AN: So, this was just supposed to be a one shot. I saw a list of prompts on Tumblr and I was trying to get some inspiration and then... here's a series, lol. I'll probably keep updating this randomly, just as it comes. Here's the first four parts, hope you enjoy and thanks for reading :)!

Things you didn't say at all.

Rick's hands are shaky. His hair is dripping with sweat. He wipes at his face, clearing the blood and dirt from his eyes. He stares at the wall ahead of him, his eyes wide and crazy. He hums a little as he breathes in and out, feeling a slight vibration in his chest. Another fractured rib, he supposes. But he refuses to leave her side. Maggie is still pacing outside the door, her voice raising as she tries and fails to keep Carl in line.

"Carl, calm down!"

"You don't fucking get it Maggie!" Carl screams, tears streaming down his delicate face.

"Don't talk to me like that Carl, I swear to God!"

"That's two!" He raises his fingers to emphasize his point as Enid lowers her head, her face breaking as the emotion comes, "That's two fucking mothers that I've lost!" He sobs.

"Shut up!" Maggie screams, desperation dripping through her words, "Just shup up! She'll be fine! Do you hear me? She'll make it! She's, she's strong. She'll make it."

Rick drops his head as their words float through the thin walls. He blinks toward her, humming again as pain rips through his body. She's here because of him. A bargaining chip, Negan announced as he dragged her away from Alexandria. Rick did everything he could, bowed down deeper and harder than before, to try and keep her safe. But to no avail. Negan felt as though Rick still didn't get it.

"Fucking hell Rick! I didn't want to have to do this, I really didn't." Negan boomed, smiling all the while, "But, you've left me no choice. The quickest way to a man's heart, is through his pussy."

Now he's covered in her blood as she lays motionless on the bed in front of him. There's a soft beep from some sort of machine that the doctor has her hooked up to, but that's about it. He always thought they had time, you know? Yeah, sure, they were living in the middle of an apocalypse but finding her was nothing short of a miracle. She gave him hope. So, his mind began to wander, creating days and months and years of them together in his psyche. Always just thinking she'd be there.

He never told her he loves her. Although he is consumed with emotion and feelings for her. He never told her how she makes him feel. How happy she's made him in such a short time; the happiest he's been in only God knows how long. He never told her that he needs her like the sun, like water, like food. He never told her he loved her because he thought he had time.

And now he may never have the chance. So, he sits quietly, internally kicking himself as he runs his lips over the backs of her fingers, willing her to wake up. He can't even speak up now, not even in this moment, not even as she fights for her life. He can't even tell her all he wants to say. It took Lori's death to finally get him to admit how he truly felt. How he loved her. How he wanted to put it back together. Here he is again. Losing yet another member of his family and he can't even spit it out.

He hangs his head low, lower than ever before, letting the tears drip onto the bed below him. He shakes his head slowly, still rubbing his lips along the backs of her warm fingers. He wants to say it, to tell her everything, but he can only find three words.

"Please don't die."