.Bra continued terrorizing the forest, seemingly finding the trees an annoying adversary, snagging at the tutu sewn into her suit. She suddenly paused, narrowing her eyes and began readying an energy beam, as Vegeta had known she would figure how to do. Right now she was running on pure instinct. Most untrained and lower-classed saiyans never bothered training in their great ape forms, it was often difficult given that Vegeta-sai's moon was full only once every 7 years, and most didn't see the point. Vegeta's own father however saw to it that on his first full moon, at the very age Bra was, he would learn Control. His father had an advantage in that training tho. Vegeta had to teach his daughter control, outside of his ape form. He fired a low powered blast above her head, breaking her concentration causing the energy she was accumulating to disperse.

"Hey! Watch firing at our daughter like that!" Bulma's voice shouted in the earpiece he had nearly forgotten he was wearing. He shot a glare at the nearby remote drone hovering overhead.

"First of all, you have no idea what destruction that blast could have wrought, secondly, had I not fired that low powered big bang, she would have fired a major blast, that would have destroyed your barrier."

"FIRST of all, " Bulma countered, "I in fact DO have an idea at what destruction such a blast can bring. I've seen Goku use it before."

That statement took Vegeta off guard, "Wait, when the hell did you see Kakarot turn into the great ape?"

"I could have sworn I told you this story. It was a long time ago, when I was 16."

How had Vegeta not heard this story before?

In his distraction however, Bra took this time to grab him in her hands. Vegeta cursed under his breath for foolishly allowing that to happen.

"Oops, sorry dear." Bulma's voice chirped from the earpiece, before going completely quiet.

Vegeta growled and struggled to get out of the firm grip of his daughter, who thankfully hadn't done more than just hold him. He had to think, and think fast. An Ozaru's grip can crush damn near anything.

"Bra, please release your father this instant." He said as patiently as he could muster thru clenched teeth. He could easily break her grip just by going super saiyan, but he worried that doing so may break her hands. If she broke a few ribs, that didn't matter. Any injury he obtained was inconsequential compared to any injury done to his daughter.

Rather than do what he said, all Bra did was stare blankly at him before uttering an earth-shattering roar right in his face, spraying him with spit in the process. That was not pleasant. Obviously words weren't going to work. At least not spoken ones, as she was not hearing them.

He focused his abilities.

'Bra. This is your father. Let me go now!' He sent a telepathic message to her. This caused the massive beast his daughter became to pause; not a moment to soon as she had just started to squeeze. For now it was just a tad difficult to breath. She looked around trying to find the voice that just spoke to her.

'Bra, I'm here, in your hands' He tried again, bringing his mental voice a little louder and firmer.

Bra looked down at her hands, and tilted her head. She uttered a questioning grunt.

'Yes, down here. Do you recognize me?'

Bra uttered another grunt, softer. Her mouth moved as if to try to talk, but all that came out was growls. Followed by a huff. Vegeta couldn't help but chuckle.

'It's ok daughter, it takes time to speak in that form. Your father would greatly appreciate it if you would let him go?'

Vegeta felt the massive grip around him finally loosen he floated in front of Bra in her great ape form.

"Good. We will work on telepathy another day. The great ape mind can be a little... over whelming at first." Then he switched to telepathy, as he was actually getting somewhere with that.


While Vegeta was having a one way mental conversation with his daughter, the great ape, Bulma and Trunks were in a nearby observation post just outside the barrier she had put up. She didn't worry too much when the drone stopped picking up audio. She saw that in some way Vegeta was communicating with Bra, even if not out loud. She knew that Vegeta wanted privacy at this point, as she watched him pull the communicator out of his ear. She turned off the audio feed from the drone as at this point it was pointless, but still watched the video. Trunks was looking out the window with a pair of binoculars.

There was a sudden whoosh sound followed by a crash. She turned around to see Goku standing with his fingers on his forehead; Goten was laying on the ground, having apparently lost his footing when they 'landed.'

"Bulma, quick! There's a large power level nearby!" He exclaimed.

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am well aware."

She pointed to the video screen. Goku came over and saw the scene playing out. While Goku watched the scene of Vegeta talking with the blue furred great ape, behind them Trunks helped Goten up, silently greeting his friend, laughing at how Goten always falls over when he instant-transmissions.

"Sorry, dad was in a rush on that teleport and it caught me off -, holy crap what's that!?" He said taking notice of the looming figure in the distance. Trunks handed him a pair of binoculars.

"It's Bra."

"EH!? THAT'S LITTLE BRA!?" Goku shouted in surprise.

"Yes. It is. And Vegeta is trying to train her on controlling that right now."

"Oh, I thought I sensed his energy near there. Lucky I thought to lock on Trunks's energy instead then" Goku chuckled.

Bulma quirked an eyebrow. "Yes, it is a good thing. If you ended up breaking the hold he had on Bra's concentration, he probably would have let her throttle you had she got you first."

Goku gave a sheepish grin.

"But does he really got her under control?" He asked getting rather serious. He knew how destructive that form can be, how one can be completely and utterly lost in its instincts.

Bulma pointed at the video monitor again, with a proud grin.

"Considering she's no longer tearing up my forest, You tell me."

Goku watched the scene of Vegeta perched on the giant ape's knee with a determined concentration on his face. He made some gestures as if telling a story. Goku was impressed.

"Well I'll be a monkey's uncle!" He said with a chuckle.

Goten groaned while Trunks rolled his eyes; Bulma pinched the bridge of her nose. Goku always had such a terrible sense of humor.

"Anyways," She sighed, "As you can see Goku, we have everything under control here. The sun's going to rise soon, so its best that you get going before Vegeta realizes you are here."

As the sun began to rise, he felt a shift in the air as the energy withdrew itself into his daughter. Her giant great form began to dwindle, and shrink as she slowly turned back into a small child. He floated down to the ground right as she was 100% back to normal, catching her as she collapsed, weakened by the transformation. Once safe in his arms she fell into a deep sleep, snuggled into his chest, tiny fist clenching his shirt. He smiled, chest swelling with pride.

'Sleep well my little princess. You did well, and we have two more days for this lunar cycle to go.'

He took off into the direction of the observation post that Bulma and Trunks were staying, noting that Kakarot's energy had vanished. The other saiyan was lucky he didn't stick around as he was not in the mood to deal with him. He too needed his rest for tonight would be another full moon. Funny how the Earth's lunar cycle provides 3 full moons every month; it was baffling! Looking down at his sleeping daughter in his arms, he smiled to himself. Yes, she was going to be a great saiyan warrior when she grew up. And he couldn't wait to see how she expanded her potential!

.ok so i may have taken a little creative liberty on this one. I know that in dragon ball that Goku never used that beam attack great apes use, but... lets just say for the sake of this he did. anyways. this was fun to write, and there was one line that i absolutely had to put in... I probably have one or 2 more fics in my series of family fics for the Briefs. hope you enjoyed, and please review~!