Hey guys, let me address some things.

First of all I am okay, mentally and physically. Nothing bad has happened in my hiatus that needs you to worry. And I apologize if I made you all worry. I just vanished from here and it was without a word. Now I know I need to explain myself to everyone and where I had been. Well to explain it, on my last update on this page (March 23), I was still in college. I had been dealing with my last weeks or so of college, so my attention was at my college 24/7. Then a friend on campus showed me Wattpad, we were into the stuff there and not just the fanfiction the original work as well.

So I began to start an original story, to which I hated it and the deleted it. Then I was swept up into the fandoms of varies interests that I usually don't open up to the word. Now let me explain that last sentence, on this page I'd read a story from a show, movie, anime, comic, etc that I am interested in and would love to write my own but feel a bit nervous about stepping out of my comfort zone. So I didn't. That was until I made my first book on Wattpad, it felt nice - actually great to express myself in work that I was interested in at that moment.

I have still my faults in not finishing work, but I have two very successful pieces I am genuinely proud of. And I hadn't felt so proud of anything I've written before that - I mean I had but this was a different kind of pride.

I had written four books from relating to one source material, and it had - kind of still has a following, and with a spinoff in a way. Then there are three books, currently in process of one, that has begun to gain a following from another source material. Two books, from different sources, that I had started but hadn't decided whether or not I wish to continue them. Then there are three other books that I am the most proud. One is based off a show I had been in love with for a while now, and it has gained a lot of attention. And the last two are apart of a series, and is based off my favorite Marvel hero.

I had been away, writing still but not here. Not on the site where I started. Maybe it's because I was tried of being the person who only wrote Power Ranger stories, I don't know. I still enjoy the show, and I would love to finish my work - but maybe I don't want to at the same time. I don't know. I've hit a rough patch regarding my work here. It could be the pressure of keeping up with the crossover worlds myself, LovingGinger30, decode9, and anyone involved in our world. I might have been running away from it, avoiding it for I may had been too afraid to give you, the readers, something I wasn't proud of or in any case out of line with the line time that was created.

I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me, that is not what I want. Instead, I want people to know I am in fact fine. And possibly coming back here. And if I do, there might be some changes on this page. I don't know what or how, but something will change.

I use to love logging in and seeing new reviews, new follows, new faves, but then as time went on - I just avoided logging in all together, swapping out for a page where I felt I didn't have to be the Power Rangers' author. I mean I have eight stories on this page that is Power Rangers, and that isn't my only interest nor is it my current interest.

I don't know - Maybe I've decided in some ways to grow up. I don't know really. But, we'll see what comes from the future.

Thanks for reading. -ICrzy