A New Kind of Normal

Summary: Post-War: What if Ginny's grief over the loss of her brother pushed Harry away? What if Hermione's anger with Ron over his abandoning them in the forest during their Horcrux hunt was something that couldn't be remedied? At a loss with how to deal with their partners, and how to deal with their new normal of a post-war world, Harry and Hermione turn to each other for support.

Characters and events may be AU/OOC.

Chapter One

The war was over.

Hermione walked as if in a daze along with the other surviving students and the adults who had helped to the train that would take them to platform 9 3/4 . There was a hesitant touch on her arm, and even though it barely made contact, she'd jumped as if electrocuted. She spun around to see Harry slightly behind her, arm outstretched.

"Hey." Harry said. Hermione took a close look at him as he'd been rather quiet in the days they'd spent here to start rebuilding the school. He had dark circles under his eyes, as if he hadn't been sleeping. His hair needed a trim again, the wayward strands falling into his eyes, which seemed to be on empty. No emotion. Hermione linked her arm around his and drew him closer so they could walk together.

"Hey." She'd noticed him looking at her, too. As if concerned, even if his eyes didn't hold their usual shine when he looked at someone he considered family.

"You okay?"

"I was about to ask you that." Hermione loosed a soft chuckle, the sliver of happiness she felt at just merely being alive not sitting right with her.

So many dead.

So much destruction. She looked back at the castle, to what little she could see of it in the distance. Harry followed her gaze.

"It's going to take a while to rebuild." He remarked. Hermione nodded.

"It always seemed like this impenetrable fortress. It's just… weird to see it in so much rubble." Hermione sighed, and turned her head as she saw a flare of red hair in her peripheral vision. Ginny had caught up to them, and Harry stretched out a hand to her, which she readily accepted, sending a warm, if shaky smile his way.

"Hey, you two." Ginny said.

"Hey Gin." Hermione sent her a smile.

"It feels weird, leaving the school like this, doesn't it? No meeting in the Great Hall, no speech, no House Cup…." Ginny drifted off and Harry tugged on her hand to bring her closer to him so he could wrap his arm around her shoulders.

"Yeah it does. But we're safe and going home. So that's good." Harry murmured to her. Ginny turned to look at Hermione.

"Mum told me to tell you that you're welcome to stay as long as you want. You too, Harry."

"Your Mum is wonderful." Harry said.

"Tell her I say thank you. Hopefully I'll be able to find my parents – I want to get that started as soon as I can."

"Well, if you need help…." Harry drifted off.

"Thank you. That means a lot."

"Harry! Hermione! Gin!" Hermione turned around to see Ron jogging toward them. He gave them all a small smile. He reached out and snagged his hand around Hermione's waist, joining them all in a line. Hermione glanced up at Ron. His eyes were still red and puffy, standing out against his pale skin. He was still very upset about Fred. She rested her head on his shoulder, which made walking difficult, but they all managed, bumping against one another as they tried to find the right rhythm,

"Where's your brother?" Hermione asked. Ron loosed a huge sigh. The train was now visible just ahead.

"Mum and Dad are with him. They haven't let him out of their sight since… you know."

'That's understandable. Let's get onto the train." Hermione murmured. Hagrid was helping people get on and they trooped over to him, separating as the crowd bottle-necked. Harry and Ginny stuck together as did Ron and Hermione.

"Hey, you four!" Hagrid's large form overwhelmed them all as he engulfed them into a hug.

"Hey Hagrid."

"Are you staying to help rebuild the castle?" Hermione asked. Hagrid's black eyes were warm as they looked in her direction.

"I am! Hogwarts is my home. Need ta see it back to the way it was, ya know? You all write me, okay?"

"We will." Harry nodded

"Good! Be safe." They all noticed as Hagrid finished his farewell that fat tears rolled down into his wiry beard. Ron let go of Hermione to pat him on the elbow, the highest he could reach.

"We will, Hagrid. We'll write, too, don't worry. We'll see if we can come visit, too, okay?" Ron was tightly clutched to Hagrid's chest as his shoulders shook, overcome with emotion.

"You're a good man, Ron. I'll miss all a'yah. Go on, then." Hagrid ushered them all onto the train. They soon found an empty car and sat down. The atmosphere was so empty and sad, so different from how it usually was at the end of a year; no kids running up and down the train, trying out the newest toy; girls crying as they professed how much they'd miss one another; boys roughhousing and yelling. All was silent now.

So much had changed. Hermione watched as Harry and Ginny settled down beside one another and immediately fell asleep, using each other's shoulder and head as pillows, respectively. Ron glanced over at her.

"You tired?" Hermione shrugged.

"Not really. I think I'll just look out the window for a little while. You can sleep if you want." Hermione patted his leg. Ron nodded and rested his head against the back of the padded seat. Hermione leaned her head against the window and watched as the landscape drifted by.

"Can't sleep?" Harry's voice drifted across the seat after a time. Hermione glanced over at him; his eyes were bleary with the sleep he couldn't seem to get.

"Don't want to." Hermione murmured.

"I get that. I wish I could sleep as soundly as those two."

"Me too." Silence befell them again as the train raced toward London.

A/N: Okay, so yet another new fanfic, and a new pairing! This is for you, Emeroni! Ask and ye shall receive. Next chapter - at The Burrow!