It was after one of the galas held at the castle. Some important politician's birthday, maybe the Prime Minister's; Zelda couldn't remember now. She could tell by the look in Link's eyes, he was ready to leave but not quite ready to go home, so she suggested getting coffee. At midnight. 'Cause why not.
Zelda climbed into Link's truck, making sure not to let her party dress get caught in the door. Link took of his jacket so he was only wearing the vest of his tuxedo. She idly played with the buttons on his coat.
"Is there anywhere in particular you would like to go, Princess?" Link asked jokingly. "I hear the best coffee is found in Lake Town. I could have us there by morning."
Zelda laughed, saying the local Milk Bar would be fine enough. But there was something behind Link's eyes, something more than his normal mischievous and teasing nature.
They made small talk as they drive, classes, homework, Link's woes as a dorm RA, Zelda's rants about how biased her poly sci professor is. They end up at the Milk Bar that's closest to campus. The neon light of the sign reflected off the thick, gold chain of her necklace.
"Hey, Zel," Link whispered as he opened the car door for her. "Look up."
Her shoulder brushed his as she looked up at the night sky. The moon was full, the stars were bright despite the shining lights of the city, and a comet was arching through the sky.
"Hylia's Comet," Zelda gasped. She turned around to see Link smiling down at her. "I completely forgot."
He wrapped his arms around her, "Let's get some coffee, hm?"
Zelda nodded. It was only one simple touch, but in the silence, Zelda could hear every unspoken word.
They ended up in Zelda's apartment. Link was already up, making breakfast presumably. She threw on his shirt. The white button down was a little wrinkled, but it didn't matter. Walking into the kitchen, Zelda saw Link turn with a sheepish expression on his face.
"Sorry," he smiled apologetically. "I burnt the toast."
Zelda laughed in that carefree way she really hadn't until she met Link.
"That's okay," she smiled back. "It's better crispy anyway."
"Whatever you say," he mumbled as he turned to scoop the eggs onto a plate.
It was Sunday, a traditionally lazy day for Zelda, but Link had to get back to the dorm for his shift at the front desk. They finished breakfast, and Link got ready to leave.
"Can I have my shirt back?" he smirked.
"Can we do this again?" she countered.
"We can most definitely do this again," Link pulled her in for a long kiss.
"Then I'm keeping your shirt," she whispered against his lips.
Zelda watched Link drive away from her window. She felt more at ease with him than she had with any other guy she had been with. Any fears she had about Link being with her because of her title or money or publicity were gone; she knew he would never do that to her. And such a little step meant the world to her.
They ended up in Link's room the next time, a few weeks later. It was fun being with Link. He would drag Zelda into spontaneous kisses while they were walking to class. They would have fights about the littlest of things such as what movie to watch and talk about anything and everything, and despite the occasional annoyance, Zelda loved their conversations because it meant they were friends growing closer every day.
But this night, this night was special. Zelda could just tell by the way Link's face looked, the way his gaze lingered, the way he smiled at everything she said.
She woke up before him and turned to look at his sleeping face. Link was adorable in his sleep. His features somehow softened, and he resembled a puppy asleep after a tiring but satisfying day. Zelda had to fight down a giggle as his lips twitched in a smile while he dreamed.
A few minutes passed, and Link blinked his eyes open. He immediately broke into an infectious grin when he saw her. Then his eyes softened, much like they had the night before. He opened his mouth, paused, closed it, then opened it again.
"You know you're my best friend, right?" he asked.
Zelda blinked for a second then smiled, "You know you're my best friend, too, right?"
Link's smile returned even bigger than before, and he pulled Zelda into a very enthusiastic kiss.
He drove Zelda back to her place after a late breakfast. They sat in companionable silence, each lost to their own thoughts. Zelda knew what he had meant. You're my best friend. She knew just like how she could feel it even as they were driving. He is in love.
And so they danced around each other for a couple of more weeks, going to events at the castle and outings to museums and parks and dates at the library or local café. Neither had admitted to what they both already knew. The next time Zelda spent the night at Link's she saw a photo of her on his desk from when they had been playing in the autumn leaves strewn about campus.
She had thought she knew, but it wasn't until then that she fully realized.
You're in love, she told herself.
It came as such a sudden realization, but once Zelda knew, truly knew, it was like a comforting blanket wrapped around her everywhere she went, like a bright, warming light in her chest that she could see even when the lights were out.
So she decided to tell him on a random day, at a random time, because he gave her that adorable, sheepish look that left her breathless, and the warmth in her heart just swelled.
"I love you."
Link's eyes softened in that way that just made Zelda's heart swell even more.
"I love you, too."