Saeyoung loves cats. He loves Elizabeth the 3rd and he has made a cat robot. Saeyoung and I have been living together for only 1 week and he already wants to educate me on cats. Specifically, on how to make robot cats. I guess Meowy just wasn't enough.
"We need a cat family, MC!" Saeyoung declared to me as I rolled my eyes.
"If you want a cat family so badly then let's go get a real cat," I say as I begin to put away the screwdrivers Saeyoung eagerly handed to me as soon as I walked into the room.
I waited. No response. Saeyoung just looked at me, then the ceiling, and then finally the floor.
"MC," he said hesitantly.
"You are brilliant."
As soon as he said that, without looking me in the eye, he turned around and walked out of the room. Well that was weird… Saeyoung is always weird. For the rest of the day, we didn't talk about cats.
The next day…
I gave Saeyoung a quick kiss before I headed out for groceries. We hadn't left the house recently and we almost got to the point where we had to eat Honey Buddah Chips for every meal. Possibly even drink them.
Shortly after arriving at the store, my pocket meows. Saeyoung must have texted me.
"Get fish."
That is all it says. Fish. Saeyoung hates fish. He got sick after eating sushi and vowed to never eat it again. Well, who am I to judge?
As soon as I return I am greeted by Saeyoung and he tells me the stupidest joke I have ever heard.
"Have you heard about the fish that went deaf?" He asked. I saw a faint smile forming on his face.
"Don't you dare!" I say, trying to sound serious but failing miserably. I can feel myself starting to smile.
"He had to get herring- aids."
By then I don't care if the joke was stupid or even if I saw it on Saeyoung's computer screen that same morning. I am laughing. Then I am coughing. Now I'm laughing again. As soon as I stop nearly choking over air, I ask him why he wanted fish.
"You'll see." He winked.
As soon as I walk into the room I hear something fall in the kitchen. Curiosity killed the cat. I turn the corner into the kitchen and I feel something brush against my leg. I gasped. Well… actually I yelled… I screamed. I look down and a wave of relief and shock washes over me. Yep. Curiosity killed the cat, but Saeyoung Choi brought it back.
Elizabeth the 3rd sat there staring at me. Jumin is going to be pissed.
As soon as I turn back around, Saeyoung is in the doorway, and as if he was genuinely surprised, he says,
I look at him. Then the cat. I guess he did take my advice after all. But this is not what I was expecting. By now, Saeyoung is shaking with laughter, and all I want to know is how Saeyoung managed to catnap Elizabeth. After he laughed for a good 30 seconds and I remain staring back and forth in disbelief, he finally tells me that this cat isn't Elizabeth.
"His name will be... SAEYOUNG JR!" He said, in a very enthusiastic tone.
"I really did not think you would be so fast to act," I say, still trying to comprehend what had just happened. How did he even manage to get this cat without me knowing?
Then I think back to what Jaehee had said around when I first joined the RFA. This is Saeyoung. Strange things tend to always happen around him. I guess a cat that looks exactly like Elizabeth the 3rd just happens to be one of those things. Well that explains the fish. And why he didn't directly ask for cat food. Oh well. Time to take care of "Saeyoung jr."
I am not letting that cat live with that name.
Stupid story made by me because I was up until 3 am and i was tired and my typing skills are all out of whack. Don't judge and enjoy this stupid story because at the moment i am not capable of typing anything else. I wrote to the best of my abilities.