I hear Yukinoshita come beside me and help me put away the cards and other utensils. I didn't really have any reason to refuse her, so I just nodded. She had gotten on her knees and her hair slipped from its usual position every time she'd reach over to gather the cards. As she finished she unconsciously tucked the loose strands back into place and it for some reason made my heart race a bit. I could feel my cheeks burn even more when our faces closed in proximity from tidying the box.
I forcefully cough and turn away from the scene, "uh, yeah… thanks."
As soon as that happened I feel something get forcefully shoved into my mouth, "hohoh~ why, Hachiman, I bought your favorite snack, won't you eat some?"
I feel my sweat drop as I turn to look at Shiro-senpai giving me a smile with her eyes closed, but I could tell that she was just radiating negative energy.
"Ah… yeah, of course. Thank you." I manage to cough out once I finish the bite.
As she goes for another round of food torture I feel someone practically jump onto my back while I was sitting, arms wrapping around my neck, "oi, nii-chan, im bored~" I hear Komachi tone out, "why're are you ignoring your cute little sister?"
I couldn't see her face but from looking at Shiro-senpai's eyes I could tell they were glaring daggers at each other.
I suddenly feel a very ominous presence from the food table, against my better judgement I look towards the source as I see Aneki fuming, her hair practically whipping back and forth as if a snowstorm was blowing through.
"Hey, you little brat," she starts off on a dangerous tone, "who the hell do you think you're calling his sister? I'm his only real sister here."
"Yeah whatever, at least he picked me as a sister, with you he didn't have much of a choice did he?" I could hear Komachi stick her tongue out to my sister.
I see a visible tick go off on my sister's forehead, her fist clenched "you little shit…"
I quickly raise my hands up as I start to sweat a bit, "o-okay, girls, play nice now…"
However as I finish my sentence I feel a second sinister presence pop up right next to me, and again, against my better judgment I look to Yukinoshita who had a look that'd freeze hell over.
"My, my," She tones out sweetly with a smile of death upon her face in a voice that was completely out-of-character for her, "is that anyway to talk to my sister?"
I feel a sudden change in the air as I feel four intense gazes directed towards different directions. I was actually sweating profusely now as the air in the room became dangerous. I quickly look to Yato with a pleading face as I see his face equally uncomfortable.
"Uh… by the way," Yato laughs out nervously, "I brought your guys' favorite beer too!" As he holds up a six-pack.
I see the two third years instantly lock onto Yato as they go bounding towards him in a tackle, like a pair of hyenas after a wounded gazelle. I instantly feel the air become more breathable as a sigh of relief escapes my lips. However the dangerous aura around Yukinoshita doesn't disappear as she finally sets the cards away neatly, almost as it was directed towards me.
Internally I was racing through my head on what I could've done to tick her off this time, but she just smiles at me, or, behind me more like.
"Komachi," she tones out, "don't you know Hikigaya-kun is injured? Why don't you give him some space for now?"
I could feel the arms around my neck tense, before slowly releasing me, "ahaha… I was only teasing Yuki-nee, honest."
The aura completely disappears as I see Yukinoshita's tail flick in excitement with her ears twitching twice, "good girl." She smiles.
I breathe another audible sigh of relief, thanking all gods out there for preventing that disaster.
The rest of the party, if you can even call it one, went on much more smoothly with that disaster out of the way. I got the distinct feeling that for this whole get-together to be pleasant I had to tread a bit more lightly than I usually do, which was a pain in the ass by the way.
At least with the two older girls having alcohol flowing through their system they were a lot more easier to handle and seemed to be enjoying everyone's presence regardless of what they were doing. To my surprise Yato and Shiro-senpai were hitting it off, they seemed a lot closer than I remember. Unsurprisingly both the Yukinoshita sisters were enthralled with stories about me from none other than Aneki, I would've been inclined to stop her but honestly those three preoccupied with each other seemed like the better option.
"Hikigaya," Yato calls out to me when his conversation dies down, "what were you and Yumiko doing downtown anyways? If you were looking for a fight you know I'm always there for you."
I wasn't really expecting Yato to be swinging for the fences so early, "it was uh… Well, I wasn't looking for a fight, Miura just had a request for the club that I had to fulfill that's about it." I answer half truthfully.
"The fighting was just a matter of circumstance." I add on as an afterthought.
"You don't really think I'd believe that do you?"
I just look at him with an unamused face, "Take it as you will." I shrug.
I feel something poke my cheek and I look towards Shiro-senpai, "I told you to never pick a fight, that you should only use it for self-defense. I'm a bit disappointed in you as a student."
I just sigh, I mean I did and didn't pick a fight, but I really didn't have a convincing argument, "hai, hai, I'm sorry. Next time I'll show a little bit more restraint."
I feel her pat my head a bit, "good, you know we really were all worried about you once the news spread. I just want you to know that a lot of us were livid. Haruno especially."
I feel Yato put his fist to my chest as a sort of salute,"right, and next time this happens without us being there, we're kicking your ass after."
I just raise my arm and show my forearm to him, in which he taps it with his, "hopefully there won't be a next time." I conclude, in which the two others nod their head in approval.
I see Yato grab two beers from a six-pack and just tosses me one, I catch it with my dominant arm and hand it to Shiro-senpai who happily breaks the seal for me.
After everyone filtered out and said their goodbyes, I helped Aneki with cleaning the apartment, even if she refused. I wasn't even a cripple, no way in hell was I going to become the useless sibling. To my surprise, almost all the food was completely gone and in all intents and purposes the place was still relatively clean.
Once everything was finished, and I got a quiet moment to myself I went to go find my sister. What she did today was nothing short of a feat for someone like her, and honestly, it really brightened my mood.
I couldn't really find her anywhere nearby so I checked her room, without much of a thought I push through the door, "Yo, Haru-nee, I just wanted to say-"
I was cut short when I saw my sister half-way stripped, seemingly getting ready to take a shower, as soon as she heard my voice she froze and the rest of my sentence was caught in my throat as I saw her topless.
Without a second thought I instantly shut the door behind me and walk towards the kitchen, yelling out a quick apology. I go to slam my head into the kitchen counter for how stupid I was, I mean what kind of animal just barges into someones room without knocking first?
No, better yet! Who doesn't lock their doors when changing!
There was a definite audible silence throughout the apartment as I mull over what just recently transpired and soon hear the shower go off.
As opposed to my earlier hasty actions, I go to sit on the couch and patiently wait for her.
After about half an hour or so, she comes out with her hair damp, dressed in a loose shirt and short shorts, a towel wrapped around her neck.
"Listen Haru-nee, sorry about-" I'm cut off by something really soft against my lips; before I could register anything, it seemed she had something else in mind. Caught off guard, I was stunned for a few seconds, seeing her back away from me she gives me a bashful look for once.
"Sorry, it just feels like we haven't had a day to ourselves in over two weeks, it's been pretty exhausting."
I wipe all traces of emotion from my face, "first of all, uncalled for, second, you can't just pounce on me like that when I'm injured. Third of all, we've talked about this."
I see her bashful face immediately drop as she goes into a playful smirk, smacking the side of my shoulder, "oh lighten up, it's just a peck on the lips, no biggie!"
I got to grab her hand to stop her ministrations, "I'm being serious here, Haruno."
At the use of her name, she immediately drops her act and just sighs, sitting down next time instead, "Okay, sorry, sorry."
I just let loose another sigh and bring her into a sort of side hug into me, not looking at her face, "it's fine, since you went through all this trouble just for me." I call softly, "I also wanted to thank you for everything you've done while I was at the hospital, it really means a lot."
I finally look towards her, she seemed to still be processing my words, "I'm also sorry about the mess I caused, and, y'know, lying and all that. I didn't realize how much it affected everyone here"
I notice her cheeks redden a bit before she turns away quickly, "dumby, nincompoop, Ha-"
"-achiman. Yeah, I get it." I finish for her
She simply flicks my forehead in response before putting more of her weight into me, lying her head into my shoulder, "I shouldn't accept your half-assed apology but since I stole a kiss, we'll call it even."
I just nod slightly, finding comfort in the warmth from my sister.
So as I started publishing more fics, I made it a habit to stop reading FanFics of the same source material as to not impede on anyone's idea or find myself drifting towards a certain author's style, however yesterday I read my first one in about 4 years, think it gave me a good amount of motivation to finish the chapter.
Finally got around to a much needed time skip, after this chapter everything is set in motion for Hikigaya's school life and actual route for a girl to start. Heads up, its going to be Yukinoshita or Haruno, I don't really care much for the others at this point, sorry.
Most of the girls will still get their chapter and interference with main girl, but I think I'm just trying to re-rail this story and stay away from the crack, it's not really something I found myself enjoying; hence I will have to re-do the first three chapters and summary.
I know its been awhile, but I still see I get occasional follower, and review, sorry for the super long wait. Also probably wont respond to any of them anymore.
Love you guys,