So much blood! So much fucking blood! The only thing going through her mind as she sat in the middle of the thick, crimson puddle that stained her clothes and skin. She knew it wasn't hers. It's origin was the mutilated body in her hands that was reduced to nothing more then wheezing, dying, blonde mess of meat. What has she done...? How could she…? Why didn't she stop…? So much blood!
Blake jolted upright suddenly clutching her head in her hands, nails digging into her scalp as she sobbed into the sheets of her cozy bed. 'You're home, on the island, with the kids, it's ok, it's fine, he's ho- no, he isn't! He's gone!' She shook in a cold sweat panting desperately. 'Emergency, call someone!' she grabbed her scroll and called a speed dial number hoping it was the right person. She couldn't see who she had called as her vision was blurred by the salty tears that stung her eyes. "Blake? Every ok?" Ren asked as he picked up the call. She couldn't answer, just weep helplessly into the scroll. "On my way!" Ren said not hanging up as he got up and rushed to his car. "Blake, I need you to talk to me, what happened?" She struggled to form the words through her panicked breathing. "It happened again…...the dream Ren, the blood and the…body...oh god the body! She cried out remembering the sickening images again which caused her to gag "I know Blake, I know. I'm almost there, can you stay on the line with me?" "Uh-huh" she mumbled before roughly 5 minutes later Ren came rushing into the house and into her room holding her as she broke down in his arms "shhh, it's ok, it wasn't your fault Blake." He whispered to her as she clutched his shirt, bawling her eyes out.
Blake had calmed down now and was sitting on the balcony wrapped up in a blanket as Ren made tea. "I'm sorry for being such a burden, you shouldn't have to be here his late at night." He scoffed and shook his head "He really did rub off on you. It's fine Blake, I don't mind helping you." He said handing her a cup of tea before sitting on one of the deck chairs next to her. "Thank you Ren, you're a good friend." Blake said rubbing her deceased husband's ring on her right hand as she stared out over the city from the hilltop house she lived in.
"I remember when Jaune bought this house for us, I could hardly believe it." Ren smiled and nodded. "Did he ever tell you what he did after you were asleep?" She shook her head and gave him a confused look. "Him and I would sit out here and talk for hours on end about whatever we wanted to. We never talked about anything we said up here to anyone or each other if we weren't sitting here. It was like an unspoken rule that it stays on this balcony. We could confide in each other and never told a soul about it." He smiled. "Sounds to me like a bromance." The two of them laughed quietly at the joke and sat there for a few hours making conversation, neither of them wanted to leave the balcony. They felt safe there.
"I heard you and Yang got in a fight, Mind if I ask what happened?" He nodded slightly still staring out at the city. "She was angry at me because I wanted to go help Nora's Husband on a mission but she said it would be too dangerous, I ended up staying." She nodded. "I know how you feel, Jaune and I always fought about that, especially when I was pregnant." Ren took a long drink and mentioned that he remembered them fighting in the hallway once which caused Blake to blush, still embarrassed about something that happened years ago. "God, I remember that, it was over some recon mission, a simple search and destroy but I was still so scared something would happen." Ren smiled and did Jaune proud by pointing out: "and yet he came out of that practically unscathed, like he said." Blake scoffed and gave him a friendly shove. "Hey Blake, I've been meaning to ask you a question." "What's up Ren?" He hesitated for a second "why...why do you love Jaune?" She flinched as if he had struck her "excuse me?" "Let me rephrase that poorly worded question, What made you fall in love with him, what made you want to be with him, what clicked between you two?" they were both silent. Ren waiting for an answer as Blake stared out over the 99% Faunus village below them thinking. "I don't really know, I want to say it's because of the way we connected, we were both feeling troubled and he was there for me, he helped me vent, and I dunno, it just felt right, and when he kissed me for the first time…" she trailed off. "Sounds like he was you're knight in shining armor. Well, back then it wasn't really shining." Blake smiled at that and nodded "yeah, my knight.." Ren put his empty mug down and sighed looking up at the stars. "Beautiful place, Menagerie is." She didn't seem to register his comment as she thought to herself 'Why did I love Jaune, I know why I do now, but at first, why?' "hey Ren, may I ask you a question?" "sure, go ahead." He smiled awaiting. "Why did you say I do love him, and not I did?" He chuckled before standing. "I think you already know why Blake. Thank you for the drink, but I must get home, will you be ok tonight?" She stood as well and walked him to the door. "of course I will" she reassured him as she gave him a hug. He returned that hug before closing the door behind him as he left.
She knew she couldn't sleep so she went back to the balcony and looked at the rings on her hands. Why did she start loving Jaune, she knew she loved him that knight they met on the roof, she knew she loved him the next morning, but she never thought as to why, she just accepted it without question. Was it out of pity? Or desperation? No, definitely not. Her love for him was genuine and not those things. She felt angry at herself for thinking that. But she still didn't quite know why she accepted her relationship right away, it was almost strange, like a switch was flipped. Their relationship was so instant, no time to think or even get to know the little insignificant thing like favorite food or movie, they just talked for a few hours then bam: they were together. 'is there something wrong with that? With us?' she thought, 'No! There is nothing wrong with it, we love each other, through thick and thin.' "both of us are bonded Forever, we can conquer anything together." She whispered reading the engraving on the ring out loud before her voice caught in her throat. "if you die...I die, that's the way it is." she choked out before she started silently crying. "Jaune," she mumbled. "I need you, I miss you. I can't do this alone, If you can hear me, help me." Blake cried on the balcony for a few minutes, whispering to her deceased husband.
Her panic attacks and night terrors were become more and more frequent and random. She hated them and wanted help yet refused to see a psychiatrist. She needed to see Jaune! She, much like the moon, was broken. Missing something that was so close, yet so far. She missed her husband.