A/N: Itazura na Kiss is not my property. (Now let me go cry in the corner about that.)

Spring Prologue:

The two young men slumped dejectedly in the café's corner booth, slowly consuming a platter of shared zucchini fries. The gloomy light outside the window seemed to echo their mood.

Sukenari took a sip of his iced coffee and rattled the paper that he had torn off the bulletin board on campus. "So with this latest development, do you suppose our cause is hopeless?"

Plucking the sheet from the other's hand, Taketo peered glumly at the colorful announcement. "We're good, but we're nowhere in the same category as Irie-san."

"Speak for yourself, youngster!" Sukenari shoved another fry in his mouth. "Most women consider me pretty hot."

"Aren't you cocky?" Taketo snickered. "All you have are looks and brawn. I have looks and brains!"

"Better than lacking either. What's Cafeteria-kun going to do?"

Sighing, Taketo began folding the paper into origami. "He's too stubborn to give up. He's liked her for years, just about as long as Kotoko-sempai has liked Irie-san."

"Tough on him, then."


"So what say we go have a drink and drown our sorrows?" Sukenari slapped his hand on the table.

Taketo stared at him. "Bro, I'm only eighteen. Since I'm planning to be a lawyer, I don't want any blemish on my record."

"You're no fun." He rested his chin on one hand. "But I bet if we teamed up, our collective good looks could attract some women to distract us."

"Double-date, huh?" Taketo glanced out the window and pointed to a couple of females sharing an umbrella. "How about those two over there?"

Sukenari leaned over to see where he pointed then quickly leaned far back into the booth's cushion. "Are you crazy?! Even if I was completely desperate, I wouldn't be masochistic enough to try for the Matsumotos!"

Naoki and Kotoko sat at the head of the Irie dining room table during the family council meeting. The adults still had shocked expressions on their faces from the two college students' apology bows for the deception over the past few months. Interestingly, Yuuki did not appear as surprised as the parents.

"So, all this time you and Kotoko-chan…" Mrs. Irie was unable to complete the sentence. She just kept pointing from Naoki to Kotoko and back again.

"Yes," Naoki answered. "We never really broke up. We have been together, just not letting anyone know."

"But why?!" she wailed. "You know that it was my dearest dream to have you two as a couple? For over a year—! I had such plans for you two once it happened, and the romantic Atami trip was just going to be the beginning…"

"We were never really allowed to be a 'couple' in this house, Ma," her son interrupted her. "Anytime we tried to get, uh, private, someone would barge into our rooms." Her incomprehensible stare proved that she had no idea…

Mr. Aihara cleared his throat. "Um, Naoki-kun, you do recall that you are speaking of my daughter? My only daughter?"

Naoki bowed to him. "Of course, Aihara-san. Please let me reassure you that I have great affection and respect for Kotoko. But this house does not provide a normal living arrangement for a young dating couple."

"And don't forget the other—the more important—reason that you left!" Kotoko spoke up. She looked at the Irie parents. "Your son has such great potential because of his intelligence. He has the ability to be or do anything that he wants, and he has been searching mightily for what he desires to do."

"Kotoko—" Naoki tried to stop her. But she waved away his protest.

"Obasama, Ojisama, it is very possible that Naoki does not want to go into business and take over Pandai. But that is the only future for him that was ever discussed in this house. He has been using this time and distance to research for a career that he can love and be fulfilled by."

"Harumph!" Mr. Irie cleared his throat. "Is that true, Naoki? Did we—I—stifle you that much?"

Naoki hesitated. "It felt that way to me, sir. Although I'm sure that you did not intend it so."

"Have you…found something yet?" His father's eyes were glistening.

"Not quite. While I have investigated and discarded several possibilities, I have recently encountered another, thanks to Yuuki." He gave his younger brother a wink. "I sincerely hope that I will know my mind soon."

"Of course you will! It will be a piece of cake now that all of this is behind us." His mother appeared to have regained her usual spirits and began counting on her fingers. "You will move back in, I will take care of all your household worries so that you can concentrate, you and Kotoko will marry…"




"Out of the question!" Naoki's voice rose above the rest. When the clamor had settled, he ran his hand through his hair in irritation. "This is what makes living here so frustrating! You get an idea in your head and go off on some tangent in God-knows-what direction, without considering the wishes of anyone else!"

"But, Naoki," his mother's voice broke, "don't you want to marry Kotoko-chan?" Mr. Aihara half-rose from his chair at that question only to subside when Naoki roared his answer.

"Of course I want to marry Kotoko! But not right now! Not when the immediate future is so uncertain, not to mention that we are still students and underage." He fell silent and face-palmed, then turned to Kotoko and muttered, "Not the way I'd planned on proposing to you. Sorry."

She smiled and patted his shoulder as she stood up. "I believe that Naoki should keep his apartment and maintain his independence. We can continue to see each other, only now you will know about it. And, Otosan," she met her father's eyes bravely, "there may be times that I don't come home all night. I just want you to know that it's my decision."

Mr Aihara wiped at his eye while Yuuki did his best to slide under the table. "Well, you have your own mind, Kotoko, just like your mother. But Naoki-kun," he gave him a stern stare, take care of her—and you know what I mean!"

"Yes, sir," he answered, with a small smile. "I promise to be responsible."