Title: Father Knows Best Disclaimer: Don't own GG or anything associated with it. A/N-This story starts pre-Dance Marathon, so Rory and Dean are still together. And Jess is still with Shane. The idea for this story came to me, because of all the talk about Jess getting his own spin-off. Not too sure how I feel about that, because I finally get Rory and Jess, and he's gonna leave. Anyway.on to the story. Please R/R!

-Chapter 1-

"I watched two hours of Battle Bots with you." Rory argued, entering the small diner with her boyfriend.

Dean shook his head. "You were still paying your debt from when I took you to your coming out thing. I had to wear gloves, remember?"

Rory refused to lose this battle. "I remember. Most boyfriends wouldn't have to be bribed into escorting their girlfriends on such a special occasion, though."

"You made the deal, you can't back out now. It's not like I'm asking you to cut off your arm or something."

"Isn't dating you practically the same thing?" Dean's head jerked up at the sound of Jess's voice.

"This is a private conversation between me and my girlfriend, so mind your own business." Dean snapped.

Jess shrugged. "I'm just doing my job." He pulled the pencil from behind his ear. "I was only coming to take your order. But if you don't want to eat." He let his voice trail off.

"We want to eat." Rory said quickly. "You know me, I'm always hungry."

Jess smiled slightly. "You could eat for twelve."

Rory suddenly found herself remembering something from months ago, when Jess had brought her over food saying it was from Luke. Stifling a grin of her own, she feigned anger. "Only six." She declared, causing his smile to widen.

"Did I miss something?" Dean asked, confused.

"You miss a lot, man." Jess told him. "But if you think your brain can manage, I'd like to try and take your order."

Dean glared at him, obviously angry, but trying to defuse the situation Rory ordered, "I'll have a cheeseburger, don't forget the pickles, and French fries. Oh, and coffee. Lots of coffee!"

"And for bag-boy?" Jess turned towards him, but didn't look up from his pad.

"The same." Dean replied.

Jess nodded and walked away.

"Why can't you two just get along?" Rory asked with a sigh.

Dean looked at her, shocked. "Don't even try to blame this one on me. He started it. And why do you always defend that guy?"

"I don't." Rory disagreed. "I just wish you two could, I don't know, find some common ground."

"There is no common ground between me and him. There never will be."

"There's me." Rory pointed out. "Jess is my friend." She saw Dean shake his head. "What? He is. And that's not going to change just because you two can't get along."

"I tried." Dean said. "When he first game here I tried. But then he went after you."

Rory groaned loudly. "He did not go after me, ok? We're friends, just friends. Besides, he's got a girlfriend. Shane something."

Dean sighed and took Rory's hand. "Let's not fight about him ok? Will you go with me or not?" He asked, bringing up their earlier topic of conversation.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Jess watching them. "Fine." She finally relented. "But you owe me."


"I hate you." Rory said to Dean as they drove home. "How did I let you talk me into this?"

"It's because you love me." He smiled at her quickly, before turning his attention back to the road.

"Yeah, yeah." She mumbled. "Maybe I love you, but I hate trucks."

Dean laughed. "Oh come on. Didn't you find the monster truck show a little fun?"

"Nope." She crossed her arms over her chest and stared straight ahead.

"Not at all?"

"Not even a smidgen." She replied.

"Fine. We'll never go again." He promised as they pulled into her driveway.

Rory finally smiled. "I'm going to hold you to that." She said and then kissed him. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She answered, kissed him again. And got out of the car.

Rory walked through the front door and began to take her coat off. "Stop right there!" Lorelei ordered.


Lorelei pulled her own coat on. "Luke's. Coffee. Now. Enough said."

"Mom," Rory began, following her mother out the door. "They close in five minutes."

"Then you'd better hurry."


"Oh happy day!" Lorelei exclaimed upon entering Luke's.

"You're excited." Luke's voice was the exact opposite of excitement.

Lorelei took a seat at the counter before responding. "You're going to give me coffee."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." She shot back.

Luke shook his head firmly. "Oh no I'm not."

"And why is that, cranky man?" She questioned.

Motioning to the clock, he answered her. "Because we're closed."

A look of hurt crossed Lorelei's face. "Even for us?" Her bottom lip came out in a pout as she motioned to herself and Rory.

Luke sighed in defeat. "Just this once."

"Score!" Lorelei exclaimed and gave Rory a high five.

Rory laughed. "Shameless." Luke reached for the pot of coffee and began to pour. "Where's Jess?" She asked casually.

"Upstairs." Luke answered.

Rory nodded and thought for a moment. "I'm going to go up. Say hi."

"Sure." Luke told her. "And try to get him to study." He added as an after thought.

"My daughter is not tutoring your delinquent nephew again." Rory heard her mom say as she headed up the stairs.


Rory knocked on the door to the upstairs apartment and waited for Jess to answer. "Hi." He said when he finally came to the door.

"Hi. Can I come in?" She asked, when he simply stared at her.

Stepping back he motioned her in. "What can I do for you?"

Shrugging she glanced around the small room. "Nothing. Mom's on a coffee run and I thought I'd come up and say hi. So, hi."

"Hi." He paused. "Can I get you a soda? It's not coffee, but it's loaded with caffeine."

"Sounds good."

Taking a can out of the fridge, he handed it to her. "Just wanted to say hi, huh?"

"That's it."

"Really?" He questioned.

Rory nodded. "Would there be another reason?"


"Like what?"

Jess shook his head. "Nothing."

"Come on, Jess. Just say it."

Leaning against the fridge, he studied her. "We could talk about your summer."

"Not this again." Rory complained. "I didn't write you, ok? I'm sorry."

"Really?" He sounded skeptical.

"Yes, really. Not that it's any of your business, but I didn't write Dean either."


Rory threw her hands in the air. "I'm out of here. I came to say hi and I've done that." She turned and started down the stairs, but Jess followed her.

"Rory, wait." He called, but almost crashed into her when she stopped suddenly at the bottom of the stairs. "What the." He paused at the solemn looks on the faces of Luke and Lorelei and the strange man at the counter. "Who died?"

Jess?" The man approached him, but Jess couldn't bring himself to move from behind Rory. Something told him to stay put. "Jess, it's me. Your father."

Well, should I continue?