I forgot the disclaimer last chapter so here it is.

Disclaimer: I do not own Haikyu.

Please review and leave your criticisms.

Hinata's eyes stared blankly up at Kageyama. He looked to small, to frail. Kageyama rushed to his side, and let his hands hover over Hinata's body. To scared to touch him, to hurt him. What should he do, what should he do? To make matters worse, the rain finally started to fall. Kageyama pushed open his umbrella and positioned it over Hinata's small frame.

"Oh my God... Hinata. Hinata..." Kageyama's voice went unheard. After a moments hesitation, Kageyama whipped out his phone and called Daichi. As the rings continued sounding in his ear Kageyama started getting anxious. "Come on Daichi, come on!"

"Hello? Kageyama did you fin-"

"DAICHI! Daichi it's Hinata! I found him! He's hurt Daichi he's hurt bad! Theres blood Daichi! What do I do! Those bastards! They did this to him... Daichi what do I do, tell me what to do!" Kageyama pleaded, tears welling up in his eyes. He'd never felt so helpless before.

"Kageyama. First you need to take a deep breath and calm down. Tell me where you are. What happened to Hinata, Kageyama?" Daichi's voice was so calm. It gave him the strength to continue.

"I-I don't know. I found him like this. Daichi I think... I think they raped him." Kageyama's voice broke and the tears started pouring down his cheeks. Hinata's eyes looked so dead. Daichi was silent for a moment but cleared his throat after the initial shock.

"Where are you Kageyama?"

"We're in the forest on the mountain. We're close to the road. Maybe a few meters in, just past the turn. Daichi what do I do?"

"You need to stay calm. We're on our way. Just stay with him. Try to keep him awake, okay? If you can, try keep him warm and dry. Do you understand Kageyama?" Daichi's voice was serious, but the sympathy in his tone comforted Kageyama. He took a few deep, calming breaths before answering.

"Yeah, okay. I understand. Please hurry Daichi." With that, he ended the call. Kageyama turned his attention back to Hinata's face. Good, he was still awake. "Hinata, listen to me. Keep your eyes open. I'll be right back. I'll be right back, Hinata."

As quickly as he could, Kageyama jumped up and ran to the tree where Hinata's pants were stuck. He grabbed them and rushed back to his orange haired partner.

"D-Do you think you could put these on? Daichi and the others are coming. H-He told me to keep you warm..." Kageyama could here the undertone of a plea in his voice and had to clear his throat. Hinata looked at him in confusion for a moment before nodding his head. Kageyama helped Hinata to sit up and almost dropped him when he yelped in pain, threading his fingers into Kageyama's shirt.

"I'm sorry, Hinata. I'm sorry. Just hold onto me, okay?" Hinata nodded hastily, his breathing becoming labored. Kageyama tried to keep a strait face as he gently slid Hinata's bruised legs into the pants. As he neared his upper thighs Hinata started to whine, pushing at Kageyama's chest.

"S-Stop. D-Don't touch m-me... there!" Hinata pleaded, his whole being trembling. Kageyama quickly pulled his hands away.

"I won't. See Hinata? I stopped. I'm not going to hurt you," Kageyama slowly grabbed Hinata's chin and tilted his face up to look at him. "We need to cover you up. Let me help you."

After a moment of eye contact, Hinata nodded his consent.

"This might hurt, okay? Hold on to me. It'll be over in a second." With that, Kageyama lifted Hinata slightly off the ground, causing him to gasp in pain. He pulled himself closer to Kageyama's chest as the pants were slid the rest of the way up his legs, trying to avoid touching his damaged areas.

Kageyama quickly, but gently, set him back on the ground as he had been before. He grabbed Hinata's jacket from where it had fallen and helped him place his arms through the sleeves before zipping him up. He then proceeded to remove his own jacket and bundle the small boy in it's warmth as well.

"Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"M-Mhm. I'm... I'm okay." Hinata's breathy answer did nothing to comfort Kageyama's nerves. He looked around nervously at the tree coverage. Where was Daichi? What is taking him so long?

"Hinata... I am going to move you okay? Is that okay Hinata?" Kageyama asks nervously.

"N-No please. Just... stay here." Hinata looked at him with pleading, heavy lidded eyes. They were so empty, it was horrifying to look at. Hinata's eyes were never empty. They were the sun itself, but now...

The rain was beginning to condense into fat icy drops, falling steadily onto Kageyama's back and freezing him to the bone. With a sigh, he moved behind his friend and gently lay Hinata's head upon his lap.

"Okay. We'll stay right here, but stay awake okay."

They sat there in silence, only the sound of the howling wind and rain filling their ears. Hinata's breathing was becoming shallower an Kageyama could tell how much effort was going in to staying awak.

Kageyama was so scared. He didn't know what to do, what to say. Suga would know. Suga always knew what to say. Why wasn't he here? Where were they?! For one Kageyama had no control over the situation. What good was a setter if he couldn't control? For once in his life he was not ashamed to admit that he needed help. That he desperately needed help.

Suddenly, a faint shout. Kageyama jerked up his head and looked around wildly, bending himself further over Hinata's body.

The shout sounded again, stronger this time. Daichi! He slid his hands over Hinata's ears and called out as loud as he could!

"We're here! Daichi! We're here!" He paused. There was another call. It was his name.

"Daichi! Here! In here!" He called out once more. He heard the sound of breaks squealing and doors slamming the sirens getting closer. Hinata tensed up reaching his hand up to grab Kageyama's arm.

"Don't worry Hinata. Daichi's here now. He'll know what to do." With another shout Daichi broke into the clearing followed closely by Sugawara, Nishinoya and Asahi. They all froze at the sight, just as he had. Tears welled up in Asahi's eyes and a look of rage crossed over Daichi and Noya's faces.

Sugawara was the first to react, rushing to Hinata's side and placing a hand gently on his arm, causing Hinata to flinch away, whining as he did so. Sugawara immediately removed his hand and looked hesitantly at Kageyama.

Sorry this isn't how I wanted to end chapter twi but there were complications. See you next chapter. Please review.

Guys I'm sorry! At this point I can't continue writing. Don't worry. Give me a week or so to feel better and I'll get write back to the story!