Class is in Session

Yukio stood outside of the classroom door and his hand was holding onto the doorknob. Why was he doing this? It was simple, Yukio was actually nervous for the first time in a long while. This was cram school and this was going to be the first time he had ever taught. However, that wasn't the part he was nervous about, no. He was more nervous about the fact that there was a chance that he would disappoint his peers, those who said he would do great. So, what if he didn't do so well? There was only one way to find out. Taking a deep breath, Yukio finally entered the room.

As he made his way to his desk, Yukio took a good look around the room out of curiosity. The funny thing was that the room had previously been rather loud but the moment he entered it turned dead silent. However, there was also a lot less students than Yukio thought there would be. In fact, he only counted about seven students. Oh well, at least it was a manageable level, right?

"Good evening Pages, my name is Mr. Okumura, and I will be your teacher for this class," Yukio said as he smiled at all the students, especially smiling back at Rin but he didn't say anything as he turned his attention to the rest of the class, "If you like you can call me Yukio. Now, I'd like everyone to introduce themselves one by one. Let's start with you, the one with the pink hair."

Of course, none of the students had said anything as they stared at Yukio in confusion, well, except for Rin. It was probably because of how young the teacher looked, or that's what Yukio assumed. Well, there were two of the students who seemed completely uninterested in the matter.

"Pardon me, Sir, I don't mean to sound rude but are you really our sensei?" The girl in the purple hair asked as she raised an eyebrow, "You look a little too young to be teaching, if you ask me."

There was a boy in the back, a boy that apparently was called "Bon", who took offense to the girl's rudeness. In fact, he actually stood up and glared over at the female, who didn't even react to the sudden movement. That only seemed to add fuel to fire as Bon slammed his hand on his table.

"I'm sorry but did you just say you didn't mean to sound rude while actually being rude?" Bon inquired as he continued to glare at her, "You got guts, talking to the Sensei like that! How would feel if you were disrespected like that, you punk?"

The girl only glared back at Bon and she, too, stood up before scoffing at him. Already she found this man annoying. Well, she found everyone annoying, everyone but her one friend. Then again, she didn't come here to make friends. The only reason she was here was to become an exorcist. No one had to like her and she didn't even care. In any case, how he talk to her like that…

"Oh, shut up, why don't you? No one here asked for you opinion, skunk head," Izumo snapped, glaring coldly back at Bon but was also amused when the male seemed irritated, "Now would you do me a favor and sit down and let Mr. Okumura here answer me?"

Yukio rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he observed the two Pages arguing. Honestly, when he came in, he expected to have more mature students. Ones that wouldn't actually be a handful. However, it seemed like his wish wasn't going to come true. In fact, it seemed like a few them were already going to struggle with the concept of teamwork, which was one of the most very important things one needed to learn to become an exorcist. Oh, this was going to be such a fun year… The teacher finally clears his throat in attempt to get the classes attention.

"Oh, like you have any room to talk! No one asked you to be so god damn rude, eyebrows," Bon snapped back as he began to walk towards her, only to be held back by his friends, which only frustrated him, "Now, do the right thing and apologize for being so rude and maybe we could actually move on and learn things. We're here to learn, not to deal with your bull crap, and don't you dare call me skunk head again!"

Apparently, Bon's words had no effect on the girl who only laughed in response. If anything, she found his words hilarious. She was Izumo, the girl who never took crap from anyone and could easily defend herself if need be. However, the downside was that she had a temper and it was never really that hard to set it off, which Bon was accomplishing so easily.

"Ooh, you are just so scary, I'm practically shaking in my boots," Izumo smirked as she placed her hands on her hips and stuck her tongue out, obviously teasing the male, "Now, would you do me a favor and just shut up? Are you always this annoying or what? I bet you were such a burden to your family, weren't you?"

Oh, now that really did the trick. Bon was just about to rush his way over to her and give her a good ass kicking, who really cared if she was a girl. He didn't take crap from anyone when they mentioned his family. Fortunately for Izumo, there was a sudden loud noise coming from the front of the room, from Yukio.

Of course, Rin was only amused as he was sitting in the back quietly. Here he had thought that things were going to be boring but it was apparent that things were going to be more interesting than he thought. He was going to interrupt them but decided against to keep himself entertained, however, his attention switched to Yukio when he shouted out and to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone just shut up and sit the down," Yukio snapped as he had finally lost his patience and glared at them all, "If you are going to continue to act like this than you will never make it as exorcists. Being an exorcist is all about teamwork and if you can't even cooperate with your fellow classmates then what makes you think you can join the ranks of Exorcist? So, if you insist on acting this way, leave right now and stop wasting my time, got it?"

Just like magic everything goes silent as Izumo and Bon just stand there in shock, their eyes wide as they looked at Yukio. They could easily tell how serious the teacher was. To say the truth, no one expected such a reaction to come from someone who seemed so calm, quiet, and collected. However, there was no way they were going to be able to get a long, not when they already annoyed each other. Either way, before they could get into trouble, they both sat down in their seats.

Now that he had gotten everyone's attention he gave a sigh of relief. For a moment there he thought all was going to go the hell. It was unfortunate that he had to raise his voice to do what he needed but it got the job done. The teacher now smiled as he finally relaxed and sat on his desk before speaking up.

"Thank you, but I sincerely hope that this doesn't happen again because I'm afraid I won't be so friendly the next time I have to do this, understand? Now before I answer any questions, I would like you all to introduce yourselves one-by-one," Yukio stated as he looked directly at Izumo "Since you were so kind earlier, how about you start it off then."

Izumo muttered to herself at first, not really wanting to be the first one to speak up. She took a deep breath before she finally responded, "My name is Izumo Kamiki and that's really all you need to know."

"Mr. Okumura, I'm sorry for my friends behavior, she really isn't that much of a bad person," the girl beside her responded as she smiled and waved over at Yukio, "You can call me Paku, nice to meet you!"

The boy in the hot pink hair stood up as he, too, smiled at their teacher before replying, "First off, don't mind Bon here, he is actually a lot nicer than he seems. Secondly, you can call me Shima."

"Hey, we're supposed to introduce ourselves, Shima and no else has the right to call me Bon," Bon muttered and shook his head, slightly annoyed at the moment before he sighed and continued, "You can call me by my actual name, Suguro Ryuji."

The other students didn't really say that much, though the one that had been between Bon and Shima had introduced himself as Konekomaru Miwa. There was this one other student but he apparently wasn't much of a speaker. It didn't matter too much, since Yukio actually had the list with all of their names. The only name that wasn't on the list was Rin's, which definitely caught the young teacher off guard. No matter, he would make sure to comment on that later if he got more alone time with Rin.

"Now that introductions are wrapped up, I suppose I owe you answers, don't I?" Yukio chuckled awkwardly before getting serious, "I figured you all would comment on my appearance and I really don't blame you for that. Ms. Kamiki was right about one thing, sometimes it's hard for me to believe myself but I am actually the same age as all of you. However, You may not know this, but I was actually raised by the current Paladin, Shiro Fujimoto."

Yukio went silent for a moment before speaking up once more, "The truth is, I've been an exorcist for quite a while now, in fact, I started my training to become an exorcist when I was only seven years old. I actually just finished up all of my classes not too long ago. My father retired and had previously taught this class, however, I was offered the vacant spot and took it. Are you all satisfied now?"

Yukio was naturally a private person, so he wasn't exactly willing to explain everything to the Pages. In fact, it was honestly none of their business to know every exact detail unless it was important to them, in which that wasn't the case. They didn't need to know that Yukio had the ability to see demons at a young age but even he didn't know why. It was one of those things that just kind of happened and Shiro didn't know, either. It was almost as if he had been born with the ability, though, that seemed rather silly…

Since Yukio had been so young, the fact that he could see demons at that time, he was almost always terrified of the things he saw. He always felt weak and useless. What if something happened to his father and he couldn't do anything about it. There was no one else who could be there but him. Luckily for him, though, Shiro took notice of that and had offered him the chance to become strong. That very day had changed his life completely. From then on, he was only going to push himself harder so that he could make Shiro proud.

There was a shock on everyone's face, even Rin's a little, at Yukio's explaination. Yet, no one spoke up. Probably because they were too shocked to be able to form words. Shima, however, cleared his throat as he looked at Yukio with amazement.

"You were really that young when you started? Huh, I guess there are some perks when you're the son of the Paladin himself," Shima commented and rubbed the nape of his neck, "You must've had one hell of a scary childhood!"

All Rin could really say about the matter was that Mephisto had been right all along. There really was something interesting about Yukio, which he hadn't caught until now. Of course, he knew a lot of things, but the only thing he didn't know was that Yukio had been so long. Rin knew that Yukio got that temptate at birth, considering they both shared the same egg. Though, it was obvious that his elder brother neglected to tell him a few things. The one thing that he was wondering now… What happens if Yukio manages to piece everything together…?

|I know it's been a while since I updated but here you go. I won't be updating until I get some reviews. Sorry!|