Third Person POV

Seven pairs of eyes looked up as they felt three energies enter the warehouse. Hiyori grinned.

"About damned time, baldie!" she called out. Shinji stepped down the stairs into the training room… two little bundles in his arms. Mashiro and Lisa both squealed, darting over to take the infants from him.

"They're so cute!" Mashiro cheered, holding up Yukiya. She put him in the curl of her arm and smiled sweetly. "I'm Auntie Mashiro! You are the cutest baby I've ever seen!"

Yukiya looked like he wasn't sure what to make of Mashiro… Soon, his face screwed up… and he started wailing. Mashiro's eyes widened as she started to panic.

"Oh no!" she fretted. "Don't cry! Please don't cry!"

She tried rocking him softly, but that wouldn't soothe him. Shinji was trying not to laugh at her as Mashiro started to look on the verge of tears herself.

"You're scaring him, idiot!" Hiyori yelled, ripping Yukiya away, cradling him in her arms. Her face gentled as she looked down into his worried blue eyes. "There, there… Shh… It's okay, Yukiya…"

Slowly, the baby started to calm, cries turning to whimpers as he recognized the woman holding him. Mashiro, meanwhile, was off on the side having a complete meltdown. Kensei soon got irritated at her and was yelling at her to 'shut the hell up' which, naturally, was completely ineffective.

Lisa hadn't had anywhere near that difficulty. She had cradled Enra gently from the start, letting him get to know her. She smiled warmly at him.

"He looks just like you, Shinji," she commented, her voice soft. Shinji grinned at that, a hint of pride in his gaze as he looked over his boys. "Which one is this?"

"Enra," Shinji replied, looking over them fondly for a moment, then looked over at Rose. "Are you up for a spar?"

"Are you sure that is wise around those children?" Rose asked, hesitant. Shinji grinned.

"They'll be fine… as long as Hachi puts up a barrier around us," was the suggestion. Hachi smiled.

"It would be my privilege," was the large man's answer.

Vasilysa's POV

"Welcome back, future Mrs. Hirako," teased Chizuru. I grinned and winked.

"You're just jealous that I get that gorgeous man all to myself," I teased back, making her snort.

"I'm more jealous of him," she corrected, making me laugh. I could feel Shinji grinning at that one, his amusement coursing through me.

"Where's Shinji?" Ichigo asked, stepping up. I smiled softly.

"He decided to return to home-schooling," I answered. "This class was far too easy for his advanced knowledge."

Ichigo blinked, but seemed to catch on and understand. He took his seat and I smiled at him. I then quickly wrote a note and passed it to him, explaining that the Soul Society was actually hunting Shinji and his friends because of what Sosuke had done to them and that he had to remain hidden from the Soul Society… and we had felt a Soul Reaper in town this morning. It wasn't safe for him here.

Ichigo looked up at me and nodded, understanding. I smiled again, relieved.

"By the way, is your family still coming over for supper tonight?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yuzu was rather excited about not having to cook," he replied. I chuckled. "What were you planning on for supper?"

I shrugged.

-Make what you made me on our fifth date.

I chuckled softly.

"Whiskey-glazed Steak and Shoestring Potatoes sounds like a winner," I informed Ichigo. He quirked a brow at me and I giggled. "Shinji's suggestion."

Now he looked downright baffled. Laughing, I wrote down a very simple explanation about what a bond is and passed him the note, not wanting to explain that madness aloud. After a few moments, Ichigo went strawberry red, making me laugh.

"We only bonded after we met in class, Ichi," I assured him, making him look relieved, but still embarrassed. I giggled, unable to help myself.

-I'm still not quite happy about that… -

I giggled softly, amused.

~Sorry you feel that way, luv. At least I didn't pop the boy's cherry like Kisuke and Yoruichi suggested. ~

Immediately, a wave of pure jealousy and disbelief flowed over me.


I started laughing. I couldn't help it. It was just too funny! Ichigo was the only one that had any idea what could possibly be so funny while everyone else looked at me like I'd lost it.

-Forget apologizing! I'm gonna kill Kisuke!

~Chill, luv. They only had the best intentions at heart. I was losing my mind in my heat. After having you take care of it all the time, the toys just weren't enough anymore. ~

Almost immediately, the call bloomed through my chest, making me groan and lay my head on the desk.

~Why do you have to call when I'm nowhere nearby? That's just cruel and unusual punishment… ~

-So is talking about toys when I don't get to use them on you.

I giggled helplessly… then got a filthy idea.

~They're all in the third drawer down of my closet organizer. ~

Immediately, I felt fiendish glee, making me snort in laughter. I knew he would be vanishing to go through that drawer as soon as he was able.

~The boys? ~

-Lisa and Hiyori have it handled.

I snorted again, knowing that meant he was already on his way to my closet.

~Pervert. ~

-You made me this way! You can't go teasing a guy with thoughts of… oh my god… -

I felt his surprise, disbelief, amusement, mischievousness and burning arousal all at once. I shook my head.

~Remind me not to bring up toys while I'm in school. ~

He laughed at me, though his fiendish glee only grew with every new item he pulled out.

-Love your assortment of lubes… I didn't know you bought more lingerie. –

I shook my head.

~Pick one out. ~

He grinned.

-Gonna wear it for me?

I grinned.

~It would look better lying on the floor after you rip it off of me. ~

Immediately, the call burned even hotter in my chest.

~I'll even let you use the handcuffs and gag. ~

Now it was like Christmas came early, making me laugh helplessly. Then, his emotions came to a screaming halt… before white-hot arousal tore through me, making me gasp and clutch the desk with white knuckles. A wicked, dark pleasure was growing in my lover.

~You just had to open the fourth drawer. ~

-You are one kinky girl. –

*I call dibs on the whips and chains. *

Immediately, Shinji soured.

-Back in your pit, dammit! She's my woman!

*She's our woman. I get her just as much as you do, remember? *

His hollow grinned and sent an arousing caress through the bond.

*I'm sure I could use all of those a hell of a lot better than you could, King. *

"Miss Kurosaki!"

I jumped, making the class laugh. Shinji and his hollow both silenced at the reprimand. Miss Ochi was looking particularly vexed at the moment.

"Class started ten minutes ago," she told me. "Climb out of fantasy land and join the rest of us."

I blushed darkly while Shinji grinned. The class was laughing at me, minus Ichigo.

-Oh, it's fantasy land alright. It's a wicked, sinful, devious fantasy land.

"Yes, ma'am," I said softly.

~Put a cork in it! I don't need to get into any more trouble! ~

He snickered, but I felt some reassurance from him.

-Fine. I'll behave. Have fun in class.

I grinned.

~How can I? You're all the way over there. ~

I heard him laugh, but he wisely chose not to respond.


A strange voice hit the air, loud and somewhat annoyed. Uryu and Ichigo seemed to recognize it.

"COME ON OUT HERE!" the voice continued to shout.

"I know that voice," Uryu announced in a low whisper, looking downright incredulous.


Everyone crowded around the window, Ichigo looking like he'd been hit by a baseball bat.

"Ichigo, you know that guy?" Keigo asked. "He's all… hippied out!"

"Hey, Ichigo!" the redhead continued to call out. Miss Ochi looked out the window.

"Oh, that's very retro," she commented. "Kurosaki, is he any—"

"Oh, a relative!" Ichigo answered, running out of the classroom. I giggled in my seat, knowing well he was not related to that redhead in any way. The class continued to go berserk about our new visitor. I debated going down and introducing myself…

"Why aren't you going to greet him as well, Miss Kurosaki?" asked Miss Ochi. I got a nervous look.

"We… didn't part on the best of terms," I replied. "I'm not sure he'd want to see me."

She gave me a warm, encouraging smile.

"He's family," she told me. "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. You're excused. I'll have your assignments waiting for you on my desk. Please pick them up when you're done."

"Thank you, Miss Ochi," I said, getting up and following Ichigo out the door. I giggled to myself as I saw Ichigo literally tackle the redhead and run him over into the grass, out of sight. At ease, I walked down the stairs and made my way towards them.

"—and now I'm in charge," the redhead was saying.

"You are, are you?" asked Ichigo, seeming less than impressed.

"Yeah," the redhead replied confidently.

"You're just a lieutenant," Ichigo mocked.

"Enough, Ichi," I cut in, startling both of them. "Are you going to introduce me? After all, according to Miss Ochi, I'm your sister and, since you introduced this guy as your relative, I kinda have to know him, too."

Ichigo actually flushed in embarrassment… and so did the redhead.

"I'm the Lieutenant of Squad Six, Renji Abarai," the redhead stated.

"Vasilysa Kurosaki," I introduced back. "Formerly Akalia Kuchiki of Squad Five."

His brows shot up at my last name.

"It's a long and involved story," I said with a sigh, dragging my fingers through my hair. "How is Ginrei?"

"Byakuya is the Captain now," Renji told me, making me freeze in place.

"Byakuya became the Captain, huh?" I thought aloud.

-The whole Soul Society doomed itself with that one. –

~Be nice. He's no longer just a boy. For all we know, he could have changed for the better since then. After all, according to Isshin, he married a woman from the Rukon… and lost her to disease five years later. He's not the same arrogant boy we remember. ~

"Shinji?" asked Ichigo. I smiled softly and nodded.

"We knew Byakuya way back when," I explained. "I'd like to believe he's changed a lot from the boy he used to be…"

I sighed softly.

"Why are you here now, Renji?" I asked softly. "Karakura Town already has one Soul Reaper guarding it. A second is a waste. What was the meaning behind the madness?"

"I was sent here because Ichigo is leaking reiatsu like an open faucet," he replied, jerking his thumb at the orangette.

"He has been poorly trained in the reiatsu control department," I conceded. "However, if he's anything like his father, that's not going to be one of his strong points. It's nothing to get worked up over, Ichi."

Said orangette was getting more and more irritated by the minute. Abruptly, a loud wail hit the air.

"Hollow! Hollow! Hollow!"

Ichigo's badge began to go crazy!

"That's what I was telling you," Renji stated. Then we all heard the roar. Nearby, a black shape landed on the ground.

"It's a hollow," Ichigo said softly.

"Stating the obvious," I teased. Then I noted Renji was having trouble. "You do recall that exiting a gigai without Gikongan is nearly impossible without brute force, right?"

He growled, flushing in embarrassment.

"Ichigo, you'll have to do it!" Renji told him. Thus, just barely in time, Ichigo slipped out of his body and killed the hollow. I shook my head.

"You guys really need to work on that, hun," I stated calmly.

"Good job," Renji stated, finally free of his gigai.

"Cut the crap," Ichigo shot back, leaping over the bushes and going back to his body. "Don't just leave your body lying around like that! Hurry up and put it on!"

"I don't wanna go back in, I just got out of it!" he protested. Ichigo quickly sank back into his own, then whirled on Renji, getting right into his face.

"Now listen up!" he growled at the redhead. "I don't want you coming around my school, you got that?"

"Yeah, but—"

"You got that?!" Ichigo repeated. I shook my head at them both and walked away, heading back to class.

~I give up on teenagers… ~

-Are you forgetting we're going to have four of them in fifteen years?

I groaned.

~Don't remind me. ~

He laughed.

"Finally, school's out!"

I laughed and let my lover pull me into a loving kiss, right outside the school gates. I gladly returned the kiss, much to the catcalls and jeers of our classmates. He grinned at me.

"The boys?" I asked.

"They're with Lisa and Hiyori at home," he replied. "I believe we need to shop for supper… and I brought a few things with me…"

I snorted.

"Those things wouldn't happen to have come from drawers three and four, would they?" I asked. He grinned.

"You bet," he replied, then picked me up and flashed me back to his apartment, making me laugh.

Hiyori and Lisa had stayed for supper, helping keep the boys settled while Yuzu and I cooked. This was a new recipe that I was glad to teach her—and she was eager to learn.

Pre-supper had been hilarious and that was putting it mildly. Isshin had constantly tried to attack Ichigo (which had startled the Visords at first). Karin, Yuzu, and I were more than used to it and simply ignored it… at least until the boys started to get fussy because of it.

"Enough!" I called out, my voice cutting through the room like a knife. Even my boys fell silent. It was a rather dark tone I rarely used. Isshin and Ichigo had frozen in mid-fight. "You're upsetting the boys and I will not have you acting like toddlers in my home. Take it outside or act your age."

Both men paled and quickly backed off of each other.

"Yes, ma'am," they chorused, sitting down on the couch like kids that had just been scolded by their mother. I nodded and turned back to the feast Yuzu and I had made.

"Ichigo, set the table, please," I called. Said man quickly came to get the plates and silverware while Shinji and Isshin extended the table, putting the leaf in. Once it was set, Yuzu helped me carry the food to the table.

"Wow!" Isshin praised. "This looks delicious!"

I chuckled.

"Wait until you taste it," Shinji stated, pulling me down to sit right next to him, stealing a kiss along the way. I chuckled and kissed him back before we turned to the meal before us.

"The rare steaks are on the left and the medium rare on the right," I told them. "Take your pick and eat until you're full."

"You've really outdone yourself," Isshin praised, tears streaming down his face comically after the first bite. "Ichigo! Why couldn't you have married Vasilysa?"

Immediately, I felt Shinji's jealousy, but I also felt great embarrassment. Both Ichigo and I turned red (him worse than me). Ichigo immediately started yelling at his Dad in some form of protest. I was just mortified.

~Not this again… Isshin, I'm going to kill you… ~


I gave Shinji a rueful smile.

~He's done this every day since I first stepped into that house. He keeps spouting damned praises of my abilities and motherly nature while Ichigo, poor, poor Ichigo, gets so damned flustered it just ends in a fist-fight. It's normal. Don't bother getting jealous or worked up over it. ~

He was still jealous and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and jerked him into a kiss. His surprise didn't last but a few moments as he returned it, his jealousy easing a bit.

"Chill," I told him again, releasing him and returning to my food. When Ichigo and Isshin raised their fists, I glared, clearing my throat… and they both froze, paling again. "One more time… and I'll finish the fight, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, ma'am," they answered, hanging their heads. I shook my head as a mild sense of normalcy began again. This time, the two were smart and didn't start up again. Supper then passed peacefully, Karin inviting Shinji and I to her upcoming game on Saturday. I had smiled and promised we'd be there, making her smile back. Yuzu asked me to teach her some new recipes and I agreed, telling her that we could cook together once a week for a while. I knew Isshin considered me to really be part of the family, which just warmed my heart, as I'm sure this interaction with his family did.

"Ichigo, Shinji, we'll leave dishes to you," I stated in a tone that booked no argument.

"What?!" Shinji protested. I gave him an amused look.

~I'm sure I can make it up to you later. ~

He grinned immediately.

"Let's go, Ichigo," he said, gathering up the dishes. I giggled and shook my head. I knew he knew how much his response had amused me, too, if his shit-eating grin wasn't a dead giveaway.

~We forgot to thank Kisuke. ~

-We can do it tomorrow afterschool. –

~True. ~

"Will you two knock it off with the damn bond thing?" Ichigo griped, making Shinji grin and me laugh.

"Yeah, we can," I replied, walking over to take my boys so I could feed them. Both Hiyori and Lisa were reluctant to let go of them, which was amusing in itself.

~By the way, have you felt that strange energy in town as of late? ~

Shinji grinned teasingly.

-What happened to stopping the bond thing?

He then got serious.

-Yeah, I've felt it. What do you think it is?

~Nothing I've ever felt before… This has the Research and Development Department written all over it… I'll bet Kisuke knows… and will probably be preparing Ichigo soon to face it head on. I'm useless at this time so I doubt he'll clue me in. ~

That startled my mate, getting him worried a moment later.

-You're useless?

~Babes of Halflings can only grow properly when supplied with a constant source of reiatsu. The babes I now carry are devouring mine. In time, my body will no longer produce enough to sustain us and we could all three of us die… thus, Kisuke made me a reiatsu ring. It supplements my reiatsu with someone else's. Back then, I didn't have you to use for a source, so Sosuke infused it. Our boys were raised on his reiatsu and recognize it. To them, it feels like home. ~

I felt Shinji's ire at that as well as his grudging acceptance.

~I will use that ring again when these two are far enough along. ~

I felt his anger grow.

~I'd rather devour some of his reiatsu to weaken him and keep him at a weakened state than allow him to be at full strength when the final battle does come, given it comes within the next year, as I suspect. Of course, knowing Sosuke, once he feels the pull of my babes, he won't go into battle until this pregnancy has also passed. You need all of your strength, Shinji… or I would use you. ~

He still didn't like it.

-You've stayed in contact with him?

His tone was bitter. I frowned at him.

~My memories showed you that, did they not? Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer, Shinji. I need him to trust me. I need him when I can see him. I need to know what he's up to before he does it. It should be a lifetime requirement in his case. As it is, I do need to break down and tell him I'm expecting again, if he doesn't already know. I don't want to surprise him with an abrupt drain on his energy. I can only imagine how badly he would react to that. ~

He sighed, looking back at me. I could feel the loathing inside of him.

*Let the bastard be weak. It will make it easier to destroy him. *

-And if he chooses to postpone the battle?

~Use that time to train Ichigo properly and make yourselves even stronger. You will need all the time you can be given… and so will the boy. ~

He sighed.

*He's taken everything from us. Let him be the one to give us something for once. Let him be the horse for our little Kings and Queens. It will only serve to make them that much stronger. *

~Agreed. ~

Shinji sighed again, not liking this one bit. So, I decided to ignore him for a bit and pulled out my special cell. I smiled softly and sent a bit of energy to Ulquiorra and soon got a gentle response. I felt my heart warm for him… and sent him the update on my health. In moments, I felt his congratulations and his blessings. Then I took the cell in my hand and texted Sosuke.

Me: Thought I'd let you know, I found Shinji and made up with him. Your informant was wrong. He wasn't dead at all. My timer's gone and I'm expecting again.

I was promptly answered.

Sosuke: I see. Congratulations. Will you be needing to use that ring again?

I smiled softly, glad of his concern… though I soon felt Shinji's ire at my softness towards this man.

Me: Yes. I will have to use it. Do you mind? It won't be needed for at least two months, but… I hope it doesn't drain you too much… You're in Hueco Mundo after all. It's not the best place to be weakened…

Sosuke: Trust me, I'll be fine. I had hoped you would use it again. Please, never lose it. Use it whenever you need to.

I felt a surge of warmth go through me at his kindness… and Shinji finally lost his cool, a glass shattering in his hand. Everyone jumped while I felt a bit of guilt seep into me.

Me: Thank you. I'll keep you posted as things go along. I gotta go. Kids need fed.

Sosuke: Take care of those boys. I hope to see you again soon.

And I put the cell away, finishing the feeding of my boys. Once that was done, I walked over to Shinji and pulled him down the hall to our room. Wordlessly, I sat him down and then grabbed my med kit. I said not a word as I started removing the shards of glass from his blood-soaked hand. All the while, I kept getting smothered by Shinji's poorly contained outrage and hatred, let alone his jealousy and possessiveness. It only made the guilt I felt even greater, nearly choking me… which only seemed to irritate him more… So, I did the best thing I could right now.

I severed the connection, closing my end of the bond. Immediately, his eyes widened in shock and his whole body jerked at the abrupt end of my emotions and thoughts.


"I really don't feel like crying right now, but you're pushing me towards it," I told him simply, refusing to meet his gaze. "I feel guilty enough having a soft spot for Sosuke without you bombarding me with your negative emotions about it."

Now his eyes got a bit of guilt to them.

"I'll restore the connection from my end when I'm ready to deal with your disdain again and not a moment before," I stated, using Kido to heal his wounds. When I was done, I simply got up and collected the med kit. I paused in the doorway, my back to him. "I know you have no control over your emotions, Shinji… but you have to keep in mind that I was never as suspicious of Sosuke as you were. I was never directly betrayed by him as you were. As much as it kills me sometimes, I'm at constant war within myself where he is concerned. I often fight to separate the man that is my friend from the monster I know he has become… Please, stop making this even harder on me…"

I felt the tears as they started slipping down my cheeks, the pain in my chest nearly engulfing me, as I then forced myself back down the hallway and into the kitchen. There, I wordlessly helped Ichigo finish the dishes. Ichigo got concerned the moment he saw my face.


I held up a single hand and he stopped, understanding. So, we finished up in silence while I got a grip on my emotions. A soft caress startled me until I realized I had accidentally sent my inner-turmoil to Ulquiorra through his bracelet. I winced and sent back an apology. All I got in reply was a small wave of comfort, telling me it was quite alright. After that, I looked at Ichigo.

"You're welcome to stay as long as you like," I told him. "But I need some time alone. I'll be back later."

He looked worried, but didn't stop me, just nodded, accepting. So, I dropped my gigai and vanished into the night, far from my apartment. I didn't stop until I reached an island just off the coast.

"Ulquiorra, I need you."

Moments later, a garganta opened behind me. I felt him sit next to me and wordlessly pull me into a hug. I gratefully accepted it… and my emotions broke my hold once more, his shirt getting soaked by my tears.

"Your mate bond is closed," he noted. "He was hurting you."

"He didn't mean to," I defended pathetically. I knew it was trivial to Ulquiorra whether Shinji meant to or not. To him, it would simply be that the man had hurt me. "We just… we live on opposite poles of emotion where Sosuke is concerned."

Ulquiorra thought that over for a moment.

"You do not hate Lord Aizen."

I shook my head.

"But your mate does and expects you to."

I nodded.

"Why do you not hate him as well?"

I sighed.

"Because he has never been someone to hate," I replied.

Ulquiorra gave me a blank stare, telling me I needed to explain.

"For Shinji, he has been both deceived and betrayed by Sosuke," I explained. "He has been used and abused by his hand, manipulated and emasculated. I have suffered no ill effects from Sosuke whatsoever. I haven't suffered one iota at his hand, only ever found calm and relief. I find happiness when I'm with Sosuke… and peace of mind. I can trust him to always be there when I need him, to always be willing to help when things get rough… Sosuke has been a rock I leaned on for years… I just… I can't hate him… though I know I probably should…"

I shook my head, then pulled my legs up against my chest, crossing my arms on my knees as I leaned my head on them.

"I'm so lost and confused right now… I don't know what to do or think…" I admitted softly, feeling the tears stinging my eyes again. "I knew Shinji would react badly the first time I contacted Sosuke after our bond was formed… but I had no idea it would be this bad…"

"He was smothering you."

I nodded, glancing over at him. Even sitting here, on the ground, Ulquiorra still managed to come off as some kind of noble. He still managed to look so regal and put-together…

Master… you need to let Shinji back in. He's nearby, hovering and worried. He's far enough away that he's respecting the conversation, far enough away not to hear a word, but he's still worried… and guilty.

~Been talking to Sakanade again, have you? ~


I sighed and slowly opened the bond. As soon as I did, I felt his worry melt into relief, then felt his apology. I sighed again, still upset with him, though I knew it wasn't his fault.

-Please, don't shut me out again. That was horrible! It was like losing an arm!

I frowned.

~I won't as long as you don't push me to it or it isn't necessary. ~


I could feel his wariness.

-I thought this bond was to eliminate all secrets between us… -

I sighed.

~It would… but if the time comes that I need you to be as unknowledgeable as everyone else, I will shut you out for a time. ~

That upset him, but he quickly pushed that away.

-Give me an example.

A vision answered for me.

"Are you ready?" Ulquiorra asked me. I nodded, looking in the mirror. I was dressed in a halter-top uniform, a complete mockery of the Soul Reaper uniform as it was white where it was black. "You know what you have to do."

I nodded again.

~Shinji, I'm closing the bond now. ~

I could feel his worry and uncertainty.

-Come back to me as soon as you're done. I don't want to be parted from you longer than I must. –

I smiled softly, letting my love surge through the bond.

-Good luck learning your Bankai. –

And the vision ended. Ulquiorra easily caught me, having me lean back against him as I caught my breath.

"Vision?" he asked. I nodded.

"I will learn Bankai," I told him. "And you'll be there to help me."

His eyes gentled even the tiniest amount, just for me, the barest hint of a smile on his face… and it warmed my heart to see it, to know that he would allow himself to show such emotion just for me.

Shinji, however, was resigned. He wasn't happy about it… but he understood.

-Durnehviir must have a good reason for you to not share your Bankai's ability with me.

I always have good reasons for my actions… and I can assure you that vision is true. My master's Bankai will be most effective against Sosuke Aizen… but only as long as no one but her knows what it can do, minus those she chooses to use it upon.

~I'm going to assume that's something I'll come to understand in time. ~

Yes, Master. Shinji, no offense, must remain as clueless as Sosuke… or the latter will become suspicious of the unprecedented calm… the calm before the storm.

I'll admit, that peaked my curiosity, but I pushed it aside… until my cell started going berserk. I jerked it out and answered.

"Ichigo, what's up?" I asked, confused.

"Orihime's been kidnapped!" he replied, making my eyes widen and my heart stop.

"Tell me everything," I ordered.

"There was a strange energy near her and then she disappeared through a gate before it vanished completely!" he replied.

Immediately, I felt a sort of calm come over me.

~This sounds eerily familiar… ~

Shinji was confused.

"Search for her, but I doubt you'll find any sign of her," I told Ichigo.

"What do you mean?"

"From where I'm sitting, I can tell you she's vanished completely," I stated. "You can search all night and all day, but you won't find her this way. Something else is going on."

"Is it Aizen?"

"I doubt it. It doesn't feel like him… I think this one is a great deal closer to home… Keep me posted. I'd help but…"

"No power, right," Ichigo said, sounding a bit guilty. "I forgot. Sorry."

I chuckled.

"It's fine," I assured him. "Keep your eyes peeled and don't lose your head. Stay calm."

"Right," he said, then hung up. I shook my head with a chuckle.

~This has Kisuke written all over it. ~

That surprised Shinji.

"Why are you not concerned?" Ulquiorra asked. "Is she not your friend?"

I gave him a wry grin.

"This is too coincidental and well thought out," I replied. "This is also something a great deal more playful than something Sosuke would come up with. That means it is someone that means to merely get their attention. I bet, before this is over, a lesson will be learned. That screams at me just who is behind this."

"And you won't tell the boy anything?"

I chuckled.

"No," I replied. "If I give him the ending, what's the point in reading the book?"

The world's tiniest smile tugged at his lips, making me chuckle again. I leaned up and kissed his cheek, getting those emeralds to look at me.

"Thanks for always being there, Ulqui," I said softly. He sighed and looked away from me.

"Someone has to be," he stated simply. "You are so much more than you seem and should never be left alone."

I smiled at first… then got a tad upset, recalling a vision I'd had before.

Ulquiorra stood there in a form I'd never seen. I could not hear the words again (much to my frustration), but I saw Ichigo transform before my eyes, turn into something that looked more Hollow than human… before he attacked. Above them, Orihime was in tears, watching this battle in growing horror.

I felt my heart sink.


He heard the depression in my voice, his gaze turning to me from the corner of his eyes.

"You're going to die soon."

Now I had his full attention.

"You know what that means."

He nodded, a more serious look on his features than I'd ever seen before. Shinji, however, was now completely lost.

-What does it mean?

I frowned.

"Do you have a plan?" Ulquiorra asked.

"If what Durnehviir told me about my Bankai is true, then yes, I have a plan," I replied.

Of course, it is true, my master.

"Yes," I said, a great deal more sure now. "I have a plan for that."

I met those dark green eyes.

"But I'll have to ask you to blindly trust me."

~You, too, Shinji. This is something I cannot share with you, not yet. I will the moment I can. ~

I felt Shinji's irritation… then felt him grudgingly accept it.

"I can do that, just this once," Ulquiorra told me. "You have never deceived me without a good reason before."

I smiled softly and hugged him again.

"Thank you, Ulquiorra," I said softly. He sighed and hugged me back for a moment.

"I need to head back," he told me. "I'll leave you in the hands of your mate."

I felt my heart sink a little.

-You don't need to worry about Ulquiorra. He'll be fine.

I felt mild amusement before my worry grew again.

~I will always worry, much like I worry about you all the time. I will never stop worrying until I no longer have to worry about him… probably not until long after I'm gone from this world. ~

Ulquiorra quickly took the garganta and left, making me sigh. Moments later, Shinji wrapped his arms around me… and I leaned back into his embrace.

-Aizen really has you torn up, doesn't he?

I sighed.

~Yes… and probably always will, even long after he's finally been dealt with… I'm still torn up over Kit. I imagine Sosuke will be much the same… ~

Shinji sighed. I could feel how badly that sat with him, but I could also feel his grudging acceptance of it.

-At least once Aizen is dealt with, our lives will get easier.

My immediate feeling of rue made him tense.

~No, Shinji… Sosuke is only the beginning. ~

As usual, I request reviews to let me know how I'm doing. I love hearing from you and getting your input. As soon as I can, I'll continue the story. Working on rewriting a few parts to make them less... confusing.
