A Note from a VERY Distressed Writer:

This moment comes to every writer, I must say. The point in which you go on the verge of hitting your head against a wall just to get an idea and then get nice little red bumps on your head.

Anyway, I wrote this story with an idea in my head - no I'm not discontinuing it! - but it doesn't want to come out in words. I have pictures for scenes and a beginning and an end, but a sketchy middle. I'm loving this story because of the potential it has, more than my other one. I mean, dude, think about it! Draco can be whoever he wants to be! He's disguised into a person that no one knows. . are you conspiring evil little plot thoughts yet? Good. So onto my point that I've been beating around as of yet.

I need help.

My sister is being a complete bitch and won't do so.

Bitch. Bitch. Bitch.

I don't necessarily need a beta because I'm pretty much a grammar queen and a lover of red pens. What I really REALLY need is someone who can actually help me write this story. First, I can't decide what view point to use. It would be easy to use only Draco's . but later scenes require Ginny's. Ack. Also I need someone who can help me write my story out preferably via email because my cell phone is broken and my home phone is being fixed. Yea, I know. Annoying, isn't it. So, if you like this story and want to help me (por favor and I'll put your name in the summary as my official assistant), write so in either a review (I prefer this because I sometimes delete emails from addresses I don't know cause I got a virus once and then my dad went beserk and took the comp away and . ) or email at [email protected]. In either one, include links to stories you've written before and/or plot-helped on. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And for a final time: NO I'M NOT DISCONTINUING THIS (for those of you still wondering)